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What wen wrong with Joe Rogan?
James Moore
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Samuel Perez
he never let richard spencer on
Hudson Foster
he's short and gay
Caleb Hill
Manlets can never be trusted.
Colton Watson
It's funny cuz people call Alex Jones a plant. Dude Joe Rogan is what a plant looks like.
Alex is the first guy to defend anyone who gets smeared or "taken down" by the media. Whether it is Milo, Gavin, or even some neocon loser like Eric Bolling who he doesn't even agree with but still lets on the show.
Alex is a guy who goes into the fucking trenches with ANYONE on his side, and never gets any credit for it.
Joe, on the other hand, is a two faced son-of-a-bitch and this is completely undeniable to anyone who watches his shows. He abandons anyone at the first sign of trouble (except for Roseanne, I'll give him credit for that, but those two go way back and it's kind of a different situation since she's really just a straight-up comedian and not in any way a political pundit)
JOE is what "controlled opposition" looks like. And I mean in my opinion that much should have been clear just watching him for YEARS now.
But I will give it up to him in admitting that he and Howard Stern are probably the two best interviewers on the planet. They just aren't very good people and they don't have very much integrity.
Cooper Baker
He looks a bit taller than usual
Mason Parker
People set their expectations too high. He didn't deliver to be some suave and well-versed expert on each subject and deliver an interesting enough commentary on a subject many of his viewers have a deep interest in.
Honestly, the problem is he is literally too intelligent for his audience.
Matthew Watson
Brought on Twitter twat, gave him an easy time, didn't think it would make him look like an untrustworthy hypocrite.
Betcha he did DMT once and saw life through the eyes of a chimpanzee.
Hunter Jones
Never forget, Toe Rogan and his sidekick Chris "Aubrey" Marcus used to hawk Fleshlights on his podcast. The day the JRE forums got scrubbed pretty much outed the Toe as controlled opposition.
Camden Taylor
Ethan Brown
He became wealthy and powerful and joined the establishment--like 99.9999% of people throughout history who become powerful, he was corrupted. Is that so surprising????
now he is an establishment minion--the difference is he is a very subtle, insidious minion whereby he has all the outer appearance and trappings of being an independent "free-thinking" care-free laid back inquisitor who can put the opposition at ease and get them to lower their guard and say things that might be taken out of context. he then can feed the media/industrial establishment what they need to take out of context and try to smear the opposition, while at the same time giving mealy mouthed, apologetic, sympathizing pro-forma sops to the sympathizers so that he can look like a co-victim and not a part of the whole establishment trick.
So, yeah, he's now the enemy. But then he always was the enemy in the sense his goals always were to achieve fame, status, prestige, and not to pursuit the truth.
Elijah Collins
This is from 2005. There was never a time when it wasn't wrong for Rogan.
Michael Cook
He was placed on the leftist circle of hate due to his popularity. Pic related is who they are after.
Luis Rivera
It's funny cuz people call Alex Jones a plant. Dude Joe Rogan is what a plant looks like.
Alex is the first guy to defend anyone who gets smeared or "taken down" by the media. Whether it is Milo, Gavin, or even some neocon loser like Eric Bolling who he doesn't even agree with but still lets on the show.
Alex is a guy who goes into the fucking trenches with ANYONE on his side, and never gets any credit for it.
Joe, on the other hand, is a two faced son-of-a-bitch and this is completely undeniable to anyone who watches his shows. He abandons anyone at the first sign of trouble (except for Roseanne, I'll give him credit for that, but those two go way back and it's kind of a different situation since she's really just a straight-up comedian and not in any way a political pundit)
JOE is what "controlled opposition" looks like. And I mean in my opinion that much should have been clear just watching him for YEARS now.
But I will give it up to him in admitting that he and Howard Stern are probably the two best interviewers on the planet. They just aren't very good people and they don't have very much integrity.
Jace Thomas
This. Rogan is a snake.
Wyatt White
i don't care what anyone says, he was alllllways overrated. he's someone average or below intelligence listen to and think they're smart, because he talks at a fifth fucking grade level so retards can understand him. he's a fucking retard.
Tyler Lopez
Kevin Collins
You write like a retard but I agree for the most part
Carter Thompson
He's an alpha male and weak cuckbois from the right or left can't handle that
Jaxon Lee
I dont get the hate. I still like listening to his podcast and find his views logical and levelheaded. This whole hate Joe Rogan, he's a shill, thing is a meme.
John Diaz
Joe getting called out by guest
Adam Price
this lil nigga tho
Gavin Kelly
Doesn’t his wife have a black daughter? He may be alpha, but all that means is that many people follow him - doesn’t make him a good leader he is a brainlet and sold out long ago.
Ayden Bailey
this pic gets me every time