Google & Facebooks WiPow IOT systems

upon investigation of googles sommerfeld-goubau launchers, It was confirmed that the launchers are not only capable of emitting microwave frequencies for data communications, but also that the system can transmit power wirelessly. the Sommerfeld-goubau tech is also a highlight of development in the BIOMEMs field for the past 2 decades due to its ability to transmit frequencies that can peirce the skin, as well as provide power to a recieving antenae as small as 10 micrometers in diameter. It was also found that Facebook line of sight systems work in conjunction with its google counterpart.

Both having been developed under the guise of an IOT communications network are being constructed with no attention from the public over the past couple of years, 2017 - 2018 being the year of the final patent approvals. The LOS system can receive the dense wave form then disperse it in a uniquely precise fashion. Both are capable of ultra low, microwave, up to THZ frequencies depending on ambient conditions and intention of dispersal.

The connection between the 2 systems was originally conceived due to both Googles Launchers and Facebooks Line-of-Sight system having been built by Karthik Yogeeswaran. Karthik has specialized in the transmission of electromagnetic surface waves, microwave communications techniques as well as a most unique tenure in the determination of a devices energy state via wireless detection. The CO-inventor of facebooks LOS systems, Yael G Miguire, is also the Director Of Engineering at Facebook. Yael, specializes the study of physics pertaining to powering and communicating with micro-scale devices embedded in brain tissue. cited in a published journal, cited below:
Principles for Scalable Neural Recording

Attached: goub.png (800x533, 680K)

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The CO-inventor, Yael G Miguire. Yael G Miguire is the Director Of Engineering at Facebook. Her display publcation on Yael G Miguires Linkedin

"Physical Principles for Scalable Neural Recording"
"Simultaneously measuring the activities of all neurons in a mammalian brain at millisecond resolution is a challenge beyond the limits of existing techniques in neuroscience. Entirely new approaches may be required, motivating an analysis of the fundamental physical constraints on the problem. We outline the physical principles governing brain activity mapping using optical, electrical,magnetic resonance, and molecular modalities of neural recording. Focusing on the mouse brain, we analyze the scalability of each method, concentrating on the limitations imposed by spatiotemporal resolution, energy dissipation, and volume displacement. We also study the physics of powering and communicating with micro-scale devices embedded in brain tissue."

Their LOS system involves a square perimeter designated by tranceivers, generally 4 creating a square grid. Essentially it seems as if the LOS receivers create a perimeter in which they can emit and maintain a central frequency radius. the Domed emitter seems to push out a series of frequencies with much smaller radii that are directed to positions by way of traversing along the curvature of the central emission.

As confirmation of facebooks systems ability to interact with microwave frequencies i will cite this:
"For example, fog 2905 may be impenetrable at optical wavelengths, but not a microwave wavelengths. Accordingly, nodes 2910 a and 2910 b may switch to another communication medium (e.g., microwave) until the condition abates."
Found in patent #US20180062741A1:
Alignment in line-of-sight communication networks

Indicating that Facebook has made strides in recent history towards interacting with microwave frequencies such as googles goubau launchers emmit.

The two systems are not meant to be known for their interoperability, however, the fundamentals alone suggest that the two are capable of interacting with each other in lieu of communications system in which wireless power can be supplied and transmitted. The few key tells within them are spread thin. Facebook for instance has around 9 patents for the system, each having minor almost unnoticeable differences. this is not a quick read kind of thing.

Facebook has a previous patent describing its method power generation from receiving a wireless transmission of THz Microwave frequencies. in fact, this patent just gained final approval on february 8th, 2019.

"Generating recommended search queries on online social networks US8949250B1"
" Antennae 134A-B are components that convert electric current into radio waves, and vice versa. During transmission of signals, a transmitter applies an oscillating radio frequency (RF) electric current to terminals of antenna 134A-B, and antenna 134A-B radiates the energy of the applied the current as electromagnetic (EM) waves. During reception of signals, antennae 134A-B convert the power of an incoming EM into a voltage at the terminals of antennae 134A-B. The voltage may be transmitted to a receiver for amplification."

"Wireless Power Transmission Using Magnetic Resonance"
"1.3 INTENDED GOALS Our primary goal was to be able to wirelessly transfer power (in watts) of an AC oscillating waveform into a DC voltage on the receiving end, which could be used to power an electrical load (in watts) to demonstrate instantaneous power transfer. To do this, we intended to design a tunable oscillator capable of generating frequency in the RF band (1MHZ –20 MHz) and a power amplifier to supply enough power to be transmitted for powering the electrical load. In addition to this, we also intended to demonstrate the evanescent waves by the illustration of an exponential relationship of power transmitted to the receiver as a function of distance of separation between the receiver and transmitter coils"

Attached: US20170223605A1_ASS_LOS_COMM_NET_002.jpg (2550x3300, 271K)

Attached: US20180013491A1_DEP_LOS_COMM_NET_004.jpg (1275x1650, 162K)

Attached: US9661552_ASS_LOS_COMM_NET_012.jpg (2550x3300, 360K)

Attached: US9661552_ASS_LOS_COMM_NET_013.jpg (2550x3300, 356K)

Googles Patent #US10044442B2, is described in it's abstract as:

"A method for delivering a communication signal is disclosed. The method includes receiving, at an optical transceiver, an optical communication and constructing, at a baseband integrated circuit in communication with the optical transceiver, a radio frequency communication (e.g., the intermediate frequency data and control signals) based on the optical communication. The method also includes transmitting the radio frequency communication from a Sommerfeld-Goubau launcher in communication with the baseband integrated circuit as a surface wave along a power line to a strand mount device disposed on the power line. The strand mount device is configured to receive the radio frequency communication and wirelessly transmit the radio frequency communication (e.g., via a wireless link) to a user device."

Attached: goubau2 (1).jpg (281x179, 12K)

in light of the fact that power lines emmit EM radiation, it seems the choice was made to install the tech on power lines. the process will be laid out in the patents

The Launchers propagate ambient electromagnetic radiation via 2 conical "launchers" placed on the powerlines.
Launcher Setup:

Attached: QUASAI_WIRELESS_COMMUNICATION_SYSTEM_US10044442-page-007.jpg (1650x1275, 113K)