Any advice for building discipline and dedication when it comes to studying? This semester is by far the most boring, and i'd rather watch paint dry.
Been trying to use the pomodoro technique, but it's not helping me with concentration as it did last few semesters.
I've achieved this with working out (4 months and i haven't missed a day of my workout routine), and fixing up my diet etc. I feel great and i'm very proud of it.
Any advice for building discipline and dedication when it comes to studying? This semester is by far the most boring...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pomodoro technique
You study for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break, repeat 4 times then if you're gonna study more have a bigger break and repeat 4 times.
It helps you concentrate. But this semester most i can pull together is 3.
Last year i generally did 8 and even got to 12 sometimes.
I guess there are more factors, burnout and not touching a textbook for 2 months, but i'm frustrated at my lack of willpower.
>25 minutes then break
I've spent longer than 25 minutes on a single math problem. What's your field of study?
Law, sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's as boring as watching paint dry.
I was good at math but thought it was too much work, and deliberately ran from it... I didn't realize how much work i was in for. I was always lazy, but had good grades. I only started studying in uni.
I'm not english but i will show some things to you get better.
1 - get the fuck off from the internet
2 - you need to put the Idea in your mind that what you is reading isn't boring and.then you need to negate any negative thinking while reading, just go on with the flow.
3.If yours books have topics and subtopics do like this : each topic you read summarizes it, this abstract should contain the minimum and necessary words so that you can explain the subject during a review.(i put a photo from my abstract, you won't, sorry isn't English)
4 - use the app ankidroid (for Android) / anki (windows) to create flashcards and review everyday the subject with questions.(i use this to learn the human body , when i am looking some corpse i'd like to get some photos and edit on paint some points to I say what I see like a muscle or nerve)
You need pacience and go foward. Gl
Row row fight the power!
Thanks user, i'll do my best!
Step 2 is crucial.
you are welcome
In my opinion there are two different approaches you can take.
Approach 1 - dont study - but attend every class and pay razor sharp attention during the class ( dont waste time taking down notes - as you will not study them later anyways) . This method will require you eat well, dont drink, stay hydrated and get lots of sleep so you ready to perform like an athlete during class instantly committing everything said to memory so you wont need to study.
Approach 2 - unplug all the screens (tv, computer, phone). Dont eat, dont masturbate, dont do anything but drink water, sit in a quiet room with the book(s) and notes in your hands and study. After you finish studying the material to your satisfactory level of understanding - then you can treat yourself with food and entertainment. Its the only way.
I used to take approach 1 in high school and earlier. Just paid attention and barely studied.
But the university work load is a bit too big. Still, i'll try being more attentive in class.
Thank you
I guess you have a similar problem since you bumped my thread.
give up.
just party bro whats the rush?
Biology, medicine or just vestibular?
The sooner i graduate, the sooner i get a job and move out. Fuck parties, i've already networked well to line up good chances for an internship next year.
Bucket of crabs
whats ur major dawg
Law, and i'm specifically choosing many courses in business law. But i still have to pass my criminal law exams.
Hello, medicine and exam entrance
I was in the same boat as you OP. I did the Self Mastery course on Udemy and also worked through this book:
Source of picture? Is there an image with other endings?