David Hogg is Adam Lanza

Das rite.


Attached: 1547584430685.jpg (900x853, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Fake and gay.

I mean they both definitely have autism

Is he living on some kind of jizz diet?
What a faggot. And he wants your guns!

Attached: hogg.jpg (317x360, 23K)

He be gay.


Attached: David_Hogg_AIDS_conference.jpg (850x550, 49K)

Never surrender them!

Attached: dead chiildren gun control.jpg (294x427, 60K)

Attached: Jacob-Isaiah-Goff-mugshot-38909791.400x800.jpg (400x500, 41K)

Prove Adam Lanza even existed.

One of my favorite reposts.... definitely the same person

He got some surgery. But yes

Seen so many this person is that person threads on here, but this one actually looks believable. What gives?

I just can't deal with this.
Something has to be done or they win.
Yellow Vest American Style when?

>dat MKUltra stare

Attached: C3687E16-53CD-46EF-8E20-9093EBB32D3B.jpg (1794x954, 1.07M)

I've seen bullshit pics too but like you said, this one is legit.
It was a drill advertised as real.
Here's another pic to examine.

Attached: crisis actresses.jpg (500x992, 135K)

Not the same.

Muh Law Enforcement.
There ought to be a law.

Attached: Sandy Hook Boston Bombing.jpg (305x320, 24K)

OP is blind and can't see that davids nose bulb
is smaller than adams nose bulb.

Attached: 7-toes.jpg (600x600, 35K)


Looks to me like the angle of the face toward the camera. If Adam pointed his chin down a bit more, I think it'd line up. I'm usually skeptical because there are some sketchy ass comparisons on Jow Forums but this one almost has me convinced.

How are people on Jow Forums this bad at picking out faces?
I mean it’s not that surprising, people here think everyone with a large nose is a Jew.

Le 56% creatura

David Hogg is a spook actor who has a spook dad and is going to spook college. US intelligence runs all the bad shows, trying to keep a yellow vest movement or something similar from starting in the states.

Attached: 1534952054254.jpg (600x500, 42K)

Breaking news: two white people look similar

Looks like the same little faggot to me. Anyone remember the Libor scandal?

retard tier disinfo shit
let's just ignore the ears, right?
breaking news: you can stretch any face image to match another's.

big and jewed

True. Pic related is also David Hogg

Attached: 200px-Leatherface1974.jpg (200x276, 19K)

This user gets it.

Give up your gun roastie, live free like Britain, Islam is our strength! Free speech is hate speech!


he could be an FtM tranny, since crisis actors often, though he really doesn't look like it with the long limbs, adams apple and straight frame. This one might just be a faggot.

Basedus Maximus

Yellow vests are another Masonic fake revolution though. Coded color revolution

The only trans gun violence is self-inflicted.

Why does the FBI etc put out pictures on wanted flyers if no match is good enough due to the slightest of variations than can be attributed to facial muscle contraction?? What's the point? Attributed for aging 2012 - 2018 It's a match.

Three letters: kys

take your meds

Attached: 1538595529556.jpg (1035x732, 404K)

I don't take no muthafuggin meds.

I dunno about the same person.
Maybe the same clone batch?

They can't keep getting away with it.

Attached: 1547525058496m.jpg (1024x853, 214K)

It's sliding under a flood of bullshit threads senpai

Attached: IS-PM_USS-Liberty.jpg (715x411, 42K)

apparently the principal was an hero. im just here guys im not important.

He is being groomed to become POTUS one day.

May God have mercy on your souls.

nice disinfo bro keep muddying those waters

Attached: DWHsTOyVoAAXNO8.jpg (960x865, 127K)

Attached: 1519741736562m.jpg (1024x647, 106K)

Facial recognition difficulties are a sign of autism, you know.

Attached: 1545868118225.gif (300x225, 2.74M)





>literally shoped over
Jow Forums is truly /trash/

Soros revolution.

Yep, they're pushing "Peaceful revolutions" to co-opt the angry masses from civil war, but it won't work.


Trauma based MK ultra case if anyone ever was. Perfect manchurian candidate figure, and his resemblance to Lanza strangely makes sense.

>David Hogg is a spook actor who has a spook dad and is going to spook college.

See this man? The one who threatened arrest of persons countering the official narrative? He belongs to an organization formed by two FBI agents intended to vertically integrate local, state, federal, and international law enforcement.


This ought to concern everyone who isn't a GloboHomo faggot.

Attached: paul vance pfi.jpg (487x644, 86K)

I plan on ambush killing cops in the street as soon as a red flag law is passed in my state.

This is what real shilling looks like. It's called 'poisoning the well' to turn off normies by making all conspiracy theories look ridiculous by inserting bull shit with legit and reasonable questions. Mixing truth with lies. Alex Jones a perfect caricature to point to same with aliens, interdimensional vampires, lizard people, flat earth, tin foil hat, and so on

Attached: Cointelpro Techniques: Dilution Misdirection & Control.png (1169x6371, 868K)

might want to get those eyes checked buddy
look at the WIDTH of the bulbs, davids isn't
as wide as adams. fuck, you are all blind.

Attached: 85239792.jpg (1020x683, 264K)

Face in second pic is front lit by a light or flash cockbreath.

Definitely the same person, head is tilted up a little on Lanza picture, everything matches way too perfectly when you overlay them

the irony of this 1 post by this ID weeeewww

Yes because pointing out a ridiculously close resemblance is shilling.
What the fuck are you doing with your life here man?


Make sure to share and make it known their little gun control faggot posed for the Adam Lanza pic!

Attached: david_hogg_adam_lanza.jpg (500x325, 45K)

Who’s this cumdumpster?

Anyone recognize that medallion hanging below her chins?

Attached: hogg_bfpackin.jpg (500x538, 31K)

>its another "similar-looking people with the same facial expression are the same person" episode

I'm pretty much sure this kid is some kind of child actor used by these people to push this stuff. Even does the dumb mouth curl. Both "involved" in shootings.

fake and hot

Attached: davidlanza.jpg (380x468, 90K)

No way it's almost like people look like people this is mind blowing



Attached: wayne carver opps.jpg (528x369, 40K)


The irony of leafposting

Officers in the background are shitting bricks

Wow what a well thought out thread

defending your brethren are you?
tisk tisk

Attached: cutfag problems.jpg (323x326, 38K)

Slightly related:

CT Senator (((Richard Blumenthal))) is a fucking liar about his military service.

>Blumenthal has implied in the past that he served on the ground in Vietnam, although he reportedly obtained at least five military deferments between 1965 and 1970. He eventually served in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, but did not deploy to Vietnam.


Sandy Hoax was a Jewish money and gun control scam founded on lies.

Attached: 16x9_7039383605_6c20f0c41f_k.jpg (800x449, 56K)

cia glowniggers got him surgery after the op was a success

Attached: bela lugosi pull the strings.gif (320x213, 1.42M)

Attached: PrincessBride_Mandy-Patinkin-Inigo-Montoya.jpg (1200x653, 117K)

my six toed daughter, you think you can handle
her, sissy.

you saw the memo, do not attempt to evade,
field agents are being sent to your area.

Attached: nacho special agent cia nigger.jpg (540x669, 205K)

Attached: jewradar.jpg (225x225, 8K)

True, if big.

> End trans gun violence

That little gun grab JERK OFF has been all over the Boston area News. Because hes in the area for HARVARD. HMMM.
AND GUESS whose else is in the Boston News right before him &/or after ? Pocahontas. Shes going public for her Presidential run and Hogg breath is here too. Looks like Elizabeth Warren is teaming up with Hogg.

Oh I get it now, they're making the same expression. Definitely the same person.

>brown eyes
>blue eyes

are you retarded?


Attached: 2058387483432.jpg (471x362, 33K)

Attached: adamhogg.jpg (380x468, 105K)

Where are my Daisy Hoggs?

CIA Niggers be watchin'


Attached: 911 cia nigger.jpg (480x360, 40K)

WTF all seeing eye

>brown eyes, brown hair, tan skin
pick one, and only one

Imagine being so much of a faggot, you end up becoming the OP of this thread.


i wonder why her baby toes never fell out and the adult ones came in.

Imagine fighting and dying for independence, and 100 years later fighting for the right to kill your kids, clovercuck.