Is this fake?

is this fake?

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Who cares the UK is shit just wish those cunts would stay on that shitty rainy island.

the energy it takes to burn flesh is counter productive, but perhaps selling aborted baby fetus cremation services would both do it and pay for it

given that they starve kids because of costs for "free healthcare" and brown docs don't have to wash their hands after going to the loo because "culture" I believe everything when it comes to UK healthcare system


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Who cares. Stop pretending to be against abortion.

IF this is true we truly know satan has arrived
burning babies to heat hospitals

how long and how much fuel does it take to incinerate the babies?
I'm sure it would take longer to incinerate full grown jews.
we could do some quick math based on the holocaust reports.

Dont you blood is twice as flammable as petrol, goyim?

>he doesnt know

actually they sell them for parts

Well its real.

>IF this is true we truly know satan has arrived
Well, better get comfy then user.
I have bad news.
>The bodies of more than 15,000 unborn foetuses have been incinerated in the UK, an investigation has found, with some treated as “clinical waste” and others burned to heat hospitals.

>The practice was carried out by 27 NHS trusts, with at least 15,500 bodies burned over the last two years alone.
>Ten of those trusts admitted to burning more than 1,000 sets of remains along with other hospital rubbish, while two said they were incinerated in “waste-to-energy” furnaces that generate energy used to power and heat hospitals.

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Fake or not, I've been unironically advocating converting niggers into thermal energy for use in heating homes for years.

And while we are at it.
Baby cells are in various drinks and food products as well.
Its just written as "smell". Seriously, look it up. They dont need to write the details.
Dead baby cells make for more sweet taste etc.
ESPECIALLY pepsi. Admiting to it and still using it.
Check if any companie is in a partnership with using senomyx.

A list of products containing HEK cells.

All soft drinks and Pepsi
All drinks Sierra Mist
All drinks Mountain Dew
All the en Beer Mug Root Beer (Pepsi)
Drinks No Fear
Drinks Ocean Spray
Seattle’s Best Coffee
All drinks Tazo
All brands of “Energy Drink”
Aquafina Water
Aquafina Water saborizas
Lipton tea and other beverages
Party Miranda

All products of Nestle
Including coffee creamers, instant soups Maggi bouillon cubes, ketchup, sauces, instant noodles soup.
Kraft – Cadbury Adams LLC Products:
Black Jack
Freshen Up Gum
Sour Cherry Gum
Sour Apple Gum

Cadbury Adams LLC Candies
Sour Cherry Blasters
Fruit Mania
Bassett’s Liquorice
Maynards Wine Gum
Swedish Fish
Swedish Berries
Juicy Squirts
Original Gummies
Fuzzy Peach
Sour Chillers
Sour Patch Kids
Mini Fruit Gums
Other Cadbury Adams LLC

Neocutis Products
This company produces anti-wrinkle creams containing cells of aborted babies of 14 weeks gestation. Here is a list of creams, although a boycott is recommended for all products Neocutis.
Journee Bio-Gel Prevedem
Bio-Serum Lumiere
Bio Restorative Skin Cream
Vaccines having HEK cells and their manufacturers:
MMR II (Merck)
ProQuad (MMR + varicella – Merck)
Varivax (Varicella – Merck)
Pentacel (DTaP Polio + Hib + – Sanofi Pasteur)
Vaqta (Hepatitis-A – Merck)
Havrix (Hepatitis-A – Glaxo SmithKline)
Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo – Glaxo)
Zostavax (Shingles – Merck)
Imovax (Rabia – Sanofi Pasteur)

Other drugs:
Pulmozyme (cystic fibrosis – Genetech)
Enbrel (rheumatoid arthritis – Amgen)

It's fake but literally who gives a shit anyway, they're no longer alive.

See here, not fake.

That's unironically great, no point wasting resources.

They might've been incinerated but not for heating purposes.

Dead babies are not combustible, so there's no fucking way burning them generates more heat than the heat it takes to incinerate them.

the babies, having more fat, are used as kindling to burn the adult bodies.

realistically the hospitals heating system is linked to their incinerator to not waste excess heat/fuel used in disposing bio-waste (ded babies).

doesn't click bait

This is stupid. They could get way more money by cutting the dead babies up and selling the parts to reasearchers. You can get several hundred thousand per baby.

if you "burn them"
nobody asks for the mutilated remains

So, you're saying, they made the goyim eat their own babies?

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As fucked up as it sounds, but yeah.
I mean its a very low chance but its possible a whore drinks cells of her own fetus

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fact check snopes style:
partially true
they harvest the organs and other shit for stem cells and the probably chunk the rest in the incinerator. newborns a usually very small
source: trust me bro

Yes. Because aborted babies are being sold for commercial use:

That's some eternal anglo type shit

Again, like I wrote its real.
Even worse aborted baby cells are in foods and drinks and vaccines , make up.

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Stop pretending to care about abortion.

I don't see why this is news. It's just a bunch of unsentient cells bro

no just look it up, it's real.

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Welcome to hell lads. Enjoy your stay.

Yes it is fake. unlike wood for example you need fuel to burn bodies. You can set wood on fire and if supplied enough oxygen wood will keep burning until it is ash. if you dowsed a body in fuel and set it on fire the outside may get charred but it wont continue to burn since it isn't combustible. you would need to keep adding fuel the entire time until the body was ash. In fact you would need to add A LOT of fuel since a body is mostly water and you are basically just boiling it away.

So no. anyone intelligent enough to operate a hospital would see this as a piss poor idea.

Secondly unless this hospital was made in the 1800's and hasn't been updated in any way I seriously doubt they are using a heating system based off burning random shit they find laying around.