What’s their reasoning behind this.
Why do young women do this so much now?
Other urls found in this thread:
Attention. Like every other female on the planet
Fpbp. OP, faggot that he is, assumes women are capable of reasoning. They need a firm hand, a good dicking, and a household to care for. Asking anything more of them is like asking a fish to ride a bicycle.
society has told them their entire lives to hate white people and cheer on their destruction, so they do so to fit into the crowd and be liked, loved and accepted.
but a few of them deep down have secretly come to the realization that we're not all that bad.
They encourage traitorous behavior in others, and they engage in it themselves. Staring into the abyss and all that.
If you really want to see this tendency in action go to www.reddit.com/r/raceplay. I know Jow Forums hates reddit, and it should, but......the things you will find on that sub are relevant here.
if its popular they will use it
I mean, just a sample here in the pic related OP.