Comfy Friday night thread

>tfw listening to the new Murdoch Murdoch AMA in the hot tub after a good workout on a Friday, about to go out with my gf
How’s your Friday evening lads?

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Show us your gf

Comfy as fuck. Can you believe people "go out" and become uncomfy BY CHOICE? Mind-blowing

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worked from home today while listening to previous tucker carlson shows. will buy some takeout and tobacco soon and watch the hockey game tonight. may or may not invite a friend over

currently searching online for a new coffee machine and some based blue mountain ground covfefe. any suggestions for a new covfef machine goys?

Called in sick

did you at least do something /comfy/ or productive today?

About to wrap up the work day. Probably go home, take some amph, a few bong hits, then see what rabbit hole I can jump into. Might call up a smash and dash if I get bored with that. Pretty comfy

I was actually sick and laid around in bed, trying to suppress pain in my head and joints. It would have been comfy since it's cold and rainy outside.

>It's real

Was waiting for the new AMA to pop up. Thanks for the segnalation and have a comfy bump for a comfy thread in a comfy night user