It was very long and dry, but I have to say I'm glad to have read it. There's a lot of information about how to properly run a political movement. I suspect that's the main reason it's so widely banned.
Where do I go from here bros?
I finally finished Mein Kampf
Lightning and the Sun
Might is Right
Nature's Eternal Religion
This Time The World
probably the (((edited))) Mein Kampf
>implying there is any other edition for english speakers besides the Stalag edition
Watch TGSNT.
A political movement is useless at this point. We no longer have the genetic stock, or the proper mentality. We are far beyond that point.
There is still yurop. They need our energy.
Start a revolutionary conservative anti-communist group and attract an assortment of any individuals willing to join. Target Antifa and anti-white Leftists with the same tactics they use and if you’re specific to an area start a night patrol that keeps the street safe from niggers. Grow it into a local political party and task all your members with gathering support for the party.
You read Siege.