>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
WH Public Pool:
>Pres Trump arrives @WH 2/8/19
>Pres Trump goes for a checkup 2/8/19
>VP Pence @CBP Baltimore Briefing 2/8/19
>ActAG Whitaker @House on RussiaRussiaRussia 2/8/19
>Amb Cohen @UN on Sexual Violence 2/8/19
>StateDep Foreign Press Brief (Amb Brownback) 2/8/19
>DepPressSec Hogan outside WH 2/8/19
>SpecRep4Afghanistan Khalilzad @USIP on Peace Talks 2/8/19
>This Week@State 2/8/19
>WHVideo: VP Pence visits Port of Baltimore 2/8/19
>GOPAd: What do dems stand for? 2/7/19
>Pres Trump Launches some woman thing 2/7/19
>Pres Trump @Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/7/19
>VP Pence on CBS Evening News 2/7/19
>VP Pence/NASAAdm Bridenstine @NASA Day of Remembrance 2/7/19
>VP Pence/KAC Address HIDTA Program Dirs&Deps 2/7/19
OP pastebin:
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what is wrong with the Scots?
>first gasses himself
>then aspirin poisoning
>then hanging
Coonman started reading Roots. I shit you not. This nigger is trying to reinvent himself as Malcom fucking X. What the fuck?
Tbh its over.
No wall, No Trump 2020.
why are the crying cat pictures just so fucking funny?
imagine having to live in an apartment above your own rapist. Must be tough
Just remember that this woman cancels out your vote.
so chaps when is the next presidential election?
will trump win ?
will we have to get our memes ready for war?
I'm now leaning the future of USA being more like Venezuela and less like Brazil desu every passing day
These North Koreans have now tasted a Thanksgiving feast, and in the spirit of Thanksgiving shared what they are thankful for:
>The woman at the head of the table is thankful her children are growing up free, with a bright future
>The guy who's been on before found God
>The girl with the best English has learned to appreciate freedom and her family (still trapped in North Korea), and that she was able to live to see the contrast between a totalitarian and a free society
>The last guy is grateful for successfully finding his mom after fleeing at the age of 10, three years after his mom fled
What are you thankful for, Jow Forums?
At least this week, I'm thankful that the progressives are so open about their plans and visions; they ensure that the tentative middle who boosted them will cast them down come 2020.
that's just the way it is i guess
I'm thankful for the Virginia Democrats. This past week has been like following a soap opera or reality show, and the best part is that they are possibly flipping the state to Trump and the GOP.
It's the state that keeps on giving day after day. They're going to try and impeach their nigger Lieutenant Governor, too. /ptg/ will be able to watch the trial together if it happens.
2020 unless Mueller gets everyone down the presidential line of succession. In that case HILLARY CAN STILL WIN!
And since the last guy in the orange sweater brings it up, I have tried snake too. It's kind of poultry-like, both in flavor and texture. However, it is noted that for carnivores their meat tends to match the nature of their prey.
For example, my poultry-like experience might come from an animal who thrived on terrestrial animals and birds. Whereas reports of other snakes with a fishier taste arise from those who gather snakes from swamps.
A mystery for another time.
why not both
I only slept for a couple hours innawoods, around 3:30 ish coyotes woke me up. They wouldn't stop making these whooping noises. And when I woke up I was very cold. I thought I could have taken the 50 degree sleeping bag rather than the 0 degree sleeping bag and it would have been okay if I stayed in my clothes. But nope, Needed that 0 degree sleeping bag. but in anycase since I had a couple hours of sleep, I can't go back to sleep now.
for some reason if I'm for some reason up between 4-7am, this is the time where I end up watching animal videos on youtube.
I also love that everyone called on Northam to resign and hyper Fairfax up to be their next Messiah. Now everyone will have to denounce Fairfax, and we'll probably get a "it's a long time ago, people can learn" from the other Democrats on Northam.
Because Brazil never went full commie, and that's the main difference. Hence Brazil can perhaps now trend upwards with Bolsenaro, unlike Venezuela which is JUSTed until after a theoretical civil war
Does it seem silly that I still cling to this secret hope, Anons? We still don't really know what Mueller has. If I wasn't way too intelligent to believe in "God", I would probably pray... silly me.
It's hilarious. There's no way Democrats can ever go back to supporting Northam or Herring. They're in a weird fucking place. Everyone in their party called on Northam and Herring to resign. There's no going back from that.
Democrats fucked themselves. In their rush to cover up Northam's support of infanticide, they destroyed the Virginia Democrat Party. The best case scenario for the state party is to have Northam, Fairfax, and Herring just up and resign at the same time. They would cede the state to Republicans but ripping the Band-Aid off seems the best approach. They will never, ever be able to repair their images no matter how hard they try. They'll always be the blackface racist boys and the rapist nigger.
It's hilarious.
>It's black Avenatti
Oh I thought you were talking about the ethnic situation in Brazil which in my opinion is the future of every multiethnic western societies
Rocked out, destroyed, drop-kicked and fucked up. There really is no President Trump is there?
This is my favorite.
Did kang nigger get a ring?
>Democrats fucked themselves.
Thankful for a certain amount of Democrats demonstrating their intelligence
It's kind of funny seeing Trump take a nigger faggot beating before he goes to prison.
Brazil and Venezuela have similar ethnic situations, (by %, although I doubt the 'white' Venezuelan self identification more) so yes every multi-ethnic Western nation is heading to many of the issues faced in Brazil and Venezuela in the future.
So lots of problems ahead, the only difference is the flavor of issues, or what specific role the government will take. Aka 'Full Commie' multi-ethnic hellhole, or just a semi-socialist multi-ethnic hellhole.
He honestly deserves JUST haircut right about now.
>The nigger is the only one going to lose his job by next week
Hillary Cunton received more votes in Texas than any Democrat before her, however we note that compared to 2008 Trump only got 88% of Republicans and 52% of independents.
At minimum this means about 400k~ people who may have voted for McCain/Romney decided to vote for Clinton. When considering Ted Cruz's 2018 margin of minorities (nearly 400k more than Trump's) and the fact that percentagewise McCain got 10%~ more of the college vote than Trump, Mr Trump could potentially have 5.6 million votes in Texas in 2020 if he brought all those groups home. Assuming that working class people swung further to Trump, the potential number is closer to 6 million. We note that about 900k people in 2018 claimed they did not vote in 2016, primarily they appear to have voted for Beto. However they also appear disproportionately white indicating out of state whites likely gave Beto a boost. It is possible in 2020 that turnout in Texas could exceed 10 million, assuming Democrats spend there. If the Republicans counter-spend however they will win in Texas, making the exercise pointless given more competitive states like Florida.
>He has supported President Trump's immigration policies and admires Antonin Scalia as a jurist.[16] Kennedy drew attention as a vocal supporter of gun rights, even meeting with, a private gun exchange that had a presence at March For Our Lives near the Utah Capitol and the 2018 Chicago Peace March and Rally, where their militaristic vehicle included a dummy .50-caliber sniper rifle.
I think we got jewed, with Romney. Trump backing Romney will turn out the same as McCain in 2016.
>Next week on Virgina Democrats
>Fairfax accuses the rest of the party of being racist
>Tim Kaine hopes that blackface will give him Basketball powers ahead of the GOP-Dem basketball game
>Northam calls on Fairfax to resign and appoints one of the accusers to be the next Lt. Governor
>says that "you fuckers wanted a black guy to succeed me, so it's only fair a rape victim succeeds him"
That's the best part. The two 'racists' keep their jobs but the nigger gets the shaft.
>I think we got jewed, with Romney. Trump backing Romney will turn out the same as McCain in 2016.
More like he was going to win regardless, mormons are morons.
The Left gets to push their agenda as hard as they want but the Right has to fight for years to beg the Democrats to support border security.
>Northam calls on Fairfax to resign and appoints one of the accusers to be the next Lt. Governor
>says that "you fuckers wanted a black guy to succeed me, so it's only fair a rape victim succeeds him"
So many shills lately
I suppose
>Romney outspent his opponent 5 to 1 in a seat that was an easy win for him
What is his problem?
>2018 midterms was blue wave!
>that's why dems spent 300 million more than Republicans on the House
hmm yes I see
they are down to spamming images too, Sad state these shills are in.
How is Trump doing? Still shitting on dems and improving the economy I hope?
Oh bother
Filthy Californian locusts come here and vote for subhuman irishmen
they're insurgents
Hopefully he’ll open up NK and fuck the chinks up
Are shills hired or simply butthurt?
pretty sad performance from the /KikeGeneral/ discord.
Neither. They're our slaves.
Broken slaves
Who cares about a 3. world shithole like the US?
Sorry lads I was always on Israels side...
Haven't really heard much about Trump in the last couple of years. Did the Department of Justice finally catch up with him? Seems like the entire Trump Crime Syndicate is being dismantled one player at a time!
>Cory Booker: Green New Deal Is "Bold," Like Defeating The Nazis Or Going To The Moon
Campaigning for president in Mason City, Iowa on Friday, Sen. Cory Booker talked about why he supports the Green New Deal plan put forward by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey.
"Our planet is in peril and we need to be bold," Booker said about the proposed climate change agenda. "There are a lot of people out there pushing back against the Green New Deal, saying it is impractical, it is too expensive, it is all of this. If we used to govern our dreams that way, we would have never gone to the Moon. God, that's impractical. That ball in the sky? That's impractical."
"We are a nation that had done impossible things before," Booker said. "My parents taught me to reach for the Moon, reach for the stars. Even if you come up short, at least you can be hovering above the ground, you can be soaring. So we need to be bold again in America. We need to have dreams that other people say are impossible."
"We need to push the bounds of human potential because that is our history!"
"When the planet has been in peril in the past, who came forward to save Earth from the scourge of Nazism and totalitarian regimes? We came forward! Who came forward to save the planet, or continents, from financial ruin? We came forward with the Marshall Plan. Our history is standing up and saying, look, humanity is in crisis, America is going to be the light and the hope," Booker said.
Haven’t heard of any news regarding the syndicate getting dismantled
Tell me when he gets impeached, bruh
Sorry goyim cattle that wall money goes to Israel
>Trump turns NK into a US puppet. Japan totally btfo into irrelevance and China and Russia now have an insane US ally on their border
Is that what you meant?
1 post by this id
i fucking watch that autistic dog all the time and it just amazes me that his owner (the brit woman) writes the caption to all his howls, very entertaining
They had a remarkable talent for pissing people off wherever they went. To the point of violence. It's really quite extraordinary.
Convincing 30 retarded, Zionist boomers who believe in the Q conspiracy is the key to a 2020 democratic victory
incredible are we saying a replay of 2015?????
How did the Dem's get the acting AG to this kind of congressional hearing, under oath, compel him to answer intrusive questions above and beyond the scope of the Mueller investigation?
That said, I will agree that Whitaker looks like an intellectual lightweight. Fell for every lawyer trick the Dems threw at him, came out looking worse from any contestation he had with the chair. I wouldn't hire him as my lawyer.
Is this /KikeGeneral/ discord low on numbers today?
Then you are not paying attention, dude, Everybody from Trump's Attorney to his Campaign Manager are facing LONG ASS prison sentences and its only a matter of time before Trump and his family are tried and convicted.
>Jeff Epsitein pleaded the fifth when asked about Trump socializing with minors
too bad you are a memeflag and not even 30 yr old boomers listen to you
I don't like this one. The colors are bad. There's no sources, it's basically just a WAPO opinion article caption. Come back in a week and try again
Holy Christ, that’s a plan
Fuck you, Trump you motherfucking FAGGOT.
>Jeff Epsitein pleaded the fifth when asked about Trump socializing with minors
>Jeff Epsitein pleaded the fifth when asked about Trump socializing with minors
>Jeff Epsitein pleaded the fifth when asked about Trump socializing with minors
>Jeff Epsitein pleaded the fifth when asked about Trump socializing with minors
>bot makes a thread
>confused anons respond
>a few shills at the end unable to differentiate between bot and fren
>all they do is parrot what we say back at them
It's amazing, and annoying