Was it really worth it for Sweden to allow their country to end by admitting so many refugees...

Was it really worth it for Sweden to allow their country to end by admitting so many refugees? Was it really worth showing the world how tolerant you are even if it means homicide and arson would become commonplace fixtures?

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definitely yes

always remember who's behind it, user. we will retake their land, with fire and slaughter, leaving none alive

They expect one of us in the wreckage, Brother

It wasn't worth it, but you should not believe anything you read on Jow Forums as fact. It's not nearly as bad as American posters try to meme it to be while they jack off to stupid dreams of a wall that they'll never get.
Sweden is still one of the best countries to live in and I wouldn't move away.

It will be worth it if it triggers us to go back to sterilizing minorities and firing up the old institute for race biology.

> definitely yes
We're resenting you now. I hope you're happy with it. We're also going to resent you more than we do now, and probably more still after that.
You may live. Possibly. Being an Israeli.

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Nobody knows, as Swedish politicians have suppressed all investigations and statistics for 3rd world immigration since 2005. Same reason why they count rape cases the same way as they do, they want to hide to the rest of the world how bad things really are in Sweden.
However if they are anything like Denmark, then 3rd world immigrants as a whole costs Swedish taxpayers billions every year.

Just in Denmark, immigrants and their descendants costs the Danish society 34 billions DKK (5,16 billion USD) each year, and this is apparently the most completed study in its field in Europe.

There is also no sign that it will get get better in the decade to come.

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It's funny coming from you pal if I was a swede I wouldn't even bother.

What are you on about, there's a ton of studies on SCB among other places.
2005 is the last time that a specific study regarding various convictions (including rape) was done against specific countries of birth. It's unfortunate that it hasn't been done since but there's been studies done on both the economics as well as other effects (crime) of the asylum party.
Politicians and experts openly say that immigrants are overrepresented in crime. They have been saying this for years.

>What are you on about
The last study Sweden came out with, was a study that went back to 1990 and meassured if all immigrants, western and non-western have been economically feasible.
Please show me a study from Sweden, which shows the costs of 3rd world immigraation.

In the mean time, people can read how much crime asylum seekers commits in Denmark. Belaruse are the worst

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Your statement was "swedish politicians have suppressed all investigation and statistics for 3rd world immigration". This is a statement that can be easily disproved e.g. by scb.se/sv_/Hitta-statistik/Temaomraden/Integration/ for starters.
Don't move the goalposts.

Holy shit you're truely brainwashed.
What you linked to only talks about integration, but doesn't mention immigration at all.

There is no number for how many immigrants work and pay taxes as I could see

Sweden is doomed, You will not be able to compete with low IQ mongrels in high IQ world. When money will dry up, all your industry will be sold to Jews and you will end up as literally african country. The best of white Swedes will emigrate.

> sample sizes range anywhere from 83 to 16598
> we can totally compare those rates, guys
Sociology is a fucking joke.

ITT Swedes living rent free in the heads of untermenschen. RENT FREE

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>said the mestizo in his 49% white country, after taking another bite of his McGoyim GMO burger with extra MSG and flouride

Living in America requires a higher IQ in order to avoid the Jew and the onions, which is why Europe has fallen behind on all fronts. Enjoy your surstromming though.

it's not fake you fucking retard

BRĂ… collects the data every fucking year, they have just been ordered not to ever again publish a report about it. Brainwashed fucking tard.

It measures of how many crimes that is comitted per 100 people. So, the 150 asylum seekers from Belarus, have committed 294 crimes. (50%+)

get in my oven, kizza.

nope but i've noticed that the average swede (especially women) seem to believe in the magic soil meme, meaning they cannot quite wrap their heads around the possibility of the quality of life being anything other than first world tier in sweden because "thats how it has always been as long as ive been alive".

I was in Sweden when Fadime Sahindal was murdered and find it amazing how hard you guys take it up the arse.

The burgers are right. Swedes truly are masochists who fantasise about taking African cosk up the arse and who jerk off when their women get raped by Muslims.

You are an accursed people. Satan tar er.

Maybe they add something to water. Swedes used to be warriors. Once upon a time they almost destroyed Poland. The Swedes burnt Warsaw, and they left only 2.000 survivors.

>Living in America requires a higher IQ in order to avoid the Jew
And you've done such a tremendous job of that

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we just feel bad for you, fren.

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>Sweden is still one of the best countries to live in and I wouldn't move away.
It's not about the current state of things, it's about the trajectory.
>It will be worth it if it triggers us to go back to sterilizing minorities and firing up the old institute for race biology.
That would be worth it. I don't see any evidence of that happening anytime soon.

i started drinking distilled water and then my crossdressing desires disappeared

When I visited sweden our train got held up when entering the country because of niggers acting up

Also your transportation signage is a fucking joke

I find that moderate exposure to Jow Forums can be healthy for young Swedes. Not because they need conversion, the people who come here are already redpilled. However, it does make them realize that we have no allies. This might be a hard pill to swallow at first, but once you finally understand that we are hated by everyone and that there's not a single group out there who does not want us gone, that also gives you a certain amount of relief and freedom.

It makes you see the need for us to push only our own interests, just like in the 50's. We need to become jews again. Swedes must only care about Swedes, because we have no friends or allies. Only enemies. Once we start doing this, good things will come out of it.

There are some stats, just somewhat hidden and never compiled into easy to access reports. Yesterday some politician claimed super successful integration with high employment rate for immigrants in his home town. The guy tried to claim 75% employment rate, but people dug out the stats in no time to prove him wrong. Turns out only 25% were employed, 50% were in various employment programs getting 100% of their wages subsidized and 25% were NEET.

This is what they do with our official unemployment stats as well. They brag about the immigrant NEET/general unemployment numbers being low, neglecting the fact that the vast majority of immigrants are getting their entire income subsidized, be it in work, training, apprenticeships or just employment agency activities.

Biggest meme is the fact that we don't track ethnicity. I used to be fine with this, until I realized we're passing 30% immigrants among young people. Our demographic categories are foreign born, born w/ two foreign parents, born w/ one foreign one domestic parent, born to two domestic parents. So 3rd gen immigrants show up as Swedish in the stats. You can already see the effects in the stats. The % of immigrants is going down in these stats even though immigration is only marginally below 2015 record levels.

Oh, and NEETs aren't included in most unemployment stats either, most often, they only talk about the people that are going to the employment agency and disregard all the NEETs.

based and talmudpilled