The core nature of every living being on earth is to be selfish and to procreate. Even selfless behaviour is still selfishness in disguise. The idea is that if you lend your neighbor some sugar then perhaps one day when you need it they will lend some to you. This, perhaps, is not the intention of selfless behaviour, but you must realize that BEHAVIOUR CANNOT BE REINFORCED IN THE GENE POOL UNLESS IT CAN BE PASSED ON. Now, I lied when I said socialism is against nature because as my example dictates some socialism is actually beneficial to your own well being. HOWEVER, The real question you need to be asking is how much socialism is beneficial for you? At a certain point working hard for yourself becomes working hard for others, and that IS SLAVERY.
Socialism is against nature
For a bit of a further point: Selfless behaviour cannot survive in the gene pool. Therefore extreme socialism (sooner or later) cannot survive.
You guys are so obvious. Your tactics don't work. Amatures
Its evolutionary biology. Only selfish behaviours can be passed on. As i stated, selfless behvaiour can survive, but only insofar that it benefits the survival of your genes. Otherwise, how does that behaviour get passed on?
Does every alt righter have a thing for AOC? You guys haven't stopped discussing her and posting her videos and pictures since she got elected.
Extreme socialism therefore very good bait.
Agreed. Living free from theft and violent assault by your neighbors who are struggling to survive or merely envy and resent you is also unnatural. You don't get to just "win" in capitalism. You have to spend the rest of your life fending off the losers. The social contract is all-or-nothing, and cannot function any other way.
1. the alt right is pathetic
2. no, alexandra is entirely astroturfed
3. nobody thinks about her until the fake media shoves her in everyone's face again
You are right. Just put out some food and watch an animal steal it. Is that privilege? No it's just nature. We've got to stop falling for their crap.
It has always been and always will be survival of the fittest.