I don't get the holohoax denial thing

>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation or evidence to ever existing decides to fake "the holocaust" as part of a plot to take over the world and enslave the Master Race
>Plant the seeds for decades (centuries?) in advance long before WW1 even happened (Jow Forums often uses the old "six million" references as evidence of a conspiracy)
>None of this is ever discovered or found out
>Somehow orchestrate in the middle of WW2 the mass disappearance of 11 million people including 6 million jews and 5 million non-jews
>covertly relocate these people secretly to ??? (Israel I guess?)
>build all these complex facilities and phony camps that were actually resorts with theaters and swimming pools and etc
>falsify thousands of documents, photographs, etc
>create thousands of fake mass graves and fill them with fake bodies in the middle of nazi-controlled territory
>pay off millions of witnesses of dozens of nationalities, none of whom EVER break the silence that they were in fact in on a gargantuan conspiracy
>Pay off every single historian to have existed at the time or has existed since, they're all in on it too and none of them ever blab
>All the nazi's are in on it too as not one of them denied the holocaust took place at their trials, just their individual responsibility.
>The leaders of every country in the world is in on that, including both sides of the Cold War
>Jews coordinate all this despite no real method of communication at the time. Moreover not a single document exists of them communicating so it was all psychic I guess
>No paper trail of this MASSIVE unprecedented operation that has spanned now many years exists.
>Somehow THIS is more believable than the nazi's killing the people they said they always wanted to kill

How did the Jews manage this when Nixon couldn't even keep Watergate a secret?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Holocaust wasn't an organized one-and-done conspiracy, it was more like a religion that grew organically. It took them 10 years to settle on gas chambers as a method of execution.

Attached: Eli Weisel - best known survivor (burning open pits, originated the term %22holocaust%22) .jpg (1200x1081, 354K)

isn't there a kid you should be trying to fuck?
this board isn't for child rapists like you, go back to /lgbt/ where you belong

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Damn, this based Canadian doesn't get the rake

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1. The truth fears no investigation. Holocaust denial is illegal and punishable with jail time in germany and the majority of european nations.

2. No one here denies that holocaust happened altogether. There is plenty of evidence that jews were put in concentration camps. We argue that camps were not used primarily to kill jews and that 6 million jews did not die.

3. The 6 million number is not based on death records, or mass graves or any hard evidence. It wasn't even used until decades after the holocaust. The way it was calculated was by taking the amount of jews in europe a decade before the war (from a census) and subtracting the amount of jews in europe a decade after the end of the war (also from a census). It takes no account of how many jews fled europe to the US or israel, no account of jews who changed their names and didn't want to out themselves as being jewish in fear of another holocaust.

good post user, every thread about the holocaust is a worthy one

Attached: anne frank.jpg (731x1024, 134K)

That image, where can I learn about whats-her-name being transferred camps? And children being executed on arrival?

The camps weren't used to kill Jews. They were used as holding pens until the Germans felt it was safe enough to deport them, along with every other group that was there. The Holocaust wasn't even a thing until the 70's.

Camp transfer - encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/anne-frank-biography

Not about Anne Frank specifically, but children were supposedly targeted for extermination - encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/children-during-the-holocaust


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Thanks user

Follow up question - where does it say she was put in a hospital? I'm just seeing she died of Typhus

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Not sure. But her father was in the Auschwitz hospital, when the Soviets arrived. Yes, there was a hospital.

No you fuck tard it’s not like that. Jews are inherently biased against the prosperity of the dominant group of the society they live in. Anything they do is to damage that dominant group. If you’re in that group, the best bet is to do whatever it is they don’t like.

One motivation as to why is that Russian propaganda was so effective at riling their people up against the Nazis that the rest of the Allies absorbed and ultimately adopted the narrative. As such given the scale of War Crimes committed against Germany and the axis, Dresden, civilian train bombings etc. (mind the axis engaged in similar things against the allies, but it is believed the brits hit civvies first) westerners would lose faith in their governments if they learned the truth. Rather than one big conspiracy, it is a series of smaller conspiracies to justify small pieces of Russian and Allied propaganda that make up the whole, because "even if this one thing I'm saying isn't true here, the Nazis are so bad, it must be true somewhere.". Also keep in mind the media today is the same as it always was, lying and making up shit to sell papers and governments were just as snaky and untrustworthy as today. It is more akin to compartmentalized mob justice style thinking than a singular cabal style of thinking - which culminated in the Nuremburg trials, which WAS a kangaroo court where the defendants weren't allowed to tell their side of of the story or defend themselves as a matter of rule. If you add on top of this the scale of reparations (billions) given out by Germany to Israel and Jewish people, and the profitability of the holocaust industry (movies, books, Anne franks diaries real and fake) and the marketability of Hitler as the singular greatest monster in history you can see the motivation for keeping the thing alive.

pic very much related, this was a commonly believed lie about an atrocity that never happened.


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Not sure, but the Nazis were very diligent about making sure the Jews were healthy before they put them in the death showers.

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All of this being said, I don't deny the holocaust as Hitler was very vocal about the Jews long before coming to power, but question the scale of it, and really have no interest in going down that rabbit hole (there have been just as many frauds on the hoax side of the argument as the official story side).

Nuremberg was a kangaroo court intended to humiliate the losers of the war.

Attached: nuremberg articles 19 and 20 (#ListenAndBelieve).png (605x412, 643K)

Jews were detained in work camps by the Nazis who used them as a work force they had hospitals cinemas and brothel they could visit Hitler wanted to relocate all German jews to Madagascar but allied bombing (that killed thousands of innocent German women and children) destroyed supply lines to the work camp meeting food and medicine couldn’t reach these camps the rats carried fleas which had typhus within out supplies a lot of jews died from disease and hunger ww2 was fought because Germany decided to make a new currency free from international intrest the Reichmark because globalist want one world government they demonised Hitler and nationalist to this day the deaths of the Jews from sickness and hunger were twisted to make Hitler seem like a monster even though all of Germany loved him it’s why none of the maths is even possible and the Jews have such unrealistic story’s that back then seemed credible

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And drumpf was very vocal about the Mexicans and deporting them, which apparently in 50 years will be proof that he holocausted them.

we are getting raided

American Senator Thomas Dodd wrote that 75% of those involved in the Nuremberg trials were Jews.

"You will understand when I tell you that this staff is about seventy-five percent Jewish. Now my point is that the Jews should stay away from this trial — for their own sake. For — mark this well — the charge ‘a war for the Jews’ is still being made and in the post-war years it will be made again and again. The too large percentage of Jewish men and women here will be cited as proof of this charge. Sometimes it seems that the Jews will never learn about these things. They seem intent on bringing new difficulties down on their own heads. I do not like to write about this matter —it is distasteful to me — but I am disturbed about it."

Torture was used, Documents presented, that the defendants could not question (it wasn't a real trial)

I've been Googling a bunch and in Otto Frank's wiki page it says

>He was sent to the men's barracks and found himself in the sick barracks when he was liberated by Soviet troops on 27 January 1945.

Do you know where I can read more about what 'sick barracks' are? I realize this is already glaring evidence (Hmmmm why do they have 'sick barracks' in a death camp???) but I'd like something more substantial to help prove the point.

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Really makes me THINK

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Try this one weird trick to survive a Nazi death camp

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quite a few of these threads today

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Having power over money means nothing if people rise up. The point of the holocaust is to create a gestalt awareness powerful enough to make people turn on their loved ones if they wake up.

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>Peter Hitchens in high school.jpg

Pic related.


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Picture from the Auschwitz jospital.

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>A council of centralized Jewish leadership that has no documentation
There is plenty of documentation of the soviet elite

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who is this girl?

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... the raid hasn't stopped for close to two years, leafrend. Nothing will stop the jew until the jew is stopped.

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>accidentally posts an anti-holocaust denial image debunking the claims from his other images
top kek

>calgary herald
Kek wtf, thats still a pretty reputable paper

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Stupid britbong, do you actually believe the holocaust happened?


When you can show me the actual evidence that 6 million jews were murdered then we'll talk. Just claims by people are bullshit.

For a genocide that killed 6 million they sure had to get a microscope to "debunk" a single denier claim. You don't need this shit for tiennaman square, the holodomor, or most other genocides because they left, you know, ACTUAL BODIES.

What color does your body burn?

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Allow yourselves to feel good about the fact that outright holocaust denial is growing is youth, many countries except america since they are the best goys openly distrust/ go against israeli interest

In fact obly reason israel isn’t openly punished is because the best american goys are willing to spend and die for them.


The protocols were released in the early 1900's, everything written in them has transpired to the letter. The proof is there if you are looking and do not take the jews words for it being a "forgery".

Attached: protocols.jpg (758x793, 95K)

That's why they keep muddying the waters. It's important to understand what denial is and isn't.

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I love hearing Jews trying to convince everyone they were killed with bug spray in the shower.

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Sounds like a Benny hill skit

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Gas chambers with wooden doors no less

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It's awfully accurate.

Good post, but many were killed in the camps.

You are aware that Germany doesn't deny the 6 million number?

You are aware that Dwight Eisenhower - the SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER AND BEST PRESIDENT THE US HAS EVER SEEN - saw the camps and noted in his war memoir that he saw hundreds of the camps? And Eisenhower was no friend of the jews

>ignores the mountains of evidence in this thread proving it’s a lie

are you some kinda science denier?

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Oh wow a guy with a motive to justify his massive war might have exaggerated the enemy's atrocities surely that never happened.

>We argue that camps were not used primarily to kill jews and that 6 million jews did not die
For this you get criminal charges laid against you.

Its clear you know the inside of your boyfriends asshole better than you know history, especially anything about eisenhower

Right, thats why the Germans haave played along all these years

Bergen-Belsen had been converted to a convalescent camp by early 1945, so in essence the whole thing was a hospital. Further, when any inmate was showing signs of serious disease like Typhus they would be removed from the general population to limit spread of the disease.

Though we can argue whether these facts constitute a hospital or just medical care in a convalescing home, it cannot be said the Germans didn't try to save her life.

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this photo is from the shill faction, this is their file manager's naming scheme.
this photo is a real Jow Forums file.

notice the difference? the shill image is missing the red circle on the camp perimeter, lower right. why? its one thing for you to think that many bodies is hard to hide, its another to Know that the original claim is that they were all buried in that corner. that's why it's circled. so this is a neat demonstration, we are witnessing the truth being rewritten but with our own content. that's why it's so important to generate hashes for your personal pol encyclopedia and write them down on paper. one little lie at a time they will change your investigation into something that cant point at the truth. please pay attention, they are msking the AOC threads lately.

You realise it’s illegal to deny it in their country right?


That acne is terrible.

Right. That's what a country guilty of genocide does. Makes illegal to say they didn't commit genocide

for those that dont know this shill image is the reason why we researched whether other countries used zyklon B for typhus, and yes, the USA used it aggressively in california. it works great for killing lice. shills want to pretend that this art student is the only source for zyklon use, and that by destroying the art student they may convince you zyklon wasnt used to kill lice. even though thats what we used it for ...

dude its the law though. acting like it doesnt make sense ... well no shit thats because it didn't happen.

You mean a country where the occupiers demanded that the result of the Nuremberg trials be accepted.

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The holocaust is a conspiracy theory so perverted that has to be written into law so that people don't question it

Why would a country like Germany, knowing they killed millions of people - including 6 million jews - voluntarily create a law saying that they can't deny that truth? Nobody forced them to do it outside of Germany. To think otherwise makes one a cunt.

nice proof of the holocaust wtf I now believe 6 million Jews were murdered by a German Death Machine without leaving a trace

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Then why do Russia Cambodia and America not have this law?

You realize they were basically a conquered people and subject to whatever conditions we wanted to put on them. We could've convicted all Nazis of mass cross-dressing if we wanted at that point.

Nobody is denying there was hoax!

You are German. You know your country is guilty. We've allowed you back into the fold. I don't consider you the enemy anymore. But you have to acknowledge what you did.

We all know the true enemy is Islam now. Why couldn't you fucking Krauts have done the world a solid, and committed genocide against those cunts?

>file manager's naming scheme.
it's just the iphone naming scheme but otherwise you made a good point

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>You know your country is guilty.

No, I don't.

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Where dem general patton redpills at?

nice explanation

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We don't need laws around the moon landing or flat earth, because the evidence for those things actually happening is profound. Only the holohoax needs such protection from curious people.

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Here you go fren

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Based Patton. No wonder the jews killed him.

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