Do boys like being called "cute" ?

How do I compliment the guy I like, we are going on our first date soon and he always compliments my looks, I want to do the same for him but like do guys like being called cute or would that be weird? How would you prefer a girl to compliment you physically in a non sexual context? Just randomly in conversation - sorry femanon autist over here trying her best.

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Tell something about his muscles, his beard, how nice his hair looks. If he looks tough and strong don't say cute. Call him nice, because that's the safe way to go

complement him with your hands

touch something you like

well he's really skinny, no beard or anything, pretty feminine actually but thats good advice ~thanks user~

Entirely depends on the guy, but it's not really a 'safe' option, one guy might take it as a compliment while another might have a bit of a complex about not being masculine enough and will take it badly.
Over here we say "cute is what you'd call a puppy"

Alright, I have shitposted and pondered this for ages, so make of this what you will.
Personally, if a girl calls me cute I know she means it as a compliment, but it feels a little insulting. Like if a guy told you "I like fat girls like you." I imagine you'd feel similar, because when a girl calls me 'cute' I hear "I like that you aren't very manly." It doesn't really feel great desu. Stick to 'handsome' or just specific compliments like "you have nice eyes."

>pretty feminine actually
There's a good chance it'll kill him if you call him cute.

I personally can't stand being called cute, even if the girl is saying it as a compliment. Its better than not being called anything but still. Most guys would prefer to be called handsome or hot. On a date its best to compliment something specific like his shirt or shoes or pants or hair or eyes.


If that's the case (and we assume he's straight) than calling him cute is something you should definitely not do.
A guy's date making him feel like less of a man is a great way to turn him away from you.
A man's self esteem is very important and very fragile, kind of like balls, really.
Yes, a man's self esteem is a man's balls.

so I guess guys like being complimented on their eyes - noted

im a homofag
i like being called cute but i also play coy and pretend to dislike it
its nicer behind closed doors though so you dont feel pressured by it

so in a personal intimate context "cute" can be endearing?

One of the single best lines you can say is "I feel so safe around you". It implies so much in a single sentence.

is this based? red pill me.

What do you mean is it based and to redpill you? I think you're using this out of context.

Absolutely this, it's the most wholesome and cute way to make a man feel confident, strong and appreciated.
However I'm not sure I would pull this line out on the first date, since it implies attachment and that could be heavy for a first date.

This. It really depends. I'm kind of manly, muscles and a beard and shit, but I kind of enjoy being called cute, I could easily see someone similar in looks to me hating it. It probably works with more 'feminine' dudes too. Some of them will like it because they know they're cute and some don't want to be viewed that way. Totally depends on the dude. I think it comes down more to personality than looks

I can confirm this is a based, redpilled, and high IQ post

also as a homofag im only ok with it when its the dom doing it
if im the dom i expect to be calling them cute
it is a mark of being feminine

It's not actually that, I just said it because it's the most common non sexual compliment I can think of. I don't know if this has been other guys' experience, but I have only ever been complimented on
>my hair
>the colour of my eyes
>my lips (but not my kissing skills/ lack thereof)
So I really can't think of any other compliments that aren't sexual or too boring. Like complimenting someone's hair means literally nothing, and complimenting someone's lips is a little suggestive.

It also depend on what you mean, like if you're more motivated to call him cute because you don't view him as hot/handsome/manly then that could be a problem in and of itself, rather than the linguistics of the situation

>It probably works with more 'feminine' dudes too
I disagree, I'm not feminine by any means but I'm also not muscular or really manly, I've been called cute by female friends sometimes and while I understand they mean it in a good way I'm also okay with it because I'm not interested in them.
If a girl I was interested in called me 'cute' my immediate thought would be "fuck".
But yes, it depends entirely on the guy, but if you don't know him very well it's best to avoid it entirely.

There are several compliments that work for a guy.
smart, good looking, handsome, talented, etc.
Cute needs very specific circumstances to be a positive remark.

tfw i've been calling guys cute for years, didn't know some might take it the bad way. saying something like "you're hot/attractive/handsome" sometimes makes me feel like I'm coming on too strong when I don't know the guy very well.

no it's not that he's really hot but he just always calls me cute.. I just never know how to respond in a way that doesn't sound disingenuous or unnatural

I can see that, but I've been in relationships where I do something for the girl and she says "you're so cute!" and it's clearly meant to be endearing and not like "that makes you look like less of a man". It could be because cute may not have been the default in that situation that made it work. Sometimes girls use cute to mean attractive though. Personally I think it's a bit odd to think you're in some kind of shitty situation because of it, but at the same time I can see why and it probably could be intended as "harmless/not a potential mate". Context is key

I feel like there's a direct relationship between how "cute" a guy is and how much he dislikes being called it.


Tell him he's "really fucking sexy" and see how he reacts. I love that shit personally but I also don't mind being called cute. If you call him cute make sure to indicate it's because you find him really attractive, or use a different word. Or maybe if he says it go "you're cuter!", something like that. Saying how you genuinely feel is always a good rule of thumb imo

Saying "you're hot/handsome" is a bit much imo, try complimenting specifics.
As mentioned previously, eyes are a really safe option, hair too.
The single most powerful compliment you can ever make is to call a guy funny, ESPECIALLY if he's trying.
There's a reason why girls would laugh really hard at jokes of guys they like, it works wonders.
I think so too.

only cucks and soiboiz like being called a word thaf compares them to puppemies and kittens and other non-masculine things

honestly that reeks of insecurity and ignores the context the word is used in, although it definitely could and often does mean that

homofag here
i think the ideal time to call someone cute is when cuddling with them
like if someone tries to impress you and you say thats so cute its like being patronised
but i think if youre already vulnerable with them then its much better

the context of the word is that it's used to describe small harmless things like puppies and kittens and babies. Most men don't want to be compared to weak and harmless and frail things.

It's only the context if it actually is being used that way, the context could mean what homofag here said Or it could be you did something nice for the girl and she is complimenting the effort. Doing some small surprise type thing and being met with "that's so manly!" doesn't always make sense. There's only a small number of girls who are never interested in that type of shit, so if that's the case, by all means hope you never get called cute "or else".

desu I don't think I could really date a girl if I didn't make her feel safe.

Cute seems fine to me. Almost the same as "good-looking". I don't get any connotation of weak or childish from it. That said I think that may only work when you're both young. If you're both in your mid 20's you should aim for better/more mature compliments.

I had no idea so many people aren't fans of the word cute. I love being called cute. Don't listen to them, if he's cute, let him know!

19 desu

they are reading into it too much. a cute girl thinks you're cute. take It and go.

A girl called me cute before and said I'd make a great house husband. I took it to mean she saw me as a beta male so I stopped hanging out with her

Probably for the best. I don't think I could really maintain a relationship with a girl that didn't see me as a real man, no matter how much she liked me.

if it's just some thot trying to get me to orbit her then no, if it's someone who might actually care about me then yeah sure why not.

user, I think that's something that'll instantly make any guy seem ten times hotter to me because it tells me he's got some self-esteem. Admitting that you like being called cute, I mean.

Don't take this advice. Never listen to what a girl thinks she wants. Its a trap.

Know your worth men.

yeah this is based - if I call a boy cute and he responds well to it that much much much more attractive than getting upset over your manhpod. grow the fuck up.

I mean, I absolutely hate being called cute but even I don't through a fit about it in the moment. I just make a mental note that she thinks I'm effeminate.

I only like being called cute because I'm submissive and it sorta pushes my buttons.

A guy that wants to have a masculine image probably wouldn't appreciate it. I don't know if your date has some sort of self-esteem issue about their relatively femme appearance.

You could always compliment their smile, their laugh, or maybe some sort of "Hey there, Handsome."

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This. No guy is going to "throw a fit" in the moment. I'll just remember how she sees me and probably not be motivated to talk to her again.

Further proof girls have no idea what guys want.

Not generally, unless he has a decent degree of masculine confidence and solidity, and therefore it can be positive contrast and a medium for bonding if used occasionally. Again depending on personality.

The part of a man processing being called cute is often the one associated with his childhood, and his mother, aunts, older women, etc. In part. Someone who's more feminine and that you don't already have a strong intimate relationship with doesn't want anything indicating mothering.

Everyone has some self-image issues. If you were a guy that grew up being bullied because you "weren't masculine enough," you'd probably not appreciate being called cute, no matter how good the intention.

The best analog I can think of is someone telling a woman, "Wow, you're so thin!" meaning it as a compliment but not knowing the woman has struggled with an eating disorder like bulimia or anorexia.

You never really know how a comment will make someone feel.

Find out what he cares about. If you arent sure he prefers to be seen as feminine its probably a source of insecurity so be careful about it. Safe compliments are handsome good looking sexy beautiful eyes strong( unless obviously untrue, this goes for everything) you are allowed to be impressed with anything you cant do though. Be it opening a jar, doing a pull up, building a computer.

Anything thats seen as generally desirable(tall) or not undesirable(crooked teeth) and that you convincingly appreciate will work. His hairless body is neutral and you liking it might be nice. Or him being good at his hobbies

>do boys like being called "cute"
I do because I know I'm not a hunk and my face and humor are my best assets

I'm a 6'4 lanklet with good eyes. I'm 21 and look like 15-18. I'm not looking strong or hard but I often get called cute which I don't dislike.

It depends on the guy you're talking about. And nice is a shit word since anything can be nice whdn you don't want to call it straight out shit. Better use Charming.

If I am genuinely laughing with him and say "you're not funny" will it have the same impact?

>Better, more mature compliments
Help me out, senpai, I am 20s and autistic, what do you mean by this?

I always take cute as a diminutive compliment. Like yeah you might think something about me is cute but in the same way that a puppy being dumb is cute.

Guys also have trouble processing compliments since we rarely get them from girls. Your safest bet is to show not tell.

>Your safest bet is to show not tell.

Just say handsome. Us men are simple creatures. He's probably more worried about what to say about you.


Just kidding. Like holding their hand or something. For Bill Burr it's make him a sandwich and leave lol.

Kiss him. Too hard? Hold his hand. If you sit down next to each other on a bench seat or something sit close so that your hips/thighs are touching slightly. Sit on his lap. Get caught checking him out. Stare at his eyes and lips longingly.

I interpret it as a friendly compliment personally.
Don't call him cute. If you can't find something masculine about him, compliment something else men want others to appreciate. Such as his jokes, you can't go wrong with that.

Women should never call a guy "cute"

im pretty autistic OP so I know where you are coming from, I used to have trouble accepting compliments and dishing them out, so I just throw out whatever is in my mind and see what sticks, honestly not the best strategy but I've noticed he likes it when I complement his deep voice, the stubble on his chin, his sideburns, the gleam in his eyes, his sense of big his dick is. I used to call certain things he did cute but it made him insecure so I stopped but it took a while for me to understand because like I said autism. We've been going strong for 3 years.

I don't mind it. As long as you don't mean it in a demasculating way

It depends on the context, I don't mind it but don't overuse it

>Call him nice
That's even worse, getting called nice means there was nothing else notable about you

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would work for me, no matter if she touched my face, butt, or whatever

Male here. What are you meant to compliment a female friend with without sounding too obviously flirtatious?

And for me I'd be a little wounded by cute but still appreciate the compliment.

Yeah I've never cared. My ex called me the prettiest boy she's ever seen and I wasn't offended. Probably depends on the person if hes insecure he'll probably say it's weird idk

Honestly, pretty is better than cute. Painting are pretty. Trees are pretty. Greek statues are pretty. Pretty is just a statement of aesthetic appeal, but you can still "be a man" if you're pretty.

You just inflated my ego a bit thanks user

He might take offence to it, impossible to say, i wouldnt, but he might.
if you want to be safe you can compliment his eyes or tell him that he is funny or that you like being with him.

Oh anons, just so you know I'm a femanon and I like calling cute/sweet guys who look strong and tough. Just take the fucking compliment when it occurs

I'll take the compliment when it happens, but I'll still hate it.

I think most guys don't care either way, this is just me but if I'm on a first date with a girl and she calls me cute, that's a really good sign that she's confident/likes me enough to express it verbally. Context matters I guess but everytime I've been called cute by a girl it has been her way of saying "you're hot" or "you're attractive" without trying to sound sexually aggressive or promiscuous. There still seems to be a lot of social stigma against women boldly complimenting men's looks. Anyways, the only time I could see a guy getting upset over being called cute is if he has a massive manly man ego, is compensating or in high school.

lmao the masculinity is so fragile itt

Of course its fragile. If you tell me that you don't see any of it in me then what the fuck else am I gonna do? The only options are agree and mope about it or blow you off and tell ourselves you dont know what the fuck you're talking about.

Well yeah, femininity literally takes nothing to maintain. You just get it by default. Masculinity is earned and maintained.

>being called cute
>you don't see any masculinity in me
so so fragile

I dont understand what the problem is. Cause and effect is a thing.

wouldn't that make it stronger instead of fragile? I don't understand your logic

Masculinity is harder to maintain than femininity. I guess you could label that as fragile, so I won't argue over the wording, but the sentiment that men shouldn't be concerned about it is ridiculous.

Imagine a sand castle versus a flat beach. Femininity is the flat beach. You can strike it, pock-mark it, dig holes, tear it up. It takes ZERO effort to fix. The next day it's like nothing happened.
Masculinity is a huge sand castle with many straight vertical surfaces that require constant maintenance and observation to prevent collapse. One swift kick in just the right place, and you're left with an ugly lump of sand and many hours of rebuilding.

NEVER call a guy cute you stupid fuck

>but the sentiment that men shouldn't be concerned about it is ridiculous
well I never said that but it definitely shouldn't be as extreme as puts it, seems unhealthy how a single act can destroy you, specially if you go by masculine traits like strength and confidence
I liked the analogy though

Can confirm, it would be really important phrase as a compliment to me.

Is there any equivalently good phrase to tell a girl?

This thread has ruined my life, I'm exclusively into small and "cute" guys since I value that trait over "handsomeness" and "manliness."
What am I supposed to do? Hide my tastes from someone I want to marry? Holy shit.
Is "adorable" any better? "Lovely face?"

literally the same thing

a) you can still say it, it's just a little diminutive
b) adorable is just "very cute", it's honestly worse than cute. Lovely face is fine though.
Just say you like his "boyish charm" or something if you're worried about it. It's literally just the compliments that imply femininity that hurt. Everything else is fair game.

Do NOT call your romantic interest "nice". Say he/his hair/his clothes looks good, but do not under any circumstance use the word nice.

>Telling people it's wrong to call a guy cute / give affection this way

What is wrong with you people? Lots of girlfriends called me cute/sexy/hot/handsome/ect/ect

No guy is going to over think being called cute, let alone when a woman is throwing their affection at them. Shut up.


OP, do what you feel is right. If he doesn't like it, he will directly tell you

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It's not that you can't use the word "cute." You should just be aware that not everyone will appreciate it as a compliment. If you know they don't have any sort of complex about not being "man enough" then it should be fine.

OP here - we have been pretty intimate and I don't think he would be offended by the word but I just want to make sure he knows I find him really attractive and I wasn't sure what phrase or word would actually get that across in the best way

You can't go wrong with handsome.

If it's in a physically intimate context, you can't go wrong telling a man he's "sexy."

But you're not likely to go wrong with whatever you choose. You know him better than we do; everyone here is giving personal opinions. If there's something in particular about his appearance that stands out as something you enjoy, let him know. Men, like women, like to have positive details noticed by their partners. At least I do.

Why can't people just say "you look good"?

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You're either new, or don't understand those terms.
