My body looks like the before picture. I can’t afford plastic surgery, it would cost $30k+ to get everything I needed done. I can never show my naked body to a man so I reject every single one that approaches me. They all deserve better than someone who looks like me. I know I’m going to die alone but how can I stop feeling so sad about it?
My body looks like the before picture. I can’t afford plastic surgery...
Keto + 1hr light cardio. Pace yourself so the skin tightens naturally
How about you just take better care of your body, fatty?
-Unprocessed whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice, wild rice, barley, quinoa, etc.)
-fish and chicken (not fried)
-shitloads of veggies and greens
-healthy oils
-some wheat bread and noodles acceptable
-some cheese acceptable
Then, cardio often. Stop driving. Bike instead. Etc. America is disgusting. People say, "oh, its my genetics." No it's not, its your voluntary lifestyle choices and diet.
if they approach you it's because they like what they're seeing
you underestimate men's thirst, we'd fuck a cactus if it had ass n tits
Nice fucking tummy tuck scar on the after picture.
You now know why trampy women have those tats just above their pubes, by the way.
Get a rich sugar daddy to pay for it in exchange for being his sex slave after the surgery.
like you'd choose the before pic, lmao
But that won’t help my saggy breasts. It’s been 3 years since I’ve lost weight already (over 100lbs) and the loose skin just refuses to tighten up at all. My boobs also lost almost all their volume and are now much saggier. I’m afraid to lose any more weight because I know I can’t spot reduce and I don’t want any more fat to come off my chest, butt and thighs.
ok but the girl in the before pic isn’t even far. that’s often what a body looks like after massive weight loss or a pregnancy carrying more than one baby, etc.
I'd choose neither bro. Especially not once she added the tattoo.
>ok but the girl in the before pic isn’t even fay
that looks like at LEAST 200lbs, most women even by amerifat standards are at 150lbs, even less so in other countries, the one in your pic morbidly obese
If you are this upset about your body, change yourself. It will take time and effort, but you'll be happier when looking back.
Seriously, what is so wrong in getting Jow Forums
i know it's hard to be disciplined and shit but that's more attainable than surgery.
Further, if you get fit you'll feel immense satisfaction and fulfillment at your achievement
well a gym membership is cheaper than plastic surgery, as long as youre burning more calories than youre eating you should be good, although you might wanna take it a bit slow so you dont get loose skin. Still, go lift some weights
Nah that's not 200 lbs by any measure. If it were a guy, then yes. Women show every pound much more easily because they tend to be shorter and less muscular (so most every pound is fat, rather than muscle or other body structure).
I figure OP image is closer to 165 than 200.
What country are you in? I'll go out with you. I'm not a hunk but I'm not fat or ugly. Nor am I very good looking though.
I won't pay for the surgery tho, you look perfectly acceptable. Real life is what it is, and you had the discipline to lose the weight.
>before actually hotter than after
OP, you're good
Breasts sag. Implants bounce
Stop basing your self-image off shit you saw on 4chinz
Most men don't have standards anyway. You'll do fine.
i found the american
why does F A T change to FAR
Newsflash you muppet, people are ugly. Human beings are disgusting hideous freaks. There are EIGHT BILLION PEOPLE in this world. About 80% of the people you've seen have been in movies, TV and internet media. People who get plastic surgery. People who wear makeup on-air. People who represent about 0.01% of the actual human population. Take your TV, throw it in the fucking trash, stop looking at magazines, stop comparing yourself to other people and just be a goddamn human. Fuck.
>that’s often what a body looks like after massive weight loss
>After a massive weight loss
American standards never stop amazing me.
That is obese in my country.
I thinks it's just autocorrect on your device. I can type fat no problem.
I think.
Even with loose skin you would look better skinny plus you would be healthier. Don't let the negative part of your mind convince you to give up. Just keep at your diet and exercise routine no matter what make it more important than anything else. Also seek therapy if you feel this bad about yourself because being fat and incapable of losing weight is usually more of a mental health issue than physical issue ironically.
Maybe that's you but my thirst don't go wanting fat lardasses. I don't won't to goddamn suffocate under all that flubber. Lose that fat OP.
There are men who actually like women with this body type. I am sure your body feels incredibly soft and amazing. Be more confident in yourself. You are beutiful.
OP is hot!
Total body makeover surgeries like that are super expensive and very dangerous. How pathetic would you feel dying during a surgery like that? Or even worse, not dying, but becoming deformed/disabled?
Niggas gonna ask you what happened and you can't say something noble like "I was saving someone's life", nah you're gonna have to be "lol i was fat and lazy and got fucked up during liposuction and titty job"
That's still bad.
Arguing that it's better doesn't do any good.
that's as I mentioned earlier at least 200lbs
t. used to date whales
you cannot go by weight alone, if a girl was 5’9 weighing 165 would put her at a bmi of around 24 which is “normal”
Why cant you fucking diet and exercise?