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Thoughts on abortion and pro life laws?
Daniel Morgan
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Wyatt Jones
No. You?
Aiden Rodriguez
I hear if you eat a dead fetus it gives you better hearing
Adrian Morales
By default, pro-choice. I don't have a uterus, so I don't know whether or not I would want the legal right to cut a child out from my belly or not. That being said, I think abortion is pretty abhorrent, and the new post-birth abortion law in New York is just shocking. The fact that there hasn't been a national outrage is not a promising sign for the west,
Jackson Wright
Adrian Watson
I'm not just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion. Especially in third world countries.
Mason Flores
Technology/artificial wombs will be the solution to the argument. All abortion will eventually become illegal once this tech/process is proven. Well, except for baby killing mother situations.
Benjamin Nguyen
Sarah Silverman quotes makes me want to gas a jew.
Wyatt James
It is not right, it will never be right. We can advance medical science to a point where maybe we can sustaint he uterus outside of woman's body for few months. that way if youw ant abortion, fine but we take the uterous with it and the baby will go for adoption. Sorry bitch, you done fucked-up, so you can't handle the responsibility of carrying around a baby maker.
Mason Johnson
If a women wants an abortion I’m ok with that baby dying inside the corpse of its mother.