I'm leaving the state soon. Since I was six, I have been in a abusive home situation. I am disabled, physically and mentally. If I do not get the fuck out, I see myself committing murder-suicide or mass-murder suicide.
Let's make it clear so you fags won't freak out, I have done NOTHING yet.
I've packed my shit, cleaned the room I sleep in and threw out everything I don't need. >I was receiving SSI/Medicaid for my doctor's visits and my therapy >A shitty counselor assumed I was lying so he wrote a ton of bullshit in his assessment. >I had to go before an SSI court with my sorry ass abusive mother who has been making my life hell for 14 fucking years with verbal and mental abuse and threats of physical violence, as well as pulling a kinfe on me when I was six and the destruction of my personal property on various occasions. >Unbeknownst to me, this judge took the counselor's assessment over my medical records and evidence of my disability. >On June 29th, my Medicaid was cut, due to the SSI cut, due to this asshole counselor. >I couldn't see my doctor or my therapist/psychiatrist The aftermath was me nearly dying and having to go to the ER twice. I needed Medicaid but I never cared for the SSI. My greedy mother does. She has racked up a $17,000 debt and they expect me to pay it when I turn 21. All of this is because of her lazy ass, milking the system and that fucking counselor's lies. I got a pro bono lawyer who was supposed to help me waive the debt but she had a shitty attitude every time we talked and in September, she just dropped my case. I can not work and I can't even go to college because I will owe 17 FUCKING GRAND. On top of that, I still have to tolerate this cunt and her shit. She has applied for hopsice and played like she is soooo sick and so now these fuckers have their hand out with their sights on my ass. I can A) Commit a murder and off myself B) Kill all these fucking parasites and myself C) Kill no one & leave now and start over
How would you start over? But if it’s supposed to be a secret, then don’t tell.
Sebastian Taylor
My father's a deadbeat piece of shit in California or Hawaii or wherever the fuck. I have no family, no pets and no friends. I have nothing and no one to miss. I have no dependents so I intend to not throw my fucking life away.
Because I am not a fucking kamikaze nutcase asshole but instead a man backed into a corner, I'd prefer to just walk away from this bullshit without harming anyone.
I have no driver's license and no cash so I'm thinking of becoming homeless and just leaving this shithole state on foot.
Since this cunt racked up this debt, she can pay it back.
This household has gone from $1,500 a month to $750 a month. I have zero income and zero experience. No credit, no resume and no cover letter.
Adam Baker
I don't know. I have no collateral for a loan, no credit. I only own one pair of pants, a few shirts and two pairs of shoes. I have nothing.
Carson Jackson
The SSI assholes keep sending leeters threatening jailtime. I've applied for a waiver to no avail. I thought the cunt attorney I got was going to assist me. I have no clue why she was so conceited and rude. I took my medical records and files relevant to my case to her and she just refused to look through them.
Anthony Phillips
So you have no plan? How would you get food?
Adrian Garcia
letters* I saw that whole caravan thing on TV so if they can walk from Honduras to here, surely I can walk from this shithole to California or Oregon or something like that. Maybe even Mexico. I'm not a big fan of America anyway so I'd prefer to leave the country but again, no passport, no visa, no money. I'll nbe 21 soon. I've tried applying for Section 8 and FAFSA so I could transfer out of state and at least go to a community college to get an Associate's degree and find some work.
Michael Murphy
homelessness isn't so bad. avoid drugs and other homeless people and keep your wits about you and you should do just fine.
Brandon Allen
No. Homeless shelters, I guess. Food pantries. I'm 110% done with my current situation. I need my meds and I'd rather be staving in below 30 degree weather elsewhere than here right now.
It's either leave, go to jail for being unable to pay off this BS debt or just kill my abuser, the counselor, a few people at the SSI office and myself in some little edgelord incel rampage that wouldn't even be possible anyway unless I magically found some money up my ass to buy guns.
Andrew Campbell
That’s kinda pathetic that you want to do a mass homicide get off this site and get the help you need. Jow Forums isn’t gonna fix this you need legal help too bad I can’t report this post cause I don’t fucking find Statements like this to be taken lightly I’m gonna see if I can report this cause I’m not taking my chances knowing I read this and finding out I did nothing
Henry Cooper
Calm the fuck down, pleb. I'm not going to hurt anyone. I have a triple digit IQ and I know exactly would happen to me if I did that. I'm not a retard.
Liam White
Look for an intentional community in your area or in area that you want to reside. These types of communities will teach you skills that you will be able to take with you elsewhere while providing a roof over your head and meals.You need to start over and you need a foundation or this world will rip what's left you apart.
Lucas Jackson
And nice cherrypicking, read everything before jumping to conclusions. I don't want to do shit except go to college and get a girfriend and have a nice life. Now some asshole has gotten me a 17k debt I will face jail for if I don't pay it and I fucking can't pay it. I'm being fucking backed into a corner and railroaded. I plan to walk away from this bullshit without doing anything stupid or paying. The stupid cunt can handle this shit she created herself.
Thomas Sanchez
Then why did you post that this world is so fucked up why would you want to make things 1,000% worse for yourself and then be selfish and destroy lives around you because you can’t control your own life
Hudson Moore
Dude I’m 8k in debt Unfortunately that’s part of life. So you aren’t from the US and need to find a way to pay this off by when?
Ethan Lewis
Yeah, I'm looking into that. My therapist gave me a list of shelters and homes after this evil bitch and I got into a huge argument. I packed all my shit and left to spend the night at my great uncle's house. He of course wanted money so I gave him my last $20 to spend a night on his nasty couch. There were roaches everywhere in his house. I came back to drop off my stuff the next day to get on the bus and go to my appointment and I just left while this cunt was screaming at me outside in the public street so psychocunt here called the police due to my ignoring of her, hurting her little narcissistic ego and lied to them saying I swung on her and locked myself in my room when I wasn't even here which resulted in my locked room door being kicked in by the police while I was at my therapy appointment. My stuff was in my room and I locked my stuff up in the room. Later, I had to go to the police department, talk to them and get a copy of the CFS report because of that.
I have barely any food in my house right now. I applied for food stamps and after December, the $175 I get will be gone. This cunt is of course leeching off of that saying "food is another form of rent" and guess what, she has income, I don't. Now we both have virtually no food due to her greed. Here's the kicker though. She doesn't own the house. My faggot uncle in California does. When my grandfather was taking chemo, my uncle conned him and this dumb cunt into signing a quitclaim deed. He stole the house. It's his. We have no insurance and he keeps it like this to get at her some kind of way for their fucked up childhood or whatever reason he hates her. He also has something against me but I don't really give a shit. Lol. Fuck that faggot. I was originally in a work-study program with a counselor because disability but that counselor is useless and hasn't returned my calls.
Just to recap. >No one will hire me >I have no job experience >No food >I owe money I can't pay
Chase Robinson
If I don't pay this 17k to the United States Federal Government, I'm going to jail. They want 17k right now. If I don't raise my potassium level and my magnesium level or go to the ER to get fluids, I will die. If I don't have experience, I can't get a job. I'm screwed either way. I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to live my life and be left alone.
You've never been in my position. I'm venting on Jow Forums. >why did you post that this world is so fucked up I don't recall posting that because I never said "this world is so fucked up" I'm copying this thread anyway when it is done and sending the PDF to my therapist's email for evidence and so I can get some help out of this problem.
What you are failing to understand is that things are already 1,000% worse. I'm fucking dying, I can't get treatment, I just got my medicaid back and it will be gone in December unless I report 80 hours of work soon, I can't work, the government wants 17,000 dollars from me and this evil cunt everyday makes my life hell. I feel like a small child again, having to deal with this shit. I'm moving away from all these selfish evil people who want to fuck up my life and I'm not looking back. Murder would be fucking dumb in my position because I have a few things called "ambitions," "hopes," and "dreams." Those typically can't be acheived when you kill someone or someone/many someones + yourself. I've been backed into a corner that was being prepared for me for as long as I've been alive. I understand your concern. It's my concern. I don't want to ruin anyone's life or go berserk like it seems to you I will from my venting. But I have no clue what you would do in this position. I know I am tired. And maybe you should re-read the OP. My plan is the C option: Pack all my shit and move away. Do it or don't. However, my plan is to leave without harming anyone and start over and that is the plan I'm sticking with. I'm too smart for A or B.
Cameron Powell
What I need help with is how would I survive on the street with no job and go from being homeless to having an apartment and work. Today was the last straw. My stuff is packed. I have two appointments coming up. The medicaid van will pick me up and take mw to them. I'm going to them and without harming a soul, I'm taking my bags and I'm going to figure out how to leave this shithole on foot or for free.
There are two bus lines, the Greyhound and the Megabus. Greyhound costs $300 and Megabus costs $40 but I have no money. Once I get to my destination, I'm homeless. Since I have no plan to tell this bitch I'm leaving, she will most like file a missing persons report on me but I don't care about that. Because I will still owe 17k, I have no clue how that factors together with my absence and the debt.
Prior to my attorney's supervisor revealing to me the rude attorney had quit when I called to make a report against her, I was talking with the same legal services to seek a bankruptcy attornery that could maybe help me with this waiver. No response. Since the attorney refused to help me, I have doxed her and her family members and I'm dropping that dox on Pastebin after this thread is over.
Dominic Mitchell
Gavin Phillips
>I am disabled, physically and mentally. > Triple digit IQ
Ever thought about doing something witht hat instead of shitposting on Jow Forums? Ever heard of religion? I've always thought I couldn't make, but ever since I erad the lives of the saints who went through far worse than you have, I got an inspiration. Not that I'm gonna throw my life away and be homeless, but I think I could endure it user.
Brody Morris
1. What is your disability/ies 2. Is there no way you can appeal the court decision? 3. The debt is assumedly the SSI they previously gave you, under your name. As your guardian, ostensibly your mother administered this. She then took the money for herself. There should be a paper trail of this. How are they holding you liable when your mother signed for the payments? 4. What medication do you need; what would happen if you didn't get them; and how would you get them if you're homeless? 5. With 17k debt your name will likely be on international credit rating databases. You will likely not be able to set up any sort of financial billing for any service if there's a credit check involved. Are you aware of this?
Gabriel Ward
I'm a nihilist. I have my own take on "religion." But yes, I have thought about it and learned about religion. Those people, if you believe it, went through far worse. Homelessness is bearable and practically a cakewalk. I don't know your politics but I live in a red state. A homeless person with a hand out for food and money will get fucked over left, right and center. With my talents, I could get over my problems and make 50,000 a year, starting with small jobs first, starting as a homeless man elsewhere. I've researched construction. It looks promising. Prior to being sexually assaulted at 14 in the catholic school I attended by a girl, I got all As, especially in Religion class. I got better grades in religion than the monotheists in my middle school.
Blake Hernandez
Nihilism isn't really doing the trick, is it? Not that I'm rejecting it, the point is you have nowhere to look for some kind of relief. If you can't take God in your heart, I suggest some form of art. These things are usually endless, and you can keep feeding yourself and getting relief from them throughout all of your life. I'm not an american, I'm a brazilian. I see people with teared up homes everyday. People who get mugged, robbed, raped. Who live in literal warzones. Who have abusive parents and no prospects, no intellect whatsoever. You seem like a bright dude, I suggest you invest in that. Homelessness is not as bad as some people make it out to be. I'm not saying it's good, but we seem to have agreed it's bearable, specially coming from someone like you. You can also try to write a book or something. I write poems myself, slowly building stuff. Maybe one day I'll publish. But that's my adv. Get working on your basis, which you seem to have, and give art - or maybe religion, if a second thought comes - a chance.
Gavin Myers
I need: Trazadone, 150 mg Escitalopram, 10mg Loxapine, 25mg
If I don't have them, my fear of being dosed with drugs through food and drink comes back, I lose weight and reach near starvation/malnutrition. I have PTSD flashbacks. I get irritable and paranoid. My abusive childhood doesn't help that. I have so much repressed anger. I'm getting no help. No one is helping me. I don't have my medicine now and I'm near anorexic. If I'm homeless, I'm really screwed for everything. I have PTSD, OCD, Bipolar disorder, a right knee that pops out of place often and when I am cold, my left hand and arm hurts, both were fractured before and my left hand is dominant so I can write a sentence or two then my arm and hand starts to cramp. I tried to appeal and my attorney was supposed to write the Social Security Administration and she didn't. There's nothing I can do, my hands are tied. My mother has the hospice staff writing letters on her behalf so the Social Security Administration office wants the money out of me. I'm 20 but she's still the payee. I'll be 21 next month. This whole thing is a clusterfuck and I have no clue how the logistics of any of this works. Now that you have told me that, I am aware. I will have to demand cash under the table payments at my job or just illegally immigrate to another country and I don't know anyone who lets Americans illegally immigrate.
Isaiah Brooks
I'm actually a former artist believe it or not. I could draw anything. I could look at someone or think of a concept and I'd draw it. Probably still could. Before I switched to Linux three years ago, I made hand-drawn and digital commissioned artwork on Windows. I'd rather live in a favela than live here. You ought to see my house, it's fucked up. There's a hole in the floor and and two rooms with shitty wiring. The kitchen pipes are busted. My uncle gets tax returns off of this house and the land. He lives in a condo and goes traveling overseas after having immorally seized this house with a quitclaim deed. He will not let her insure it. We have no insurance. I don't even care about the place but if the local kids try to come in and take my stuff, my locks are destroyed so now they can just come right in and steal from me.
Would Bolsonaro even take American migrants?
Camden Rivera
We don't have immigration problems. People started making some noise about that following the venezuelan crisis, but we're very receptive. You have a gift. Use it. Brazil's always opened, but I don't think you'd rather live here.
Easton Barnes
Im calling the police/fbi/homeland security and the NSA on you
Evan Anderson
Well, they definitely got you cornered.
Just from brainstorming a little:
1. Can you go to police and file a lawsuit against your mother? Get your name cleaned of the debt? 2. Do you live near a highway? Truckers might give you a ride for free, although I'm not sure how safe crossing the border actually is. Especially not with additional guards due to a refugee caravan. 3. Just an idea inspired by the whole religion suggestion - any church communities who may be willing to help you out nearby? Work at a priory or somesuch for food and shelter would be a neat start.
Mind you I'm on the other side of the Atlantic so I can't give practical advice; in my country people always have social services to turn to.
Jayden Watson
Fuck you. People who use whatever little bit of power they gain from their job position only to use it against the people entrusted to their care are well deserving of revenge. Especially if they fuck up someone's life for the lulz.
Nicholas Parker
How about stop bitching and be a man you fucking pussy. Get a job, stand up to your mother and be productive
Jace Lopez
I'd go to Brazil or Venezuela but no money. I think I could go on foot but if I did that, I'd need to get a job, pay off Los Zetas and the Sinaloa organization so I don't get killed, go further down, into Guatemala, finally stopping in Venezuela or crossing into Brazil. That's at least a two month walk. I have so many talents, user, So many. and yet, no one hires me and I don't "have enough experience." There is more food here than people. There are instant Dr. Phil and YouTube sensations. I live below the poverty line and have hit a downard spiral. If I was anywhere else, anywhere, I'd make the equivalent of 50k+ a year there. Maybe more. I know pentesting, I know art. Hell, if I was in a favela or near cartels, I even know stuff that would interest people on the other side of the spectrum. Here I don't have a cybersecurity degree or a trade association certificate or an associate's/bachelor's/master's. In my mental state, the most I can do is shitpost here today. I guess I could flip burgers or do construction but my OCD would have to be gone first.
That is me. These selfish evil fuckers want someone like me to work a 9-to-5 to pay them off. Ffs. I tried a GoFundMe but I hate getting handouts and no one ever donated so I closed the campaign.
I speak English, Russian, German, I'm even learning Latin, from Rome. I'm going to pick up some Spanish and Portuguese books later tonight. I think it's fucked up I can go to a country that's "worse off" than the USA and be happier + do better for myself.
Brody Ramirez
>Brazil has a dictatorship >Venezuala civil war
goodluck user
Jaxon Turner
debt collectors wont look for you in Venezuela, so thats your best bet
Jackson Ortiz
Please do, I have nothing to hide. When they get here, I'll tell them how much I hate America and how I could bust a nut to the thought of how they lose all their resource wars over oil and opium. I've had restraint for 14 years. If I wanted to kill someone so badly, I'd have done it already and I'm not dumb enough to mention a crime that I'd be potentially planning, on Jow Forums of all places. The guy that bombed Texas, that Conditt guy, he was so stupid he carried his phone with him when he bombed innocent people. They got his cell signal off all of the tower dumps. When that fucking retard went to kill true innocents like a faggot, he'd always drive past cell towers from Pflugerville to Austin. Everytime he passed the towers, they picked up his phone in the logs. You see, when you drive a few towns over and you need cell service, your phone connects to other towns towers so your service is continuous between towns, but, you don't notice it. If he left his phone at home playing a 10 hour porno/YouTube video, didn't go into FedEx with that fucking blonde wig on + the red hat, didn't go to the same hardware store for the same bomb materials or buy the stuff on Amazon leaving a digital log and lastly spaced out his bombings every nine moths and put thermate in his bombs to eliminate the residual parts, he'd still be alive today doing his little Unabomber shit and wouldn't have been caught. They got him with a correlation attack and that fucked him. Where is Mark Antony Conditt today? He blew himself up after crashing in a ditch, running from the ATF. He's in a fucked up place, just like Marcel Hesse, the German childkilling faggot who posted his plans on /b/. Just coming to Jow Forums, Reddit, Tumblr and hacker forums gets you put on an NSA watchlist.
Cameron Nelson
As an ex-hacker and social engineer with the knowledge I have, why would it suit me to commit a crime like that? If I did that and didn't kill myself, my life will be over. If I killed myself, I'd be dead. I don't want to ruin my life, anyone else's or be dead. And if I'm going to tell Jow Forums I plan to do such an act, Hiroyuki will report it and then I will have such plan stopped. I just want to get the fuck out of here. If anything, if someone could help me get some help with this debt and maybe get me some assistance with a job I welcome it. Why would else I come here unless I wanted true help? Jow Forums is a lame honeypot and I wouldn't even come here if it wasn't this bad. If I truly wanted to commit "mass homicide" that would have instantly happened and Jow Forums Jow Forums would never have known.
Kayden Cruz
Start a channel on kiketube. Start working with translation, even if it's on kiketube. Or maybe go books. You have gifts, stop moaping around.
> brazil > dictatorship cos bonoro
unironically kys mav scum
Levi Adams
This and I'd rather be worried about getting shot by a Maduro goon or facing an armed RWDS in one Brazil's favelas then getting utterly raped financially by the United States Social Security Administration. That dirty couselor and lazy lawyer ruined my life. I'd rather live in Venezuela or Brazil. At least they don't have this fake conceited view of being the best nations on Earth while in actuality being the most crooked nation with rigged oligarchical theocracy, right wing death squads frequently called "police officers" and two fake parties controlled by a shadow state and pawns to a certain country in the Middle East I will not bring up.
John Ward
This. I will go to Jewtube and make some money from e-whoring. Thanks, user.
Nathan Hall
BPS gets a lot of hits and is making monies. Just don't scare the normies, and hide eventual profits from bitchmom. It's a start.
Ethan Flores
Thank you. I will take your advice and save up moey made to leave. I often make propaganda for Jow Forums with GIMP but I think I will try to start digital drawings again too.
Eli Russell
Juan Gonzalez
So I'm not sure how homelessness is going to help you - it sounds like without your meds youll spiral out if control and won't be able to do anything to get money etc.
Here's a weird idea; just throwing it out there: have you considered letting yourself get arrested as a result of the debt? It's certainly bad - you'll have to spend years behind bars, and 'financial fraud' will forever be on your record. However, I don't know what prisons are like in your country, but in mine, if you have health problems, the prison is obligated to take care of that, eg, getting you meds; taking you to hospital etc. You will also be technically have a roof over your head and 3 meals a day. Prisons also often gave recreational facilities like gym and sports, and also often have internal work and training for 'good behavior' inmates. If you can get your hands on books etc you can spend your days reading/studying shit etc
Further, if you're put on trial, the system is forced to give you a lawyer and through that, you can get some legal representation for your case eg conveying what your mother did; presenting the recorded evidences of your disabilities, etc.
Another suggestion: Upwork.com. You have a bunch of skills apparently; you should be able to capitalize on them by doing odd jobs on Upwork. You'll have to start small, doing stupid shit but you can work your way up. That said, there will have to be payment infrastructure such as bank accounts or PayPal and I'm not sure you have that. But assuming that was there, you could do shit relating to translation, writing, coding, testing, data entry, design, and straight up weird odd jobs. The small jobs are hidden under piles of qualification-gated shit, but they're there, you just have to know how to look for them.
Jose Taylor
In American jprison, you get maggots, mold and other things in the food. You also get free nutraloaf. You also get jumped, robbed or raped in the ass by fags. If you aren't in a gang or have commissary, you are fucked. The richest prisoners have enough money for ramen noodles.
Anthony Stewart
Also, AIDS and other stds are passed around and unless you get shanked in prison, you aren't going to the infirmary for anything.
That is a good idea in Canada or Europe. I signed up for Upwork. Thanks, user.
Nathan Robinson
You can’t go to jail for owing money you don’t have and didn’t steal.
Jace Smith
You can when that money belongs to the Social Security Administration, id est, the United States Federal Government.
My ex was Austrian and I knew some German so I asked her to write me in German one time so that I'd hone my skills in German to understand her card. I did.
My ex was a mental wreck though and I later lost her due to her inability to deal with this. We fought a lot and our relationship fell apart. I cared too much and she dedicated to little effort to helping with the relationship or seeking help.
So she didn't deal with that until I started begging and pleading and finally pressuring her and even then, I had many more problems and her issues were just a drop in a cup already too full. It soured our relationship. I resented her. I tried pushing her away and then I just dumped her.
Zachary Moore
I recommend really spending some time and looking through the site, especially from the client side. You can post for jobs, but you can also respond to job postings by clients.
Another recommendation: Google the hell out of legal options. Perhaps try to hold the vomit in and ask Reddit's r/legaladvice. There has to be *some* kind of recourse, some charity, something, to be done regarding the legalities of your situation.
I lean Right, but hearing of plights like yours makes me appreciate my stupidass socialist-y government a bit more. I believe you would have had lots of options if you were a citizen here, and in the worst case, the prison strategy would have worked. I know a corrections officer and I know our prisons are basically resorts, for low-violence crimes.
But all of it works because we're culturally homegenous and have a small population. That must be preserved, so, unfortunately, "fuck off we're full".
I hope it goes well for you mate.
Dylan Anderson
Without me, she'd have killed herself or gotten abused more/raped again. I changed that and the thanks I get is she now see's me as the bad guy nd my relationship of two years went down the shitter. All I wanted to do was help her because I was tired of people hurting her and sick of seeeing her cry all the time from what those fucks did to her. She broke my heart. That relationship and its drama caused me much stress.
Evan Sanchez
I'm a pro-autocracy alt-centrist with third position views and some support of social darwinism. Discussing my views on politics would take up the whole thread. I could go on for days. Thank you, user. I agree it must be preserved.It is the sweat of the brow of your ancestors and their work. Don't fall for the multicultural enrichment meme.
Ian Walker
Kill yourself, edgelord
Matthew Gomez
If you kill yourself first, I would. Show me how it's done, I'm too lazy to look it up.
Caleb Taylor
The sad thing is that if I was a chick, I could suck, fuck, and model for food money, passport money, tuition for school, and thot makeup/clothes like Sephora and Victoria's Secret. Women have privilege like no other creature.
Brody Gutierrez
Option C stands for coward.
Kill your mother, move out of state or the country and never get caught, like a real American hero.
Cooper Hughes
lol no wonder your mom hates you you're a selfpitying loser
Shut the fuck up, pleb. I could never pull a murder off on someone I know personally. Even if I could, getting out of the area would be a real shitshow unless I acquired a firearm and could induce Stockholm Syndrome in the driver to serve me. It's retarded. I'm better off leaving this situation and letting her stupid ass pay her money for this. America has AFIS, CODIS and NIBIN. Murder is impossible to pull off unless: You are a complete stranger, You've cased the place and guaged the police response times, You stalk the target, You can make the motive appear to be robbery and disappear the obvious 190lb corpse that is left.
Isaiah Walker
> Can you please describe the place where your father touches you at night?
Blake Allen
And even then, none of these fucking parasites are worth killing. They aren't worth my life or my death.
Jonathan Perez
Men who are happy and successful don't even think about women's station in society that much. I can see why you wanna die though. If I were this pathetic I'd contemplate suicide too.
Leo Ward
bitch shut the fuck up and suck the dick
William Parker
In what kind of town or city do you live ? Can you find a job in retail or wait table ? Can you find a job in something like a mcdonalds or wendy's and work your way up to manager ? Can you learn a trade ? Can you tell the SSI that you will find a job and just pay ?
Tyler Campbell
And if I was retarded like you, just how the fuck would I "move out of the country and never get caught, like an American hero."
If I was pro-Marxist and was delusional enough to smoke a Republican senator and fled to Cuba in 1970, that could probably work.
There is no place you can go with $0.00 except to a drug distributor's house in Baltimore for a job, jail, on the corner fucking some faggot or homeless and on foot to Canada or Mexico where you'd be sent back and charged for leaving the USA with no passport, which is a crime if you get caught.
Realistically, if you want to leave the USA, this is what you do: Get $2,350 for citizenship renunciation and then get passport to walk to Canada after moving to Minnesota and then renounce at the embassy, go back through Canada at a later date for your second appointment and get your certificate of non-citizenship from the State Department.
Evan Brooks
Slut, can you please go have kids and abuse them like you bitches always do when you become single moms? Go get fucking gang-raped or something.
Parker Garcia
If the money is owed to the Federal Government is it from school or repayment of aid received (that the judge determined to have been fraudulent SSI payments)?
Pretty sure that those are bankruptcy proof, meaning it’s usually next to impossible to get those debts discharged.
Seems like hitchhiking is your best bet.
Good luck user. (Remember that everything Federal you apply for will most likely report back to the headhunters where you are... stay under their radar).
Kayden Evans
Deep south shithole I probably can but I absolutely can not have liquids spilled on me Yes, but my temper and issues would probably fuck that up. Lot of ghetto ass people at McDonald's, but, employee discount on food, I guess. I'm more than capable of learning a trade. I could, but, I have no resume and no experience. I can't drive. I don't have a college degree. I'd be trapped in this southern shithole, paying these people back if I even found someone to hire me.
Juan Jenkins
She appealed and they continued the check so it's an overpayment. She did this and when I turn 21, they will want it from me. I'm getting the fuck out of here.
Jeremiah Myers
Could I move and pay these assholes back and could I go from being homeless to having a job while being homeless?
Ryder Carter
I got sexually assaulted at 14 by a dirty feminazi cunt like you in a classroom. Women get away with everything. I have seen it firsthand.
Ryder Perez
I know you hates them, but could you ask your uncle or your father for a job, or live temporary with them ? I always heard on Jow Forums than furry porn artists make good money, especially when they take fetish related commissions. Maybe you could set up a patreon and go for this route for a while, even if you can find it soul-sucking.
Leo Perry
My uncle lives in a condo in Sata Barbara, CA. He doesn't like me because he doesn't like my pathetic mother. Some little childhood feud. They both got abused and molested as kids.
My father is a deadbeat piece of shit. I've only seen him when I was 7 in California and 12, after my grandfather died.
My great uncle lives in poverty, will want money and I have no gf or brothers, sisters or friends to couch-surf with.
Aaron Ward
Santa Barbara* He's a dirty piece of shit and the reason this cunt and I both live in poverty. If he didn't steal this house with a quitclaim deed, this 60k property could be renovated, insured, put on the market and sold.
Ethan James
I bet $100 you've never had a guy who was part of a group of kids bullying you walk up to you and start caressing your vagina in a classroom through your clothes. Even if you did, the fucker would be in jail that day. The teacher saw part of what happened when she entered the class, we went to the office, the principal said, verbatim "it would be embarrassing [for her] if that ever got out." The girl's mother was an oncologist and makes doctor money so guess what, the next day, the teacher didn't see anything or hear anything and was fired at the end of the year.
Gavin Brown
Can you fix that liquid thing ? Can you fix that temper thing ? Then what is holding you from going to that trade route ? >I have no resume and no experience. I just gave you ways to get them. >I can't drive Can you fix it ? Can you you move to a city with public transportation ? Can you carpool ? >I don't have a college degree Can you fix it ? Do you need tobe employed ? Would an Edx online course thing appease your thirst for knowledge ? >I'd be trapped in this southern shithole, paying these people back if I even found someone to hire me. Until you paid these $17000. Would this take long, if you had a job ?
Also, can anyone you know (friends, family, ect...) potentially help you ? (loaning you cash, giving you food or meds, housing you) ?
Godspeed user. I know you can make it.
Ryder Russell
Women have female privilege and for anything bad you bloody cunt bitches ever face in your lives, you can always do dirty shit and get away with it.
Ryder Gray
You didn't answer my questions. Can these people help you giving you a food or a roof yes or no ? Can you fix your relationship with your uncle (since your are not your mother and you both hate her) yes or no ? Could you go trought the furry route yes or no ?
Aiden Cook
>*a job My bad.
Juan Long
No. I'm my own family. All I have is me. I have an OCD fear of touching LSD/PCP/etc and I fear that I'd get dosed with the shit through food or drink/touch something and absorb it through my skin or have it spilled on me.
I could do a DeVry thing or technical college with a FAFSA (yay, more federal debt) and get a job, while still living with my mother until I got a Section 8 voucher and transferred to another state or got an apartment and worked in McDonald's to pay these people whil being trapped here.
I want to know from you, can I move to a better state with more opportunities, start from square one, work and pay these people back?
Aaron Jackson
I can do furry hentai. I probably could patch up things with my uncle but he's an alcholic and gay. When I was 7, we both stayed with him. At the time he had a boyfriend. I asked him who that guy was that always comes over. Do you want to know how he retorted? He took my clothes, went on a tirade, throwing them on the floor and put us both out taling about how he had to walk on eggshells around us both.
Gavin Perry
We both got put out over me just asking that innocent question. I could have made a report to CPS when I was 7 and gotten in the LA foster care system. Why I didn't is beyond me.
>I have an OCD fear of touching LSD/PCP/etc and I fear that I'd get dosed with the shit through food or drink/touch something and absorb it through my skin or have it spilled on me. Yeah, can you fix it ?
>I could do a DeVry thing or technical college with a FAFSA (yay, more federal debt) and get a job, while still living with my mother until I got a Section 8 voucher and transferred to another state or got an apartment and worked in McDonald's to pay these people whil being trapped here. How long would it takes, before you can get out ?
>I want to know from you, can I move to a better state with more opportunities, start from square one, work and pay these people back? I dont live in the US, and I have no experiences on these things, so I don't know. My guess: Probably yes, if you find a job and a roof quickly, and don't get thrown in jail for your debts in the meantime.
Could you find a job and start paying now, which could buy you time to start looking for a job in another state and then move out and continue paying there ?
Landon Barnes
Not without my pills. I'd have to go back to the psych ward or my psychiatrist to get medicine.
If I make 10 - 20k a year, minimum wage, one or two years, once I have income.
I see, I think I can get a construction job.
Aaron Evans
I almost died and my delusions of being dosed was so severe they kept me on a 72-hour hold. I went from 200 to 153lbs from May to July.
Thomas Diaz
It sucks, but I may be useful to patch things up with him, since he seems to have a better financial security than you have. Your choice.
About furry hentai, but if the rumor are true, it could help you pay your debt real quick, and maybe get some easy savings. It can also hurt your reputation if anyone find out, and the rumors can be false. Your choice too I guess.
Jordan Cook
delusion of* | dosed were so* Christ. >I'm typing in the dark, plus, I'm a perfectionist.
I want to move to a progressive leftist state so I can get real help.
Brayden Thomas
I could. It may ever help me out. Ehh, I've seen worse. Furry hentai doesn't bother me too much. I'm a degenerate and I know the furry creeps are too so they'd love my commissioned works.
Juan Murphy
Joshua Johnson
So what's holding you from getting those pills ?
Could you fix it the long term with therapy or something, not needing pills anymore ?
I heard things like ASMR therapy or TRE therapy were pretty good against PTSD but I don't know if that's what you need.
Ryan Cook
I have an Xbox with no hard drive and an laptop I could sell. I need my laptop though. That's primarly how I'd make money and send emails/ apply for stuff.
Jackson Rogers
I have to get prescriptions refilled. The loxapine was given to me in the psych ward so I'd have to tell my psychitrist when I see him at 2:30pm on the 26th and tell him that helped me and maybe, he'd prescribe that. Even then, I'd be paranoid of the pills probably as well and I still need my vitamin D and potassium. After December, unless I work, my SNAP and Medicaid will be cut. I've just barely gotten over being able to eat non-sealed/packaged foods, as long as I cook it myself. My therapist suggested wearing gloves but even then I still worry. I'm a mess but I want to work. I'd prefer working and not milking 17,000 out of the system.
Angel Rivera
You’re not physically disabled going by the drugs you’re on. Go to job corps jobcorps.gov
Jackson Hernandez
I don't get Leloxicam or Tylenol anymore. I haven't been to my primary care doctor in a while.
Liam Taylor
Sell the Xbox unless you need it to keep your morale high. Keep the laptop.
Can you get over your fears to take your pills ?
Can you take vitamin D and potassium supplement ? Get them in food ? Use the sun for vitamin D
With the options we have discussed (leraning a trade, go to a mcdonalds type or retail or coffee shop or something, doing furry porn [yes it was me]), do you think you could find work by December ?
>I want to move to a progressive leftist state so I can get real help. Set it as your goal to keep your morale high. What would be the best path to get there ? The fastest ?