So apparently Disney is swinging with the big bat in an attempt to get people back into cinema seats by introducing the Vong in Episode IX.
Will Jow Forums fall for the jewish tricks and give them sheckles?
So apparently Disney is swinging with the big bat in an attempt to get people back into cinema seats by introducing the Vong in Episode IX.
Will Jow Forums fall for the jewish tricks and give them sheckles?
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fuck off retard no one cares
star wars was dead the moment lucas sold it to disney let the father produce the old republic saga that would raise alot of fcking money but these idiots need to push their propaganda
go to /tv/ you fuckin faggot
No. The fifth was the last by Frank. It ended on a massive open ended possibility with Duncan and crew traveling the cosmos, that Brian followed up on. Everyone comes back as gholas, Paul(more than once) Chani, Jessica, even Miles, and a massive evil from the past comes back. Brian's books leap all around, he has trilogies encompassing the original Machine War, and why it happened, the creation of the Corrino Empire and a twenty year prequel to Dune itself, a trilogy including the Creation of the major schools, Bene Gesserit, Mentats, Suk, and Spacing Guild, the Tleilaxu and why they are hated, the Swordmaster school creation, so fucking much. And they are nowhere near as dry? as a lot of Frank's work. Also, gholas. The true Kwisatz Haderach is not who you think it is.
Also, the reason and creation of the eternal enmity between Harkonnens and Atreides. They used to be good friends.
Fuck off Disney interns
They were always a dumb idea. Their race sounds like a Vietnamese street gang and it's a stupid fan fic level story element. Let's be honest. The overwhelming majority of the extended universe just want that good. Yeah there was good stuff in there, but the majority was garbage.
You are not a quality Aus shitposter.
The Vong were the single deadliest threat responsible for more death and destruction in the EU Star Wars universe in five years than any fifty years of war prior.
Nah the Vong are baller. I am sure Disney will butcher them tho.
>Spend 2 movies saying nothing but trying to reiterate old movies
>Throw away anything you did build up for surprise villain
Yeah it's a fake leak containing something fans would like. Just like all the other leaked cool shit but were actually sjw garbage. ((They)) are leaking this bullshit to try and save their SW rep but it's too late. Dont fall for this trash m8s
>The Vong were the single deadliest threat responsible for more death and destruction in the EU Star Wars universe in five years than any fifty years of war prior.
Emperor Vitiate would like a word with you.
What did they build up again? That Han is dead and......the Republic is magically overthrown in one blow.
SWTOR needs to end already.
>watching sw
please keep shoving movies down my throat
and up my ass, never let me have real adventures
you take such good care of me lol, kys.
>ancient evil
I know it's the normiest sci-fi but come on
>that gif
Holy fuck i laughed way too hard at this. Thank you friend
The mystery you are hinting at about the true Kwisatz Haderach sounds interesting, but the rest sounds like lore for the sake of lore. I'll check into what books explore the Kwisatz Haderach more.
That sounds spot on. Content for youtube fanbots to speculate about to maintain interest and build up s(0)y hype.
They're literally just going to rip from the Yuuzhan Vong saga and make it gay.
Reminder that if your country doesn't side with the Empire, you are not white
>gayniggers from outer space?
Fuck off with you kike propaganda. Star Wars is trash and so is this stupid thread
Southern Europe BTFO
ah yes the central african republic the whitest nation on earth
If you haven't noticed most people are trashing nu-Star Wars ITT.
More bullshit from old shit franchises, and more shit commentary from Jow Forums and the internet at large.
>introduce outsider faction in the finale
Holy shit this is a train wreck
I stand by what I said. The Vong did more damage in five years than anyone else in EU history over fifty years. Vitiate barely managed to equal the Vong, over fifteen hundred years.
Fucking newfag cancer
China definitely tilts toward the Empire. I remember when they released it for the first time over there the audience was thoroughly confused at how the Empire was the villains.
no problem
>fans loved the Vong
If Disney honestly thinks this then they have already lost.
No way are they going to bring in a proxy for space-Muslims in at this stage.
Dont forget the resistance that is like 10 people total and no one bothers to answer Leia call for help even when the republic is still actually in control
I love the Yuuzhan Vong and the NJO. Fight me.
Fun fact, they are mentioned in Knights of the old Republic.
there is still one little corner of the star wars universe that has not been raped yet...
>google Yuuzhan-Vong
>click first wookieepedia link
>the background of the site is two niggers, an asian, an alien, and a bot
everything nu-star wars is and has been garbage compared to anything behind it. legacy and the eu are both miles better in every way than nu-sw. jar-jar binks himself has more depth than anything nu. he's also a Sith.
Disney is run by kikes. Never give them money.
>Trying to force the vapid cunt everyone hates to be liked by partnering up with the only decent character in the movie
Kikes gonna kike.
Paul is one type of Kwisatz, but he is far from the most powerful. Paul is merely the Kwisatz the Bene Gesserit could see through their breeding program. However, Paul and his family's influence on the true Kwisatz was significant. Even Miles Teg was a type of Kwisatz. The term Kwisatz Haderach means "A shortening of the way", or, as I took it to mean, a massive jump in human evolution. Miles Teg was a type of Kwisatz Haderach, he and his mother kept the possibility of it hidden. Atreides blood is not the only way to achieve superhuman status, forced evolution is possible too. As for lore for the sake of lore, no. The stories Brian wrote were very good, and Erasmus, aka, Marty as you may know him, is a very interesting machine AI still alive and functioning in the time of Paul, and still around for God Emperor, and the return from the Scattering. Erasmus has a very interesting character arc, well worth reading.
The worst of both worlds. It's masterful if they're being deliberate about how shitty they can make things.
There's no point thinking about logic when there was none to begin with.
Die slow in acid, memeflaggot, and fuck off to your tranny discord while you are at it.
What's wrong with Hercules and Tarzan?
Well the resistance got absolutely fucked in the last movie. They have to pull something out of their ass.
That's where Wakanda is you fool.
Pretty sure there are potatoes to pick, irishnigger. Get drunk and come back and argue, you are more fun that way.
White girl falls for jungle man. C'mon.
>SJW wars
Edgar Rice Burrows was a racialist if I remember correctly however. His Princess of Mars/John Carter series is pretty explicit about it.
No doubt Rey will fire a proton torpedo right her vagina and into the womp rat sized weak point on the Vong Annihilation Rotunda
What are you trying to say faggot?
Jar jar being something like a sith alchemy disguise for darth plagueis would have been neat
Nigga, you are on the side of the fans here. The final stand of Ganner Rhysode is one of my favorite scenes in that series. Pretty boy got taught he wasn't shit, then decided to go all out to fuck up the Vong, and collected the highest body count in single combat in the whole series, then went down in Vong legend as the ultimate warrior. Good shit.
That is incorrect.
It's true the original kotor game has a big cult following, but normies are totally unaware of it. No way they would ever reference it or pull from it because it would not be understood by the masses.
This looks like Gnosis from Xenosaga.
Honestly it would have been the crowning moment of awesome if Lucas did it since Binks literally does everything that sets the Empire into motion.
That doesn't make them a good story
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
It's only an introduction to the next trilogy. You think the Disney Jews will limit this cash cow like that?
SWTOR is so lame. They need to wrap up the Knights of the Eternal Throne arc.
ep 8 was a blessing in disguise
was bad I finally graduate and move on from sw
the mouse can say goodbye to my money
If you pay to see that movie you're a fag
Jews, Disney, Star Wars.
They're gonna bring the real nazis and pull a Linkin Park on Kylo.
I'm saying you came into a discussion with zero information and no good argument, potatonigger. You are at the bottom of the barrel for intelligent discussion here on EU stories, and your only contribution could be our entertainment at your drunken posting. Was that clear enough for you, or should I use shorter words?
It wasn't always like this.
I miss the early-2000s when Wookiepedia was run by a handful of white neckbeards.
>being this angry online
Unless the trailer is Luke teleporting in naked to save Han Solo from dying in some pit and the first line is "Now lets kill that bitch Rey, and her sith parents!" I am not going to see this movie.
I guess it wasn't clear enough because it sounds like you are supporting neo-Star Wars, which you couldn't possibly be doing. Nice projection on anything else.
>In this Bulgarian's mind, Disney are paying people to go on a taiwanese knitting forum (in particular, the racist part, not the film discussing part) to shit on their own film.
200D Chess move. Bobby Fischer would be in awe.
Just like being from Aus does not make you a quality shitposter, as you have proven more than once in this thread. There were a few shitty stories in the fifty books concerning the Vong war. Just like some Aus posters are shitty posters. Most of us look at the overall story arc, not the individual stories, kinda like how you guys got the rep, but you are failing that rep. The two or three failures get ignored in favor of the forty plus good ones.
you are correct but your pic isn't related
To be completely fair, if you were a new republic commander, you probably wouldn’t want to die saving those Resistance idiots from their own staggering incompetence.
I honestly question if episode 8 was trying to be the worst movie it could possibly be, to derail the franchise as much as possible, I am not sure, it seems like a genuine attempt at a "the producers" style scam for some reason.
We Waz Vongs
The Disney New Republic also barely had a military and no new cadre of Jedi to rely on to start with. They literally had to have the entire galaxy grab the idiot ball for decades to allow the First Order to emerge.
What neo SW? English, ya fucking mong. We are discussing the Yuuzhan Vong. In case you have not been paying attention, or were too drunk to remember, the Vong did not appear in nuMale SW. They were a creation of the EU before dickless Disney got their paws on SW. Your ignorance of the subject in discussion just proves your reading comprehension failure.
Like I said, get drunk and come back here and shitpost. At least you will be entertaining then.
All disney had to do was make the EU more accessible. Like with movies and games. Think of all the lore that got tossed out so they could have their wank over stronk whimin and magical negros. I would play the shit out a a Pius Dea Crusade era game. Or what about something during the Imperial Civil War? Empire at War still has a modding community to this day making every single possible ship and army playable. I haven't been into Star Wars for years now, but I miss the hope I used to have.
It was dead the moment Lucas released the special editions in the mid 90’s. Everything from that moment on was a horrible decision.
Propaganda or Proper-ganda?
You decide.
>Yuuzhan Vong
well that certainly is out of left field but it's too late now and such a jarring shift is going to fuck up the half assed narrative they were working on.
The new films arent bad, but the actors are extremely questionable
Australians have a rep for being unhygenic, desperate attention seekers who couldn't get a whore to smile with a fistful of cash, what are you talkin about?
Thats the 6th with that cliffhanger, Heretics and Chapter house were pretty much one long episode though
Who thought this was a competition? Warhammer has a dick the size of the sun compared to this normie star wars crap.
Dude, I haven't seen the new Star Wars. A passing glance will tell you it's cancer for the eyes and ears. It's appalling it's been normalized to milk once successful franchises until it's no longer possible. I have no interest, and nor should you if you had any brains. You should avoid that crap entirely, and speak ill of it every opportunity.
I suspect the reason you are buttmad is because you were caught supporting something you know deep down you shouldn't. But I am your friend trying to help you realize that, there is no need to bite my arm. There is always time to correct your ways.
I see only space hyperdrive builder kelp researcher and starship designer
The new films are awful Mary Sue garbage with a massive shit infested mainline SJW propaganda with zero attention placed on established physics or story. The agents of the actors should be shot for ever signing them(Seriously, Rey actress claim to fame was a naked dead body shot in a shitshow) and the nigger was dragged off of the street. I am embarrassed that Gwendoline Christie was such a geek that she took a role in the movie. The script looks like a bunch of four year olds fingerpainted for a year, and had an illiterate nigger from Africa interpret it.