any foolproof guide to getting a gf?
Any foolproof guide to getting a gf?
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Be yourself :)
Be nice
Don't be an asshole
Try not to be too shy (bit's okay)
Ask girls out until someone says yes.
Be rich as fuck
Just fucking talk to like 16 girls a day, and keep in contact with at least 2 from each encounter. People can talk shit about emotions and compatibility but its honestly just a simple numbers game. After about 2 week if you don't have a gf you're probably not a redeeming person in anyway and should rethink your life.
>pro tip don't be a dick to the ones who are disinterested
be nice. be funny. be nice and funny. smile. be smart. and nice and funny.
>be nice
probably the worst advice ever given
nice guys don't get girls
t. Nice guy who would rather be nice than get girls
Be prepared to suffer kek
By improving yourself. Improve your body, fix your mind and change your outlook.
Don't stress about the things you can't control and change the things you can.
Then you will be someone people want to be with.
t. Bitter virgin "nice guy"
Stop lying. Being actually nice is attractive. But "nice guys" like you are actually bitter assholes.
Be nice WHILE showing that you like her in a romantic way.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
No. Nothing is foolproof.
Be independent, outgoing, cool, funny, & don't be afraid to talk with them, just make sure they are single, legal, & NOT working at your job.
While there are some bitter virgin nice guys, what I think actually happens is that the "nice guys" (real or bitter) are afraid to escalate. If they're with a girl who would consider them, they don't make the first move to be polite / "nice". So then nothing happens, and if the girl is interested she just assumes the guy isn't.
Or in the worst cases the guys do an anime-style confession. In theory, being upfront with your feelings that way makes sense. It makes sure nothing physical happens that the girl isn't comfortable with, and clearly puts what everyone thinks in the open. But in the real world girls don't respond well to that stuff. So while it has genuinely good intentions, the execution is completely broken.
There are plenty of terrible scenarios when the girl isn't interested too (and terrible for both parties btw) but that's kind of beyond what I'm talking about.
>Being actually nice is attractive.
See, that's the thing though. You're contradicting yourself.
>Compel yourself to be nice!....But you have to really mean it, and we can tell! Trust me!
He should be polite, but I honestly wouldn't change my behavior too much on a woman's account. They kinda make up your minds in the first five minutes. They're either going to fuck them or see what kind of retarded hoops you're going to make them vault through for shits and giggles.
What kills me is when you fuckers see some poor retard like this, you never go "calm the fuck down and stop trying to force that which is not happening." You lay out these other lengths that they are OBVIOUSLY supposed to go to fucking win someone over. It's like your responses to them are crafted to validate your own tendencies to juggle orbiters like this, or maybe it's because you have some sort of insecurity over a girlfriend who's after your natural abundance. Either way, piss off.
Pay someone to be your girlfriend?
>"calm the fuck down and stop trying to force that which is not happening."
While this is by far the best answer, it usually gets ignored the most and makes the OP bitch harder than "bee urself".
Wtf is anime style confession
The most foolproof way? Lower your standards.
In some Chinese cartoons, the main character will confess his feelings to his love interest. In real life you should not do this, and instead ask her out.
>be handsome
>be smart
>work out daily
>make a genuine concerted effort to be polite and so what I think is right for its own sake
>never had a gf
How many girls have you asked out this month?
One. I spaghetti'd in a spectacular fashion; worse than any other time in my life. Probably won't do it again this year.
I love it, thanks for this post
>be handsome
thats really all thats necessary
I've always wondered if irl people actually ever do the confession thing, in japan or otherwise.
Yes it is a thing in Japan, that's why it's in anime.
You need to be attractive.
If you're an average guy, you need to settle for fatties or complete uggos these days.
Ok, so what do I do with it
, but what the fuck arr you expecting? That a literal 10/10 will just ask you out on the street?
Talk with 16 new girls every week and ask out at least half of them. If you cannot get a gf after 3 months then the problem is in you
This is probably the most accurate description about nice guys. Not all are being fake and do actually have good intentions
I guess what I'm after is to encounter a girl I like enough to actually want to ask out who will have patience through my initial difficulties. I do not have the emotional stamina to do what you're proposing
I would consider myself a "nice guy". Not by choice nessescarily, but because my father was the embodiment of narcassitic asshole so I always strived to not be him.
Anyway, I've been trying to find a balance. In the past I liked talking to only one girl because it didn't feel right talking to multiple girls. Turns out this DOES NOT work. Started talking to as many as I could at once. Treat them all the same. Talk to them, compliment them, ect. But keep trying to talk to more girls. As many as you can.
Just like said. Once I realized this shit was a numbers game and that its mostly luck I got a gf in about 2 weeks. This was mostly on Tinder though. Scored big tiddy goth gf and when we meet up we're gonna drop acid and cuddle all day.
Anyway, idk if this is your problem specificially but I'd thought I'd share.
Be 6'2 (or taller)
Have perfect hair
Have a perfect face
Be alpha
Be rich
ask them out until one agrees, for you there is no other way
If that was true user, why are there so many ugly fuckers out there. Shouldn't everyone be a chad genetically by now?
Take up a hobby that is mostly women centered.
Paddleboarding groups would be a great place to start.
1. nofap
2. dont care
What are you, a (millennial) girl?
That advice sucks ass. (like someone who has never had a gf sucks ass :)
Are u 14 :/
What if he isint a gamer tho
Leftovers from before the sexual revolution and dating apps like tinder.
stfu :/
go back to Jow Forums
though you cant be ugly
Jow Forums4chan
Reddit called.
They need there village cuck back
and thats sayiong alot even for the
shalowness that is reddit.
On one hand I know that you're baiting.
On the other hand I feel like this is true.
Kinda want to kill myself to be honest.