YT trending main page results

>restart browser.
>go to yt main page.
>don't log in.
>screen cap the trending thumbnail vid line.
>post result.

Don't meme flag or there's no point.

Get an accurate idea of the current state of your country.

Attached: Screenshot.jpg (1840x412, 176K)

Too much work.

I have nothing better to do

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looks more like paid advertising rather than what's popular.

>He clicks the trending tab, ever

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It seems so.

I have the same as this user.

How do normies watch this shit. They love seeing other people do basic things

When I enter YT without an account it makes me want to burn it to the ground.

>thumbnail of person made out of minced meat with title in Arabic
>obligatory 5 minute craps
>misleading thumbnail of somebody "naked"
>thumbnail of somebody about to cut open a fish with a knife

I have to add, the desktop homepage is 1000x more tolerable than the mobile one for some reason.

I don't understand people who watch people play video games. I mostly use the YouTubes for instructional videos in metal and wood working and occasionally watch a history doc.

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Not a boomer but I don't get it either, I mean I would watch the game itself if it's a good one but not for the one who plays it.

I don't get people who pay other people to play games. Literally vidya game cucking

So why don’t you understand? You literally just explained the reason. People want to learn how to play better, so they watch someone that knows wtf they’re doing.

why watch someone else do metal or wood working? why watch others play sports?

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Used Edge if that makes a difference

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Niggers, Jews, Onions, and Fortnite. I’m on mobile.

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I'm actually getting ideas and learning technique when I see other people make shit you dipstick

>one of these things is not like the other

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Here’s what my home WiFi connection looks like. I de-googled myself and do all my normal web browsing with Tor Browser since years ago so they don’t really know how to personalize it for me.

Attached: AACD1687-B4D2-49C6-9A59-800D1AD5A126.png (2048x1536, 1.07M)

Could be worse.

Attached: Screenshot.png (1128x278, 212K)

Definitely looks as if country plays a pretty serious role in what appears

I never log into YouTube but with cookies it recommends what you look at.

>Le normie
>ebil wrongthink

Just use private browsing all the time then, unless you enjoy the personalisation. Or, clear your history/switch browsers every month or so.

are you just AI or something?

are you not also being entertained by the videos?

your example has Joe Rogan and Sam Harris talking about some controversial shit. Whereas the rest of your trending stuff is the sort of stuff you expect to find.

Good thread idea OP. Mine isn't too interesting.

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Firefox thinks I'm china or some shit

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I'm obviously from the UK, so it appears we're being bombarded with left-wing shite from American mass media firms like CNN and whatnot

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sometimes not, no, but entertainment value has nothing to do with value. Niggers like torturing cats, and find it entertaining, does that make it the same as a video I watched on upgrading a lathe or patina techniques?

>Nyoo Searand
Are you sure you're not?

Attached: neck_rings_kayan_woman.jpg (720x1080, 92K)

>country plays a pretty serious role
it is the most popular genre in the US, for some godforsaken reason

Private browsing doesn’t help, you get tracked by IP.

Browse with Tor Browser and keep the window the default size.

Ari is fucking lit m80

In the UK, ISPs usually dynamically assign IP addresses, so they change for people roughly every week. From what I understand, this isn't the case in the USA. T or browser is a little bit shit because it's really easy for ISPs and government organisation to use filters to determine if a user is using t or (I think you can even get wireshark filters for it) - they can also see if you are connecting to known nodes. Getting noticed this way isn't great, because they can then easy flag your IP and monitor it more. In my opinion, the best way to avoid government tracking is to always use private browsing alongside ad blockers, ghostery and other prviacy addons. Mixing in with the crowd is always the stealthiest approach.

I know they are trying to colonise us but that's a bit far.

>Mixing in with the crowd is always the stealthiest approach.
this is correct.

Wrong. You niggers enjoy your botnet though.

Good luck in repelling the yellow menace, Hamish Wirumutoa McAngusbeef

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Do you even know what a botnet is? I can assure you I'm not a slave in one, retard. Fucking boomers

i always do that since i delete cookies.
it's mostly popular normie balkan songs from (((IDJ Videos))), (((Zvezde Granda))), etc.
sometimes even strucks some fine croatian tunes like Marko Perković Thompson or Oliver Dragojević.
it also often prompts some reality shows and normie bullshit like 5 minute crafts.
it really depends, they don't seem to have agenda in my country.

the only evidence missing on the web is "who is behind the computer" that means a real name.
The more unique is the trace you leave on the interweebs the easier to profile you and attach a name.
By hidding you might be able to stay safe under the eye for sometime but if they focuse their attention on your trace, you are done.

Yes I do. You’re a slave to one if you aren’t covering your tracks.

That’s why you browse with Tor browser and leave the window the default size.

is that the bitcoin core wallet?

Not exactly. It is an algorithm based thing that looks for traits shared with videos that have gone viral in the past. Mixed in with that are things Youtube wants to be viral, but this is largely social engineering stuff not anything paid for. There is also a blacklist at play that prevents things from appearing on trending that reasonably should.

Sure is, I wanted to strengthen the network and I had extra hard drive space so I started a node. Bitcoin is the only crypto that works, the next best one (ethereum) is dogshit and will die soon due to the MASSIVE block sizes

Attached: wallet.png (849x598, 71K)

Wrong. Project Veritas got the literal nigger in charge of the trending videos to admit on camera that the whole thing is manually curated. Yes a fat lesbian nigger is the one deciding what people watch.

This is what I get

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There you go.

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