>24 year old male
>starting a job in my city’s recreation department in a few weeks
>there’s a bunch of 18-early 20 year old girls working there
>I’m not bad looking, have experienced female interest since childhood
>but I’m shy and introverted and bad at flirting
How do I become more approachable for girls and do any of you cunts have any tips for being a better flirt
How to be more approachable
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice virus link
You expect me to click that link?
You can write that link down on a piece of paper, then crumple up the paper and shove it up your ass because that’s where that link belongs. It’s a virus link
>not knowing Library genesis e-book library
the only virus around here is the one that has infected you with brainletitis.
Prove it’s not a virus
are you retarded? look up libgen.
I refuse to do that until you show me proof that it’s not a virus
you are not OP, just some shitposting brainlet. no one gives you a fuck about you, cuntybobs.
I’m calling the cops on you for posting that link
just go to bed already, Kyle.
Ok, man.
Forget the word "flirting".
Forget all those PUA YouTubeFaggots.
>>Smile, and say hello.
That's how it begins. No secret. No tricks. No Magic Lines to say. Start with Hello, and see where it leads.
Is that you?
Hey, I don't have experience with this really. But I have the same issue. I think you just need to break out from your comfort zone and just talk to girls. Hi, hello, what's up, where are you from, where do you work / study, etc.
I do this shit all the time and it never goes anywhere. Not even that bad looking.
Where should it go? Do you ask somethin like would you go out for me on a date?
At least regular contact would be nice. I introduce myself and do the whole small talk shit and the conversation ends eventually but usually that's the first and last time I speak to them. They don't say hello or anything when they walk past me after that or anything.
Invite them on a date, or a evening walk or something.
Maybe you overtink it too much. Don't know, Just be yourself, and talk like if they were your male friends. Also, are you OP? That link isn't a virus, it's an online ebook library.
But if I just met them wouldn't it seem inappropriate to ask them out?
Yeah, you got a point there. You can always ask to go to a cup of coffee, becasuse you like meeting new people and you're a good listener. That seems okay and normal for me.
OP here. I thought the thread failed when I posted it yesterday but I was surprised to see that it got some replies. Even though half of them are just people arguing about whether or not the link is a virus. Still don't think I'm going to click it, though
what's the matter, why so scared of meeting a woman, bro?
buy or grab the book elsewhere then, you dumbskull.
simple as.
It'll probably help if I knew what the book was called
i'm surprised you can even manage to type, to be honest.
>post a link to some book or some shit
>never mention the name of said book
>I don't click the link
>therefore I don't know the name of the book
>ask for the name
never mind can't type, can't even click.
but autistic enough to spread
I'm not clicking the link you trip getting cunt
No, you're farther along than most people who have issued with socializing. Keep your current strategy, but rather than let the conversation fizzle, end it early. Say "I gotta get going, but it's been nice talking to you! Would I be able to get your number so we can talk some more?"
They'll give you their number. Text them yours on the spot. Wait 2-3 days, text them. In less than 10 texts, set a new definite date (time/place). End the conversation. Done.