Life is literally miserable due to overpopulation

Yet if we dare not try to reproduce they will swarm our nation with third worlders. We are forced to outbirth them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Life is literally miserable due to overpopulation
Life is literally miserable due to logistic distribution problem

“Over population” is a meme and you’re a shill for believing it.

You are too jewed. You think you have only one set of options. You need to open your mind and reject the one-or-other mentality.


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economitards will tell you we need moar people though

Delete the overpopulation bullshit from your brain.

>try not to reproduce

You fags couldn't reproduce if you tried. You're pathetic.

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Literally only a problem in the most inner of cities
Overpopulation is a kike meme, kys

Sounds like you have a ((((leadership problem)))