USA Balkanization Optimization

I see picrelated all too common and it triggers my strategic sensibilities. Why in the world do even hardcore US white ethnocivs propose such huge territorial concessions to the brown and black goblin empires? You're giving them way too much land in your winning scenario.

Here's the high IQ proposition for the upcoming american balkanization: It has to be similar to the chinese model during the 20th century. Hongkong (small city state), Macao (small city state), Taiwan (island state) belong to the enemy, while the mainland belongs to the ruling ideology....
For America this means: The commies and spics only get Sanfrancisco and LA as brown ethno city states, no matter how cramped they wil get. Not the whole of California or the entire west coast, no way! Maybe even Hawaii but that's generous.
For the niggers, we are talking about city states too at the most, not entire coast to coast landmasses, are you crazy?

Attached: Regionalism.jpg (1500x933, 350K)

Lol, there will be massive fighting in Texas and the "Predominant Black Region of States" if this shit was ever attempted. The resulting black region will be limited to the cotton belt seen in blue in image attached, with the rest joining with Texas once they kick out Mexicans.

Attached: 800px-2016_Presidential_Election_by_County.svg.png (800x507, 349K)

Texas should be easy to hold and cleanse if the civil war is before the next 30 years, you're right. The black autonomous region could be a territorial strip along the southern Mississipi. But it still has to be demilitarized and not allowed to pursue independent foreign policies.
The New York area could be a special economic zone, similar to how China handles Shenzhen neighboring HongKong and encouraging all the northern niggers and jews to be drawn into it or outright pushed into it.

If you give them these exit routes to special cities, they will leave like rats do a sinking ship on their own and you don't need to fight decade long ethnic cleansing campaigns that drain your budget.

Attached: this-bottle-opener-photo-u1.jpg (650x867, 45K)

these maps are always so retarded

Attached: 37725b4a-a07c-485a-82e2-7fb6a77fdb90.png (6900x4275, 1.25M)

Theres no way the midwest reich could stand with the only ports being in maryland.

I mean, Midwest is usually land locked, so you know,

I don't see much animosity between the blue and the gray in this map. If anything they're likely reasonably close allies if not the same country.

Also I forgot to mention that Canada must be destroyed no matter the rest. It's a travesty that you allow your northern flank to be this exposed to a potential traitor regime. If it ever came to war with China, you just KNOW that the leafs would open the gates to the city. And it it ever came to a civil war on US soil, you just KNOW that the leafs would side with the goblin faction and make the white side face strategical challenges from the north, potentially opening a thousand mile spanning front for no reason

Mein Kraut, this thread is a pleasure. I agree that giving these people huge swaths of territory is a strategic blunder.

How do you suppose this balkanization process will occur? Via civil war, military coup, or by peaceful means?