Yellow Vests - Gilets Jaunes
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Yellow Vests - Gilets Jaunes
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No Ruptly feed yet ?
13 fucking weeks went fast
The house of a French Congressman from Macron's party was burnt down
The home, in Motreff (29), of the leader of the deputies LREM, Richard Ferrand, was the subject of a fire attempt, this Friday.
While attending, on Friday, the signing of the accessibility pact and the public action contract in Rennes, alongside the Prime Minister, Richard Ferrand, president of the National Assembly, learned that his home Motreff (29), in the heart of his constituency Finistere, had been the subject of a fire attempt. It was a neighbor who gave the alert.
On site, a blanket, tire residues and a fuel-soaked hand torch were discovered. The house was not destroyed but the fumes that invaded the interior seem to have caused damage. The investigation was entrusted to the national gendarmerie. The criminal origin of the fire is obviously privileged. On the other hand, no one seemed to be able to determine the date of the fire attempt on Friday night. Attached to the telephone, Richard Ferrand denounced "a serious act". "Nothing can justify intimidation, degradation and violence," he said.
"Nothing justifies violence or intimidation against an elected representative of the Republic. All my solidarity with RichardFerrand and his family, "reacted, this Friday evening, Emmanuel Macron.
No :(
Too white
They will remove Macron today. Down with globalist traitors!
Thanks for your opinion Jamal.
We've been saying that for months :(
We Are Change Stream
13 is special.
Just give up. It is not shame if you do it. Oh wait ...
Going this long and this strong. For a bunch of North-African colonists, you've earned my respect.
Which ones are the worst? CRS or BAC?
BAC and BRI, maybe CSI too
Does anyone have a map of where the protests are supposed to take place?
Going into Paris now and I don't want to drive into the middle of a standoff
Can someone properly translate : "OH SHIT, I'M FEELING IT"
into french?
OK. Didn't know about them.
OK so you guys have a lot big variety of them.
Guy on the stream just said that the "bacqueu" are coming I think.
Can’t read French, translate?
Remember that all ANTIFA™ present today are foreign Agenturs financed by Globalist Mega-Capitalist and convicted felon (by the French Courts btw) Schwartz György, and should be neutralized by any means necessary. Already Macron Inc. is trying to blame Antifa's/Soros's Terror Actions in these protests on the Russians. Antifa are a pro-Social Globalist fascist movement of steaming, stinking Alinsky-Kikes bent on driving their filthy Jew global taxation collective scam for their Goyim cattle.
>round 13
>literally zero progress
It says fuck jannies.
Yeah totally
>zero progress
Progressive cuck detected.
The only progress comes when they chop heads of traitors.
"Oh putain, je le sens bien"
Oh merde, je le ressens
i believe it'd be something like
less and less each week sure going well
not idiomatic enough
for BAC, yes
We usually associate cops in civilians clothes as BAC but BRI can act without uniform too. Basically, BAC is an anti-drug police unit made with the most violent standards cops. They operate by arresting in the act, so they are often violent and are totally not formed to riot control. In time of crisis, BAC can join with BRI which roles is fight organized crime and sometime assault hideout. I believe CSI is just a regrouping of standard cops for a special operation but it only exists in the racial suburbs.
Last week, 2 cops of the BRI were charged with rape and we are often told about BAC sniffing coke.
When we can start betting how many BACs will be hanged?
yeah, i only took two years of french. i loved the class and actually met my fiance in that class :). it gets better anons
Nice placement of the children's furniture for max "muh violent yellow vests are baby killers" effect.
thank you for your support
>Last week, 2 cops of the BRI were charged with rape and we are often told about BAC sniffing coke.
Damn kek.
Which ones are the ones that they send on infiltration missions to your no-go zones that aren't being policed by ordinary cops anymore?
all of them
bless you bro's
Nice. I've come to appreciate the little faggot running the feed, he sounds like a bitch but is at the right place most of the time.
no need to translate
Hm, doesn't have the look I was hoping for.
I'm thinking about a name for my new compilation vid that supossed to come out today. Features, Mes Amieux, Perturbator and OH SHIT.
Any suggestions?
Last was called Reign of Terror.
Hopefully this time wearechange guy doesn't get attacked by cops.
It wouldn't surprise me if cops were watching online trying to locate and weed out streaming journalists.
National Purge ?
That Brittany flag's getting me wet.
Macron sucks black cock
Some people on the vidya Jow Forums-lite forum keep saying "Ça va péter!" (it's going to explode!). It's those who think that there will be violence or that the government will fall. Then some others reply "Yorarien." ("Y'aura rien", "Il n'y aura rien", there will be nothing). The pessimists. Two factions. The "ça va péter"-istes and the "yorariens".
"Ça va péter" sounds kind of neat.
Yes. He is a fag.
>no plural
When is Macron going to put an end to this madness?
Good idea, might incorporate it. If not in the title, in the description. Thanks!
That one too, a lot. Best one so far. Not the english version but the french.
he need a new batch of Lich queens.
How soon before cops escalate this thing once again?
I'm guessing they really want to avoid starting some shit too soon. They could be stuck with angry crowds the whole day.
Shouldn't you faggots be drinking your coffee and eating your baguettes until at least noon?
If only the French have work ethic like they protest.
I didn't think my question.
Previously cops have started shit when people are already gettin a litte tired.
bunch of streams today, I've decided to put up a multistream, feels good to find a bunch of streams again
I hope the riot police kills you motherless fucks
all rioters are nigger tier
Oh man, I *vaguely* remember those books being in kindergarten/school libraries.
French are planning to invade 'murican embassy
Another stream :
I rushed this one tho.
New one got over double the amount of footage. Should be way better and not as cheesy
I have a full collection of those books in a box in my attic. Cant remember how many, 30 odd maybe? But lined up in a bookcase they make a long picture.
The Ruptly live, without the logo :
Lmao nice
Please riot
We will always be the best people to destroy elites trying to enslave the west like you, globalist traitor. Stay mad
>all rioters are nigger tier
I think you're wrong.
In the US, when some poorfag wants to go against the establishment, he can just take a gun and shoot some official. Action is very quick to take and most of the time, brutally efficient. Looking at how often guns appear in the american political/media scene is somehow amazing from what we know here.
In France guns are under strict control, which mostly exclude poorfags to get them (outside of hunting rifles which are not very adapted to violent action). So when you want to go against the establishment, you have to act differently because raw force will definitivelly not do it. Second best way to achieve that : street violence. You want to make the rich voter feel unsafe in his own neighbourhood (which is where most yellow vests protests take place BTW). You want him to call daddy macron to keep order in the streets. And yeah some collateral always happen (blue-collar guy get his car burned up) but it still is the most efficient way to pass message from bottom to top here.
That said, lots of rioters are fucking idiot only here to make a buck.
h-he's fast!
Leave McDonalds alone
Ultima Ratio Plebei
It's allright.
My only issue is the cuts you make, the high speed jars with the low tempo music. I'd have gone with longer length footages.
I'll keep eye out for next 1 though.
higher res
This Bros like a Supa Hero! lol
‘Au Francaise, je suis in putain.’
Le Grand Soir
Yea, takes a bit to get into the cutting rythm & I see why some don't like it. Sticking to faster pace music for now but I'll make it a point to force myself to slow down at points.
don't you have better things to do ?
Start clanking niggers. Also burn tires.
‘Putains en France’
Why is someone waving an American flag?
proly flag of Bretagne
They let too many people enter les Champs Élysée. Police didn't expect so many and it will attract more.
Is this the flag you are seeing? Flag of Brittany. Region of France.