Are (((they))) behind the spike in autism. I'm having a little baby soon and need advice on how to prevent this.
1 in 40 Children have Autism
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Don't give him vaccines.
Same boat as you. I think genetically suceptible people are exposed to far greater levels of heavy metals and other substances that greatly affect developing brains than was normal in the past. Vaccines being one, as is pollution. Also unsure how rampant endocrine disruptors play into this. But as typical in this country, they just say Oh no the rates of autism, diabetes, and obesity is skyrocketing! But refuse to address why. Modern society is psychologically toxic. Why wouldnt the physical creations be as well?
Diabetes and obesity are linked.
Honestly? I'm pretty sure these autists were just called retards or weirdos in the past.
if you have a girl, she'll be fine.
it's very rare for girls to have aspergers or any form of autism.
Autism is deliberately over-diagnosed these days for two reasons:
1) Bad parents who never discipline their children need an explanation for why they are so badly behaved and incompetent at school.
2) Medical professionals push it as a means of selling their services as well as supporting government-funded 'programs' intended to address this imaginary problem.
Prevent ear infections from bottle feeding that gets in the ears. Watch for milk allegies- not just lactose intolerance- and do goats milk if you notice the signs of allergy.
Girls do develop autism/aspergers (lower rate than boys) however it makes them a more interesting person due to individualism, unlike hive mind women.
Narcissistic personality disorder or cluster B disorder is what is more common in girls.
narcissistic personality disorder IS a cluster b disorder and not nearly as prevalent as borderline personality disorder----------------------
It's totally the vaccines. Not the women popping out kids right before hitting menopause as the new norm because now average births are happening in the mid-30s.