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It's insane how much influence the media has, their Jewish claws are so deep into our brains.
Millions of people 1 country over, and here it's maybe 20-30 max.


Another fat nothing burger from your clickbait kremlins.

Fuck off with this yellow fags shit call me again when there is blood in the streets and heads on the pavement.

They are actually winning, it seems that there's almost no more police showing up to fight and literally endless streams of Yellow Vests.
Watch the streams, the media is reporting false information on your TV.


Right now they are in front of our parliament, that's why police stopped them

While all this bs is happening a few of y'all should do your part and "removekabab" some.. You know leave them in allyways or dumpsters.

How come french have the best protests?

Although that can be blamed on the brainwashing we've endured for some time now.
If asked most young people (anyone under 30) will say something along the lines of;
>Yeah well, thats the way the world works, you cant change it
>Well then go vote, if the majority votes against what you suggest its clear that people don't want any part of it.
>Come on, if taxes are raised just pay a little more, ofcourse its bothersome but what else can you do?
People have steadily become more and more sheepish and we've come at the point where they are just as dangerous as the people we'd like to overthrow.

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Holy shit you weren’t kidding. Our media has basically stopped reporting this entirely, but good on you, m8. The free people of America stand with you!

This needs to happen in Australia NOW.

Yeah, I can't stand our kankervolk, so arrogant and blaming themselves for "voting the wrong politicians", it's like choosing which color of icing you want on your cake of shit.

they are not reporting any of it

Do they only riot on the weekend?


Just cut off their supply routes.



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holy shit, some guy just got his hand blown off!


This shit needs to happen in America now.
It's such bullshit.

Anyone see that guys hand blown off???

People rioting about getting taxed actually work during the week.

Yes I saw it happen, we have to kill EVERY GODDAMN JEW IN THE WORLD

Damn that guys hand btfo


Seems odd. Neighbors battling it out... cool on monday

>guy tried to kick the cop trough the fence

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Yeah i'm sure Macron already fled into exile in Alba.
I don't watch TV you dumb cunt. If these fuckheads would actualy win anything they would just make their own media.
But all they do is demonstrating. The french have stupid strikes and demonstration every three months and nothing ever changes for the objective better for these idiots.
They blow off some steam but they can do nothing to topple the government or even just imuninze themselfs from these taxations they protest against, when they were the ones who elected Macron for Reforms in the first place.

Fucking retarded grabbed a Stun grenade


Links to archives for the Cabal Global View graphs for ease of sharing: - #1 version 1.2 – Annex 1 version 0.2 - #2, version 1.0 - #3, version 1.0 - #4, version 1.0 - #5, version 1.0 – Annex 2, version 1.1 – Annex 3, version 1.1

All Jewish collective power needs to be eradicated from the West for all the right reasons, including the freedom and safety of non-subversive non-criminal Jews.

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>the police shooting grenades that emit white smoke

wow, France really did advance but in the end it's all the same

The yellow vest need to make Molotov cocktails to throw on riot police.

They were throwing tear gas until people started picking them up and throwing them then they threw stun grenades because they knew they were picking them up. It was fucking intentional. Now I'm pissed

Thanks for proving the stereotype, cuck-ass bugman

This was not gas these are flashbangs and this happens all the fucking time and no one cares if some stupid wannabe revolutionary loses his wank prank to his own stupidity.

You fucking idiot.

Still gotta eat.

there's this sentence on the wall "ou est l'entrée" meaning "where is the entrance"
what is the building being walled off

They threw gas-nades until enough people started to pick them up, then they switched to an explosive.

This shit is pure-evil, they need to HANG

you fucking urbanide you just wanna feel like a revolutionary behind your little keyboard or even worst your smartphone while all you do is watching streams to cope with your impotent anger.

this. they just don't k ow when to stop the agitprop, pushing it too much.
Macron's approval rating is rising, good job fags you fucked it up forever.

no they started to use stun grenade because people went into contact with them to beat them up
Also Tear gas, has a white smoke. Stun grenade don't

If they would do serious shit like in the first days when they attacked the government structure in the province that would be fun but all they do is bother people and burn down cars without any results. They suck at street combat with the police and they always just look weak and bothersome. They lose eyes and limbs not because the cops are so brutal but simply because they are idiots.

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Cozy bumping

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The Use of Stun Grenades ist standard.

Just as standard as having always some idiot trying to pick it up.

t. Jew or insectoid

Can't wait to hang your ass, the day is coming, kike faggot

Why aren't you outside killing police officers?

I am very impressed with your advanced agriculture solutions aquafreshbro:

cause they try to fight the consequences of liberalism with more liberalism.

you losers wouldn't notice a jew when he was fucking your mama what he already did or otherwise you wouldn't be so patheticly domesticated

because I'm not an antifa cuckold
I used to support the Gilets Jaunes until it was invaded by the left wing scums
Also I support our blue officers having to deal with mudslims and now antifa retards

At this point i probably would just join the cops and beat yellow vests up cause their pissant revolution goes nowhere

Webm of hand blowing off when

Glow more kike nigger.

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i don't need any lessons in pedo apology from a fucking portuguese

you know that this painting shows the communists of the parise commune

Thanks bro, this retard actually thinks people still fall for the Jewish lies in 2019 KEK!
We ignore your ass until the day comes to gas / oven you, dumb nose fag, your time is up.

lol one of these days a youtube stream will bring down global jewry yeah sure

Not the edit I posted.

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B-but the Jewish media says Netherlands will be only 25% white within the next couple of generations

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stupid frogs

How in the Christian God's name is Bauer and Schwartz Crime Family personal real-estate not ablaze across France right now?!

The only thing that works good against cops in riot gear is Molotov cocktails.

Lol, look at IIh36G53 being so proud of his vileness, I fucking HATE jews so much more, every day I despise them a little bit more

Slowly turning into Hitler over here.

I wonder how many of the cops are only there because they need to feed their families and know that Maricon is a globalist shill that doesn't give a shit about them.

>3 months of clashes and violence
>people losing eyes ans limbs
>no shots fired
>no molotovs thrown
Baguettes confirmed faguettes

>I wonder how much of the mafia are just trying to feed their families.

better to not even encounter them in the first place.
Slugging it out with cops in the streets is for usefull idiots.

and because of that you ain't worth shit as a revolutionary

nice glad some nigger welfare whore feeds his family on stolen tax dollars and watches his own country go into a genetic mudlside from north africa. considering this makes me change my views completely, I'm with the globalists now!

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Vive le France!

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Not saying that Maricon does not deserve the rope, because he does.
I just wonder about it because if gov ever stops paying cops (pension fund crisis and sovereign debt crisis is coming, no matter what anybody does), how many of them will be pro-active against the Maricon administration instead of just GTFO of Bagette land or changing jobs.
Could be interesting, given that they access to the armories.

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smash the glass
take hatchets to the trees
disable the street lights (but dont get yourself electrocuted)
break anything that the government has to replace

Imagine being so afraid of quoting his post so he doesn't reply to you

>I wonder how many of the cartels are only there because they need to feed their families and know that Lopez Obrador is a prohibitionist shill that doesn't give a shit about them.

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You do realise Jewish people love Hitler more than anyone? All the power they have in the world is because of Hitler and his failures.

And you degenerates celebrate this.... truly pathetic.

i would be more brutal to a cop who "only needs a job" or "wants to feed his fucking family" then to a cop who realy believes in the government.

And the government will always have money to pay its cops.

You think about this shit means you didn't made your mind up in the first place so what the fuck are you doing in this debate.

>honhonhon we soe outragous mad honhon
They are dissatisfied with everything and thats the best they can up with is rioting in paris.

France is so done.

Read this: -
Wrong, they were already accumulating power as a group centuries before.
the FED was founded in 1913, for one.
Jews try to get people to hate Hitler because he talked a lot of truth and looking into his work tells you a lot of useful information about Jews as a group that you can use to damage their general public support.

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I had a very similar thought and I came to this conclusion:

If it's been this bad, this obvious and going on for this long, the only people who will occupy the uniforms are either people who are there to use said uniform as an excuse for violence or just plain stupid/weak enough to take on the job despite the absolute state of leadership in france right now.
my bet is the usual, usual for euro countries. you'll all pile behind some random strongman who not even he himself know's its him yet, then shuffle their way into a new uniform.
I know this doesn't much answer your question, but I hope it provides some thought for you.

Wtf, the protests are still going on!? That's it, I will impose a 30% tax on baguettes!

>You think about this shit means you didn't made your mind up in the first place
About what?

>If it's been this bad, this obvious and going on for this long, the only people who will occupy the uniforms are either people who are there to use said uniform as an excuse for violence or just plain stupid/weak enough to take on the job despite the absolute state of leadership in france right now.
Good point.
> you'll all pile behind some random strongman who not even he himself know's its him yet, then shuffle their way into a new uniform.
You mean the cops or the people?
I am confuse by your phrase format.

I've agreed with most of what you've said up until this point, Fritz, but not here. Being able to entertain alternate points of view without pursuing them is a good thing.

Did you just steal my joke from the stream you no-good swednigger?

Stop replying to Jewish shills

you are not talking about the different point of view your neighbour has when you talk with him about tits or ass at a bbq you are talking about the enforcement agent of the state that is set against you and where your entertaining breeds nothing but hesitation.

No one who has power just hands over power because they agree with you.

>when your whipping boy calls you a jew shill

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These can be a lot of fun in minecraft.

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Good question, although I refuse to believe that they would. Most cops in europe seem to be indoctrinated drones without opinions of their own. If they didn't support Macron they wouldn't retaliate with such force and anger, but rather go "AFK".
>he is a statist
>does what he's tasked with
>does it for free

i meant the cops lol, basically anyone who occupies a uniform that is there for a state program is just gonna go with the path of least resistance. they support macron and his cruelty to france, im sure it will go even easier for them to support whatever strongman shows up and circumnavigates the cruelty to 'not france'.

>5 cups fuel 1 cup oil
Take 2/3 fuel and 1/3 oil, mixed with sawdust.

Is there any information about the demographics of the Police in France?
Are they imported or faguettes that don't gib a fug about France at all and just bash heads for shekels?

Many of these enforcers are brainwashed into thinking they're doing the right thing. They deserve the rope right next to Macron, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't pity them. Few men choose to be evil.

Oy vey!

And use storm matches taped to the outside instead of that unstable tampon/cloth method. You just know a french cuck would need the safest possible solution to avoid killing himself.

>Few men choose to be evil.
Good and Evil are fairy tales for kiddies.
Just as these fantasies about hanging them all.

Another feed:

Not that I'm aware of