Nigel Farage launches new Brexit Party

Says UKIP is dead in the water.
Do we support it?

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Classic divide & conquer. Fractionate the brexiteers so that they all fade away to irrelevancy.

Too little, too late.

Farage is a fucking retard. Absolute fucking retard. There are no positives to brexit. All that's happened is EU (mostly white) immigration has fallen and non-EU (south-Asians and Africans) has increased.

So Farage single-handedly managed to subvert right wing movements in the UK and make them focus on something which is going to increase the displacement of British people. What a fucking madman.

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A guy who built his entire political career and brand on a single issue is now irrelevant?
I'm shocked.

Why does he say UKIP is dead in the water? Why does he think UKIP can't garner support? The BNP was doing well until Farage sidelined them by bringing UKIP to success. There is more desire than ever in Britain for a truly right wing 'populist' party akin to what the continentals have.

Is it really him thinking UKIP will fail due to being too fringe or just that he doesn't like true Nationalism and wants to stop it.

UKIP is actually better off without Farage. He was ineffective similar to how Trump currently is. Batten actually seems to care about the demographic displacement of Britain and wants to make sure it doesn’t continue.

Farage is a conman like Trump.

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If they don't name the Jew don't trust em

'We' don't do anything.

Will there be a second vote

They will play rougher than before at this point with such an enterprise.

>There are no positives to brexit.
>There are no positives to being a sovereign nation
No wonder we broke away from you guys

This. All politicians are corrupt. We got Brexit because they could see things were boiling over. It was not as close as 52-48% either. Elections are fake as fuck. I won't be happy until Britain starts looking a lot whiter. Also guns for law-abiding people.

based /are nige/

Impossible to overthrow the Communist pigs under the EU format. Now, power comes from London. Not so hard to remove the traitors from power.

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Farage needs money, please donate lol

Brexit is a good idea. But the way it's implemented is a disgrace. Also, EU migration is being replaced by non-white migration. Very bad

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except EU elections are proportional representation. There would be no loss of Brexiteer EU parliament seats by splitting the leave vote.

Also a lot of leave people don't like the way UKIP is going since it is becoming compromised. If anything this party will add to the pro-Brexit seats in the EU parliament if we haven't left by the next EU parliament elections this year.

he doesn't want to be associated with some of their new members

>All that's happened is EU (mostly white) immigration has fallen

We haven't left yet buddy, so of course there will have been no change.
There is currently a bill to end free movement going through parliament though, and this bill ultimately enables us to stipulate our own immigration policies. Now, it may be the case that this will still be subverted and we end up having higher immigration rates. But this wouldn't be a fault of brexit, that would just be down to the government subverting the purpose after the fact. Subversion seems unlikely anyway, given that it was publicly recognised that a large part of the brexit vote was about gaining control of immigration. So, there would be a significant backlash for any gov that tried to increase immigration which would threaten the position of such a government. Thus, they are unlikely to take that risk in the near future.

We have a 2 party system. Both of our parties are a lot more retarded than the EU. So more sovereignty is actually bad.

>increase the displacement of British people

Only cowards and losers run. The Muslims and Blacks that come to the UK are bottom-of-the-barrel losers compared to the ones who stay in their own countries.

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Nige has the experience, but UKIP is fucked now. And who is the new face of UKIP? A Commie who taught a pug to Sieg-Heil and some camwhore/e-celeb faggot with an undercut. These people aren't "based", they are an embarrassment.

Sajid Javid already made tier 2 visas more available for non-EU immigrants. There was literally zero backlash. He will do it again and again.

Farage is a retard. He needs to accept race realism and that importing shitskins aint a good idea

based and redpilld

>The Muslims and Blacks that come to the UK are bottom-of-the-barrel losers compared to the ones who stay in their own countries.
trips of truth, and applies to Poles, hohols and every other nation as well
winners can win where they live, losers will be losers wherever they go

over 10% of Parliament is third party
there's a shot of affecting things and growth there
the US is a true 2 party country

tier 2 visa doesn't give a fuck whether an applicant from the EU or the USA or Australia, stop your lies plumber

See pvv and fvd in dutchland tho
They're stronger being two than pvv ever was alone

I thought Brexit has been cancelled, nobody talking about it anymore.

EU citizens don't get visas. Tier 2 visas are overwhelmingly non-white because 90% of the world's population is non-white.

Why would anybody want to work in UK is beyond me.

He needs to regrow the mustache

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Too many people wanted a no deal ukip were going to repeal the common communities act. I guess shillarge has been summoned back to split the vote again.

how the fuck can you split the vote in a proportional representation election?

I can't believe people worship this faggot.

Splitting the tory vote insures Comrade Corbyn becomes next PM. Farage needs to remain as an MEP sure, but for national elections splitting is very very dangerous right now.

Everything about Brexit is positive if it is done positively. What is being done to exit Europe is being done so poorly it is bad for Britain. This is surely on purpose.

Non-EU migration and EU migration both mean tons of shitskins. Leaving the EU is not the problem. Who is let it is the problem, and you have a packi in charge of immigration.

This is primarily a cultural war. It is impossible to alter policies relating to immigration in the politically correct paradigm, part of the EU or not, because the conclusion we are meant to reach is that anything short of open borders is "racist". The Brexit vote won't change anything immediately, but then, nothing could. What it represented at its core, and the reason it has generated such outrage among the elites, was a comprehensive rejection of the legitimacy of those who silenced Enoch Powell and who have imposed their globo-homo moral code on us while flooding us with wogs ever since.

That said, I don't know wtf Farage is doing here.

Which is exactly why this party has been formed

It's about electoral threat. A party like his new one can threaten the Tories from the right in marginals, and force them to change tack. UKIP under Batten will be like the BNP - a reasonable number of people support and vote for it, but their vote is either spread too thin, or concentrated in areas where it won't do any good.

Farage is a snake, his criticism of Tommy Robinson was the last straw for me, I don't trust him and think Batten while not as famous seems like a more decent and genuine man.

Gotta say it was pretty weird

>Muh Tommeeeeh
You're a poof, m8

>Do we support it?
Does a bear shit in the woods?

>Bong Man Bad
For all his sins, Robinson was the first to put his head over the crenelations and say 'You know, there's some real problems in the inner city with how Islam is making people act'.
Not for heroic reasons mind you, but because he was too bloody working class to realize that you just don't say that sort of thing. Still, he damned well stuck by it and refused to be knocked back into the wood when they tried to hammer him down.

Or do you not give a fuck what happens to the proles because it isn't happening to you, you middle class, avocado toast eating motherfucker?

I'm not going to suck Tommy's dick for stating the perfectly obvious regarding islam - but you may, if you so wish, O "working-class" user

>Perfectly obvious
You mean the things no one was saying for decades?

>Columbus being at a party with many noble Spaniards, where, as was customary, the subject of conversation was the Indies: one of them undertook to say: —"Mr. Christopher, even if you had not found the Indies, we should not have been devoid of a man who would have attempted the same that you did, here in our own country of Spain, as it is full of great men clever in cosmography and literature." Columbus said nothing in answer to these words, but having desired an egg to be brought to him, he placed it on the table saying: "Gentlemen, I will lay a wager with any of you, that you will not make this egg stand up as I will, naked and without anything at all." They all tried, and no one succeeded in making it stand up. When the egg came round to the hands of Columbus, by beating it down on the table he fixed it, having thus crushed a little of one end; wherefore all remained confused, understanding what he would have said: that after the deed is done, everybody knows how to do it; that they ought first to have sought for the Indies, and not laugh at him who had sought for it first, while they for some time had been laughing, and wondered at it as an impossibility.

If you need Tommeh to draw your own conclusions for you, then I will let you return to your fellatio uninterrupted.

Yeah, they both speak to different people and have already announced that they'll be working together.

The problem is that the UK is a fptp country.
BTW do you think either or both pvv and fvd will be in the next government?

What the fuck for? Brexit won already so what is he campaigning for?

Uhm, it honestly depends. They'll have to probably be in a coalition with the VVD to get the amount of seats necessary for a majority.

In a poll I saw they both had 32% together. Pretty hard to form a coalition without'em, no?

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They always poll well, but never do well on election day.
I will believe it when I see it.

Nigel Farage was the only reason why UKIP gained any traction at all. Once he left, the party faded into oblivion.

According to the latest poll:

VVD: 22
PVV: 18
FvD: 17
Not sure who would join a party with them though. SGP (3) possibly, which still wouldn't give them a majority.

So it's going to be really difficult.

SGP doesn't do government

Well, they haven't yet, but they've been in plenty of coalitions locally.

>For all his sins, Robinson was the first to put his head over the crenelations and say 'You know, there's some real problems in the inner city with how Islam is making people act'.
No he wasn't

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Really? Outside the Bible belt? I thought they refused to compromise on any principle at all

>leaving sargin behind
good for him

Not sure about them being in coalitions outside of the bible belt, but I know that they have been in coalitions. I just don't think they've ever been in a position to be of much help to parties trying to form a coalition, especially, as you said, they only represent a small minority group nowadays.

Is it the case they only do coalitions in the Bible belt, where they're strong and CU too, so they don't have to compromise because the local electorate is as hardcore as they are?

Because UKIP's focus should be on Brexit, but letting Tommy Robinson into the back door means that UKIP is just going to be known as the Tommy Robinson Party, all the stuff about Brexit, doesn't matter, MSM will keep on banging on about that one man.

Yeah, either with CU or another party that's local. In each community there are these local parties too. I've seen them in coalitions with these parties too. Which, since living in the Bible belt, already have strong Christian beliefs.

So yes.

>Batten actually seems to care about the demographic displacement

And that is why Farage was ordered to start this new party. He's an ex-City boy and very good goy and he does what he's told.