Starting self harm

pic unrelated
Okay adv, how do you start harming yourself? I feel like I'm in a ditch emotion-wise and ever since I can remember I've only really been able to feel maybe 4 distinct emotions and I think this physical pain could add something to my life.
There are some joyous moments but I mostly consider those to be fake, a sort of mask when I'm in public. There's a whole bunch of anger and anxiety, there are times when I feel exactly nothing, and then there's the feeling of uselessness and insignificance (which is becoming more and more common). There are also very brief moments of pure bliss, like when I hear a good chord progression in a song or when riding my bike on a curvy road, but I always overplay those good songs and also it's almost winter so I can't ride my bike anymore (during summer I don't feel as horrible because I can spend entire days outside cycling).

For the past year I've felt like maybe hurting myself could induce a new emotion. I'm sick and tired of this and being unable to fix myself, and I'm tired of looking back at times spent in public (with friends, in university etc) when I had to fake my attitude completely in hopes of not ruining innocent people's days and not acting like a stuck-up jerk or being outed as a depressed loser and despite all that still saying to myself "I liked that, I should go out more".

I've thought of taking LSD but I have no way of getting any. I have nobody to talk to and nobody I could reveal my issues to, aside from writing on the internet. So what I think could give me a new way to live is taking my razor blades (shaving with a DE is great btw) and dragging one across my skin.

Actually I don't know why I'm even writing this because I'm going to try it eventually anyway. I've read more than enough warnings and I most certainly am not going to kill myself (as strong as the urge might sometimes be) so you can spare me that. If anyone has anything to add I guess go ahead.

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Nowhere in your post did i see anything about therapy, counseling, or psychiatry

Self harm is strictly a method of attention whoring, it doesn't make you feel any different. There's a reason only teenage girls do it.
Now fuck off to reddit or tumblr we don't need more normies.

I don't think I need a shrink. Either that or I don't believe one would help.
Outside of some sketchy medication what can anyone do? This "science" doesn't even have any concrete methods to use me as a guinea pig.
It's not like I'm going to kill myself.
>cannot integrate into society
>fails to understand societal norms
>feelings are discrete states that do not overlap
Truly the hallmarks of normies worldwide. Go back to /lgbt/ you faggot.

You are beyond help. You’re depressed, stupid, and paranoid, and about to hurt yourself. And you think you dont need to maybe see a professional doctor?

and you cant even try to get help for it.if you try your best and hardest and it doesnt work, only then do you have the right to do whatever and off yourself. Otherwise you’re just a whiny baby

I mean if you don't want help then just go on with your miserable life. As long as you don't kill yourself right?

Not really.
>about to hurt yourself
>off yourself
Don't intend to.
>whiny baby
I didn't complain about anything.
I personally would add "useless" and "undeserving of love and/or respect" but that's just me.
How is somebody supposed to tell me how some unexplainable abstract process in the brain is supposed to FEEL like? But I agree with the sentiment.

Shut up retard. You're not really depressed or troubled, you're just a lsoer manufacturing "issues" for attention and validation. A legitimately mentally ill person wouldn't have posted a blatant cry for sympathy like this.

There you go again. I'm worthless :( I don't deserve to be happy :(. We're not going to suck your dick like you want.

If I wanted sympathy I'd have posted on reddit where I would've gotten 10k upvotes, get reddit gold for 8 months and be told the same meaningless phrase countless times by people who are very likely worse off in life than I am.
In hindsight, I should've asked a more concrete question regarding my experience of "feelings" instead of trailing off.
I never said any of that but if you feel aggravated from your own life's struggles I understand your frustrations. They get to me too sometimes.

You don't ...please?

Got any alternatives? None of that ":'( please see a doctor" stuff please.
Instead of feeling a new feeling I'd honestly be content if I could just experience 'bliss' more often.

The alternative is not to :/

Yes I get that, but I need/want an alternative way to start feeling differently without faking it, which has been the result of me "going out" and "hanging out with people".

considering you're venting your emotions to randoms on the internet expecting feedback you probably would benefit from some therapy

I argue I would benefit from telling somebody my problems. Like I said, I don't have anyone in my life (which is my own fault to some degree). And I'm not paying some dude with a degree to pretend to care.

i mean, that's the whole point of a therapist. but i understand not trusting health care providers.

I don't know whom therapists can help, but I know for a fact talking to somebody like that won't do anything. A therapist won't involve and immerse himself, a therapist won't be affected in the slightest -- just like randoms on the internet, he'll go about his life as if I'd never said anything, not letting a single thought trail back to what I'd said.
This, in turn, also means that I personally won't care about him. Like people writing "pls dont do it :'(" under a tweet about suicide have no effect on the person sending out the tweet.

But this is kinda derailing the thread.

there's still some benefit from dumping your problems and getting some input on your thought processes. it sounds like what you really want is friends or a gf, and i can't help you there.
to address the main question, there's nothing to it, it's common sense. cut somewhere not visible and sterilize. speaking from personal experience just do it and get it out your system because it's not going to help and you're going to feel stupid and disappointed.

>Okay adv, how do you start harming yourself
go to Jow Forums, get redpilled and die inside
protip:it's always jews

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I actually did try and I've never felt more pumped up. This little cut isn't noticeable at all but the sting feels liberating. Fear and adrenaline and somehow, hope.
I made the cut and 5 minutes later I was dressing up to go out running, and I ran for an hour straight without a single stop, which I've never been able to do before, not even close. Absolutely crushed my 10k PR, at 45°F at midnight.
I do feel stupid but surprisingly also empowered.
The jews are actually at fault for many things -- It's not their fault I'm fucked up though.
And no, I don't go to Jow Forums.