/b/ hate thread

they're fucking liberal, I'm ashamed they're a part of Jow Forums

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/b/ is just trap porn these days

I haven't been outside of pol ever

Jow Forums is worse. Stopped visiting that board

>tfw haven't been to /b/ in 10 years
How the fuck did that happen?

literally hitler

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Yeah /b/ is filled with pakis, niggers, depressed losers, and faggots. It's all porn and it has gone straight to shit. Raids used to be the only good thing about it, but after 4chink cucked on that rule there's now nothing to salvage from that embarrassment. What a fucking shame. It's the embarrassment of 4chink. Should start mass banning liberal faggots since most of them post porn, traps, furry shit, and pedo garbage.

what's the point of those other boards.

At least they're aware they're shit


true, full on incel board, at least they don't seem like lefties though

there's a kavanaugh thread of idiots saying he was guilty with no proof other than he's white. made me wanna puke, feels like fucking r*ddit

In case you want to see the retardation: I don't recommend it though