Been drinking distilled water for over two weeks and I feel really fucking different

been drinking distilled water for over two weeks and I feel really fucking different

what the fuck is the government putting in our taps?

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Thanks fully I don't have to worry about any weird shit being put in my tap water.
I mean, the piping system is shit so it probably does get a few particles and stuff in it and... nevermind.

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You're deficient in minerals

fuck off schitzo. next you'll tell me that distilled water explodes me esophagus or some shit.

the biggest contributor to the brain fog is aluminium sulphate. you may be surprised to discover that common tap water has over 250 ingredients.

in my state, the water company has "open day" where people come and shill their shit to put in the tapwater. you canpay a 100k/6mo or 250k/1yr to get YOUR_PRODUCT put into the municipal supply. with good purpose of course! Most (over 50) are metal salts, listed as "chemical astringent / assist in preventing tooth decay". others are just there to keep the pipes from rusting.

this is all public available knowledge.

Heavy metals, pesticide residues, hormones from the contraceptive pill, in some countries lead from old systems

Oh and fluoride which calcifies the pineal gland.

Jesus christ any links in that open day?

You need the minerals in water, distilled water is not made for drinking.

Different how?

You’re thinking about deionized water

Don't you get plenty of minerals from the food you eat? Why would it matter if you drink distilled water vs. mineral water, if you have a balanced diet?

I work for a government lab that tests drinking water for pesticides. It is crazy how much shit is in rural water sources.

I've always been told drinking distilled water is very bad like poison maybe it's another trick

I have a well, sucks to be a goyim slave like you.

lol you idiot that stuff isnt for drinking. you need to drink mineral water. people use distilled for detox but it usually just makes them sick

Distillation removes all minerals from the water. That said, if you have a health diet drinking distilled water is not an issue. Be sure to get enough potassium, calcium and magnesium.

>what is pesticidal runoff
>what is water table pollution
You are not as safe as you think.

Osmosis. Jesus, did nobody go to school in this thread?

of course the fat americans don't know anything about nutrition

San Pellegrino

is the best mineral profile

any reps for the brand here, I am available for high management and creative directorship

We'll use Paddock in our first campaign

Ride the tiger

i cut out dairy and ive only been drinking distilled water for like 12 days and i no longer want to be a tranny

my kneejerk reaction is they were lying so they could poison you, but after a second thought it makes sense that absolutely pure water is going to leach minerals out of you worse than anything that has minerals in it to replace it. It's the kind of thing that would need a bunch of studies to know one way or the other, and in any case it could certainly be fought by making sure you get enough minerals from somewhere else. You could probably just eat a little dirt once in a while and completely counter any leaching effects from it, if that even happens.

that's great news achmed!

drinking distilled water is better than drinking tap water but it's still not the best solution.

add electrolytes to the distilled water. it's because you want the electrolyte to water balance correct BEFORE the water goes into your cells, you don't want just pure water you want the electrolytes in there because your cells need them.

tom brady only drinks distilled water + electrolytes and he looks better at 41 than he did at 21 (part of that might be cosmetic surgery, but i kind of doubt it, considering his job is to get hit in the head and plastic surgery is bad for that)


Calm down patrick bateman

retard, even tap water has the same effect

Prolly cuz you’re not getting any ions

Nigga u finna die?

>San Pellegrino
absolute shit tier, gerolsteiner is the best mineral water. distilled is superior though

thanks paco

Yeah but not nearly as much as distilled water. If you drink gallons of water you die. You need much less to die from distilled water.

if you care you could buy a nitrate test, tap water is not the best
as electrolyte you can use sodium bicarbonate, baking soda

Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works. I first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love...Yes, a profound sense of fatigue, a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I-I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence. I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women, er, women sense my power, and they seek the life essence. I do not avoid women, Mandrake...but I do deny them my essence.

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>what the fuck is the government putting in our taps?
tranny gender fluids

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Welcome to the placebo effect

his point is about how osmosis works which is water moving from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a permeable barrier

when you drink distilled water it dilutes or pushes out the electrolytes already in your cells that they need to function. that's why you add electrolytes to the distilled water so that the balance is correct.

keep drinking your softkill poisons, stupid goy

Your going to die, stop you fucking idiot! STOP, google why you cant just drink distilled water, STOP MATE, STOP!!!!!

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you retard, tap water does the same

if you put tap water directly in your blood you will die because of that effect, drinking water through your mouth is completely different

I'm listening to early genesis, I am the epitome of calm my island friend.

why arent you drinking saline if youre so worried about this?

Need to mix in some apple cider vinegar and lemon juice to taste. Distilled has no minerals. The acv and lemon juice replace those plus good bacteria

This is why I only drink beer.

Let's see your Snow Bunny mineral profile

Not that you notice, you just like the glass.

Show us.

me too, user

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Placebo effect
*The* government is inaccurate, since for one you're a canuck and most of the water quality is managed at a local level

Sure thing kid, just send me your resume.

gerolsteiner has the "best" mineral profile dude, if thats what you're after


Is this really true? I always preferred the taste of distilled but I stopped drinking because people made me scared I was going to die from drinking it.

back to plebbit faggot


Fuck if distilled water is really part of the tb12 method then I'm mad anons on here got me to stop drinking it.

it's bullshit all the soft drinks are also made from distilled or osmosis filtered water

I really like drinking water and have been drinking like 8-10 glasses of tap water a day for like the past 15 years how fucked am I?

It's not that the goverment is putting anything in it.
Think about all the people in your city and all pills and drugs they take.
The body only takes up a small amount of it then pisses out the rest, which then gets sterilized, but it mostly only sterilizes the bacteria, they can't get all the medication away.
They then pump the water right back into your tap.

Not at all if you chelate with coriander, spirulina and sauna use

infrared sauna if possible

Same here. My nails look different on feet and hands. Can see the moons nice and vibrant. Better hardon. Shedding pounds too.

Lol, a well in murica where they can fertilize with anything they want, rip user

antidotes will never protect you by 100%, or even close

ha its the same BS that food companies tried to push that your body will go into "starvation mode" when fasting for weight loss became popular. The government NEEDS you to drink that flouride goy!

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List of items that can't be removed by standard municipal water treatment:
>The vast majority of medication
>Hydrocarbons (i.e from motor cars/gasolene etc)
>Fertilizers and pesticides/insecticides

Also, you are in Canada so there is less of a chance than if you were in the US, but there are parts of your country where the Fluoride scam is still underway.

All of the initial studies into the benefits of Fluoride were sponsored and conducted by either the Fertilizer industry or the Steel Industry, what do they have in common? They both had vast quantities of waste fluoride (namely fluorosilic acid) as a byproduct that would cost them billions a year to dispose of in an EPA approved way. It is nasty shit and difficult to dispose of. Once they heard a slight rumor that it could stain the teeth, they instantly started hiring scientists to "Prove" that it was safe. It was a corporate scam all along. The main side effect of fluoride (or excess natural fluorine above 0.3ppm in solution) is complete disabling of the gland that produces melatonin.

Melatonin is a vital hormone that
a) Sends cells in to a resting state to allow them to heal and to prevent mutation. In cancer patients, the survival rate among the melatonin group vs control was 30-40% higher.
b) Is a potent anti-anxiety compound
c) Regulates sex hormones and genuinely prevents degeneracy/ people being controlled by sexual urges their entire lives/ homosexuality

Faith can

finally, someone's talking sense in here

You're thinking of when you drink out of a pond or non moving water. That will kill you, you distilling your already clean water wont.

yes, he drinks 12-20 glasses of distilled water plus an electrolyte mix you can buy online (not trying to shill it)

you can also just add salt and baking soda and stuff yourself into a jug of distilled water and shake it up before pouring a glass

no it cant. it can probably make your more resilient though

Umm, if you can't provide a SOURCE - that is NOT a dot-com, this is useless.

>i only drink my tap water with hops mixed in
the ultra-goy drink

It certainly isn't making people smarter, is it?

Yanks really ARE crazy... manDrake

And who needs you to learn how to spell?

>that is NOT a dot-com
are you a a boomer or what

Oh more than that.

what's in the bag ?

I drink rainwater from a tank, joined to the roof of my house.


rainwater is distilled. air isnt very clean these days so it probably picks up a bunch of crap on the way down but it's still better than any other water except water that you have distilled yourself

i don't drink tap water, i drink water plus electrolytes. why i do this is pretty obvious, when you sweat you don't sweat pure water you sweat water plus salts. i started doing this to rehydrate from workouts better and now i just add it to all of my water because why not.

i've actually hooked myself up to a saline IV before to avoid or prevent a hangover.

but as to why i don't drink saline, it's because it tastes terrible? and you can just drink coconut water or water + electrolytes (+flavoring if you want it) and it tastes much better? yeah i'm going to drink contact lens cleaning solution, sure that sounds delicious. depending on the concentration too drinking saline can be worse than drinking distilled water too for the same reason (osmosis)


if you drink tap water plus minerals and think you're not drinking tap water anymore then you're the biggest retard in the thread

You should remineralise that shit before drinking. You don’t need meme minerals, just calcium hardness. Large scale plants use carbon dioxide and lime. Make sure all glasses, jugs, hoses and the machine are disinfected regularly. Also, be prepared for Brit-bong level teeth if you are in this for the long game.

Stay safe.

t. water treatment engineer

Does it have UV filters?

Himalayan salt to mineralize the water

I sure as hell hope so man

Drinking distilled water isnt good man

>says name of a false god used in (((school))) brainwashing, thats why he doesnt drink clean water

This. Drinking too much will cause hyponatremia

is that the only thing you put in it ? any good reading recommendations about this ?

Op is not on God tier well water

Git gud

>False god
Also I live in a first world country so my tap water is clean as fuck. Cleaner than any tap water in burgerland for sure.

What do you think his farts smell like?

Just the pink salt. I got my advice from youtube.

my buddy did that for 2 weeks
he ended up with exhaustive mineral deficiency, he was put on saline and slept for 2 days in the hospital
if you are afraid of the tap just buy bottled water

It's called a Sole Drink

You shouldn't do it too often, pink salt still contains a large amount of sodium


I add very little of it

there wasnt one mispelled word in my post you fucking FAGGOT.

I know there are contrary opinions, I just looked it up and someone recommended it daily - I am sure the article is for a limited period, perhaps a week

but too much sodium will stress your heart.

I do love Pink Salt though.