
How the fuck do I get rid of this shit? It's fucking destroying me on the inside. I don't want to be a girl and wish I had a normal sexuality. In my social life I see myself as a guy, don't have any interest in anything remotely feminine, not into pegging...just for some reason the thought of being a girl with nice tits getting fucked by a guy is the only thing I can get off to. It's a huge problem and I fucking hate it.

What can I do, Jow Forums?

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If it's just a fetish, just live with it, you can't help what turns you on. Maybe take a break from porn since it may get worse and worse

I don't even use porn, just my imagination.

lay off the porn/internet

If it's just a fetish then just learn to accept it. If it's really a serious issue then therapy is really the only option I guess.

i havent watched porn in years and my fetishes just get more and more fucked, is there hope

Maybe you should watch some porn then.

Pictures count as porn

You accept two facts,
1) most guys would bodyswap to a girl if they could, but
2) you have to be aware that no force on Earth will make you, a male by birth, an honest female (but instead will make you a sad knockoff).

Honest to God, this is just "a thing." Most guys just don't make such a big deal about it. It's valuable to set it in a box and bring it out once in a while.

>most guys would bodyswap with a girl if they could
pretty sure they wouldn't. Not for more than a day or two.

>most guys would bodyswap to a girl if they could
citation needed
not a fan of period blood and pregnancy at all

You two actually lend stronger to the point. People like OP are rooting a fantasy in reality. The line I want him to draw is fantasy.

Women are entire machines of their own working compared to men, physically, hormonally, etc. etc., so in a case like OP's it's more like "I want the female power fantasy."

As you two make clear, the whole issue is extraordinarily complex, and so my point-- that the fantasy will never, ever, ever reflect the reality-- is reinforced.

The other answer is 'get therapy.'

hrt can

It really won't though

is fucking guinea pig science, does not abate suicide rates or suicidal tendencies, and has no proven successes in as much as people who are just lying to avoid admitting they fucked up and that we told them so.
There is patently no conclusion that HRT has long-term benefits. Hell, there's barely credence to it having short-term, or ANY benefits. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence either way, but none of it rooted in anything definitive.

You're chugging the kool-aid if you think HRT fixes or does anything, besides throw a blanket on the problem.

I had something similar but it was more of an attempt to understand femininity by 'getting inside' it. I personally think that masculine and feminine aren't mutually exclusive, they're different shades of the same thing, everybody has a vulnerable sensitive side just like everybody has a strong, assertive side. That kinda helped me get over it, although with me it was more of a mental knot combined with being a thirsty incel that did it. It kinda helped in a way because now I can sort of get inside a woman's head sexually.

Hm, It turns man into honest woman.

Get out tranny

I’ve had a girlfriend for two years and still this is the only shit I masturbate to and I wish it would fucking go away

when she finds out she’ll definitely dump me

OP here, scared of this happening to me too if I got into a relationship...

I wish I knew how to help you I pretty much just live in constant fear because absolutely no girls like a guy who likes this fetish

get laid

according to that doesn't do shit

I don't know that this will be helpful but for me it was pretty much fueled entirely by anxiety. I fapped to some gender bender a few times then started thinking I was a weirdo for it and something like OCD took over my brain so I was constantly jacking it to that stuff. Eventually after therapy I realized it was mostly just anxiety from guilty feelings. Another thing that helped me was by actually fantasizing about having a real gf that I love instead of just mindlessly fapping. I don't know if any of this will help you but you sound similar to what I was going through.

You can't just get laid you need a girlfriend that you actually love. Of course just regular sex will not be strong enough to beat an erotic fetish but love can beat it.

stop watching porn

youre really dumb

based Imagination Fapper