I've been seeing this guy for the past six months now. We're exclusively together, but he doesn't want a relationship...

I've been seeing this guy for the past six months now. We're exclusively together, but he doesn't want a relationship. I feel rejected because of it and can't get the thought of not being good enough for him out of my head. I love spending time with him and I know he really cares for me so I really shouldn't mind not officially being together, right? How can I deal with these feelings of disappointment so they wont ruin what I've already got going on?

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Dump his ass. Don't put up with someone being wishy-washy like that.

I've thought about it. I've even brought up just breaking things off with him more than once since we clearly want different things out of this, but I haven't been able to actually get through with it. Each time he's gone off on how he really likes being with me and wouldn't want to lose me, causing me to retreat and wonder if I'm just overreacting. I really don't know if I am anymore.

>We're exclusively together, but he doesn't want a relationship
>for the past six months now
Has he given a reason why he's so resistant to calling it a relationship? Because it pretty much sounds like a relationship. He's said he doesn't see a future with you, or what?


you're good without him
you're human
you have life left to ruin and also enjoy

dump him sis

It really is just a relationship without the title. He's explained before that he doesn't want a relationship because he doesn't love me and it'd feel wrong, which I totally understand, but we've come a long way since then ans I'm really confused because at this point there would be no difference to our situation by calling it a relationship. If it's still about feeling wrong being 'serious' when he doesn't have feelings for me, should't it also feel wrong to keep going on like this?

You should break it off. Either he doesn't take you seriously, or he's too indecisive and self-centered to commit to anyone, and either way this isn't good for you.

The thought of dumping him just really stings. I'm really into him, and he's really good to me otherwise, so I'd really want to make things work even though I know dumping him would probably be the best option.

The thing is that you're being a bit of a doormat, you're giving him ALL of the power in this relationship and that's never a good thing. He's getting everything he wants from you, your needs are not being met, and yet there's no threat you'll ever leave him. So he's going to continue to get what he wants without offering you more than he wants to, because you're allowing it.

You're making a really good point, and the saddest part is that I've been well aware of what I'm doing. Is there any going back or have I just fucked myself over from the start with this? Can I salvage it anymore or is breaking up gonna really be the only answer?

You don't deserve to be with a millennial basedboy committophobe. Go find someone who will commit to you. I asked my gf one month in.

He is emotionally using you.

I'm autistic - what does 'seeing someone exclusively' mean if it isn't dating?

dating doesn't necessarily mean exclusive, a relationship is generally when you exclusively date each other.

I'm lost but I've never been good with anything social anyway. I'm lucky I have friends at all, I think lol

Don't think too much into it. Girls who say that are just trying to make themselves believe something that isn't true.

Yo OP I've got some insider perspective on this.

I dated a girl casually but exclusively for maybe ~18 months a few years back. I had other reasons I didn't want to jump into an official relationship with her at the start, but spending time with her was easy and felt good and I liked her. Thing is that at no point in our relationship did my feelings ever progress past that point. I liked her and I liked to spend time with her but I was not in love with her and after spending so long together I was fairly confident I would never develop those feelings for her.

It had nothing to do with the fact that she wasn't good enough for me, because she was, and it didn't stop me from wishing those feelings would develop so I'd know what to do. Having been happily in love in a relationship I knew that was what I wanted out of any subsequent relationships, and I knew that wasn't what I was getting out of that particular relationship.

My advice to you is to think about it more as his problem than yours. If you've got nothing better going on and you like spending time with him then I don't see much reason to end it. Maybe talk to him about no longer being exclusive so you can see what else you can find without burning the bridge.

What are your feelings toward him? Do you love him?

Something about this seems weird, also, no offense but if he still doesn't love you after 6 months of exclusively dating... I would move on. You deserve to find someone who is willing to love you without reservations

You need to tell him how you're feeling. Then end it.

Trust me I know it's scary the thought of being alone again (I'm in the exact same space right now after a 2 year relationship), but this shit is only going to get more toxic for you.

At this point he's content and the only way he's truly going to realise that he wants more is if you take it away. But be prepared to instead face a new found freedom if it just ends.

You've got a guy fucking you for 6 months, that's a good fucking job on your part, I'm sure you're a beautiful person who will find someone who wants the same as you.

>We're exclusively together
I can almost guarantee you you’re not. I’m a male and I went through the exact situation with a girl a couple of months ago. If someone “doesn’t want a relationship” it’s most often because that person still wants the freedom to fuck around and not feel guilty

I've never actually been in love before so I'm not entirely sure if I love him. I do have strong feelings for him though and I don't even mind if he doesn't return them. He's a wonderful person and I want all that's best for him. I've thought about making things not exclusive, but I'm not really able to look at others in that kind of way and the thought of actually seeing someone else just makes me uncomfortable..

I don't believe that's the case. I've let him know that I'd be hurt by him fucking around at this point and if that's what he wants to do we should just end it because I couldn't respectively handle it. He didn't feel hesitant or upset by it, and I trust him to not go behind my back.