I feel so fucking stupid. I lost my bf because I wouldn’t stop calling him or texting him. We’ve been together almost three years and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. But now I’ve lost him, and I feel so scared and empty.
I acted crazy and my lover left me because of it
just go get a new one, he prob wasn't that special and you wouldn't have a hard time falling in love again
I know it’s incredibly cliche for me to say this, but I don’t want anyone else. And yeah, I’ve had breakups before that hurt, but never like this. I just wish he wouldn’t say he loves me, but doesn’t want to be with me. And also, he was crying when he broke up with me and brought me my things.
>BPD in general
I struggle to believe that it was just because of texting
Texting and calling and overreacting unnecessarily. I mean, I didn’t even see him until he brought me my things, all of this happened via text message. He wouldn’t even talk to me on a phone call, and I felt slighted by that as well.
there's always someone else. he was seeing someone else who wasn't as available and will probably get his heart broken too.
but watch this thread get like 30+ replies from whiteknight faggots for no reason.
He says that he doesn't want to be with anyone else ever. I don't get it. Im so hurt.
Then it's just a matter of convincing him. Promise to not be a clingy attention starved psycho.
Just be careful to not get blocked.
fuck that asshole, if he doesn't want to spend every second of every day with you he's not for you
marry me sweetheart, you can spend all day curled up with me in bed
I'm a cuddling machine and very clingy, please cling to me,I'll make you pregnant with babies
in central Jersey, drunk af on an njt train rn
I hope he will give me another chance, I really do.
it isn't crazy to want to talk to your over all the time, you did nothing wrong
In VA >:)
No, that's not crazy. But calling him, idk, about 100 times in one day is psycho. I guess I just felt ignored and I was v upset at the time. Idk why I do it, he just gets angry and says mean things.
Monopolizing someone's time is actually the best way to make them feel tired and burned out of you
Yeah he said I made him feel crazy and exhausted. I know I'm wrong for having done that, I just wish I could go back and slap myself really fucking hard.
I just want another chance. I sound so whiny and pathetic.
Send him a pic of ur vegana
Send him pics of something sexy & ask him if he's sure he doesn't miss you.
Don't tease, show him you mean serious business!
Hmmm... he might like that
Send tha booty
dont do it idiot. if he comes back to you it'll be because he's lonely and misses you, not because you did stupid shit to try and get him back.
Yeah, I know. Not gonna.
I am sure you are the kind of person who never answers/replies to people when not interested, for some reason. Meh.
I try to respond to people, but I also have a 4 year old and a full time job. So my phone is not always glued to my hand.
>tfw no crazy clingy gf
I text my gf about 3 hours a day and it's not enough.
He won’t even text me back now. And it’s really fucking hurts me that he just wants to ignore me.
It means he understood that your relationship was toxix. Good for him.
Our relationship wasn’t toxic.
>Dumps you because you're fucking crazy
>it wasn't toxic
I am not crazy. I acted crazy. But I should just kms cause I’m insane right?
I'm in NC lets do some sex!
Why are you putting words in my mouth? Did you do this to your bf as well?
Why did you act this way in the first place, OP? What brought you to it?
There it is, theres a sneak peak to the reason right there. It's not just the phone calls and texts is it OP.
Is it.
Just get a new dick
He was quite sad when he left you but he thought it was for the better for the both of you. Just take it slow and say your sorry and dont do stacks of messages in a row or fucking short story just say your sorry and you realized what you did was really wrong and try to start a conversation with him and let him take his time with replying
If you were acting like that and he left then the relationship was already lost.
>called and texted hundreds of times because I was feeling neglected
Why the fuck do girls think that this is the solution?
No, you just said “dumps you because you’re fucking crazy.”
Okay, so I only get to see him on weekends cause of work and not living together. Well he had planned to come to my house, but then early Friday afternoon-canceled plans to go to DC with friends. I got really upset because I’ve had a really hard time lately with my depression. And he just immediately got defensive. And whenever I get upset and start telling him how I’m feeling, he gets angry and says really mean things. And my reaction to that is to have a panic attack and start spamming him. I know I’m not in the right, and I wish I could have reacted differently.
I’m just out of it. I barely slept and have been crying for 2 days now.
Thank you.
>his reaction is to get defensive and mean
I'd be willing to bet my left nut that this is his reaction because you immediately start laying it on him like everything in the world is his fault and that you are more than mean enough about it yourself.
Well, I did get bitchy. You’re right. I was so shocked that he was changing plans last minute that I told him not to “bother even coming over at all.” And I regret it.
This has the stench of bait about it but the problem is even if it is bait this is exactly the kind of shit that girls do. I know they can't help it and that they reach for the emotional response impulsively, without even being able to stop themselves, but "don't bother coming over at all" is high grade emotional manipulation. You're saying it because you want him to turn around and attempt to get back into your good graces immediately by laying his affection and reassurance on thick. It's retarded and childlike tactics like this that cause men to throw up their arms and surrender to being incels.
That’s why I said I regretted saying it. Because I knew it was wrong and said it just so quick and without thinking twice about it.
Learn to control your dumb impulses and maybe he'll come back to you.
I'm sure this isn't about this one disagreement, but a repeated pattern over months or years. You kept emotionally manipulating him and he got tired of it.
Take it as an opportunity to work on yourself and to fix your issues, which you might never have done had he not broken up with you.
Oh yeah I believe you. Listen stop depending on other people to prop up the dilapidated mess you call self esteem and get help. Your family friends and even your exbf love you, but you need to start loving yourself.
Also make sure to get a hobby that will keep you busy and get some faith in your self and either your next bf or your exbf
(I would say vidja cooking or reading)
kinda far
I have been in love with clingy people before. Here is my general advice.
Give him space. And that means no contact.
I did not read the whole thread but if you already know you are over contacting him (call or text) then stop it. I don't mean stop for a few hours or the rest of the day. Leave him the fuck alone for 3 days, maybe longer. Let him cool off and "reset" at his own pace.
He will contact you when he is ready. If you do wait a few days and then text him, keep the text simple and light. Don't ask him a question that could be stressful, just send him a funny pic or something and say "saw this and thought of you". Then you don't text him until he texts you.
>tfw dumped a girl for the same exact reason
cellphones were the worst thing to happen to dating
haha, one of the many lunatic BPD bitches who make so many anons post on here because of their psychopathy and shitbag behavior.
tough shit miss, be a better person next time.
MD here
I don’t make people post in this thread. I’m not sitting there holding their hand, telling them, “POST OR ELSE.” This is the advice part of Jow Forums and I wanted some outsider views. What is with Jow Forums and the whole calling every woman BPD?? I didn’t know you had a masters degree in psychology >.>
I don’t disagree with you. They have given me a lot more anxiety for sure.
I think he's a pussy. My wife overdoes it with the text messages and I just ignore her. I have read that this turns women on, and whether or not it's true he should have read the same thing by now, and acted on it if only because it justifies him not responding or caring about your messages. So my guess is he left you to flee from his guilt and feelings of powerlessness and shame, not because you were annoying. All women are annoying.
>i'm only going to contact you one more time ever again, that's a promise
>come over
That is, if you really want to get back together with a guy who copes poorly with feelings of shame and responsibility.
Ok, you are right, that was a bit snotty and unkind of me, and I apologise, but you will surely understand when I tell you that about 80% of the romance threads on here are about women just like you giving heartbreak and doing psychopath stuff to their unfortunate and autistic beta boyfriends.
so, my advice is, and it is heartfelt, believe me:
leave this guy alone; try and work on your issues, seek counselling if at all possible, make yourself into a more attractive human being, and that means being less needy and more considerate.
god bless. bye now.
She doesn't need counseling to refrain from doing the things she wants to do. She just needs fear, and now she has some. I realize people scoff at this and that it doesn't apply to extreme cases of mental illness affecting self-control, but honestly how hard can it be to do nothing? It is within most people's power to not act even though they really really REALLY!!! wanna. They just usually poke around in there until they find a justification to act anyway when they know they should not.
I don't think she needs to be less needy either. Most women are needy, and they should be. They have a right to that, because eventually they will be focusing this instinct in the interest of their children. What they must also have, though, is a fear revealing it constantly; and again, now she has some of that, I hope.
This constant checking in is what a person does when they want reassurance that their partner isn't going to run off, and very often it's because they know they have given that person a reason to run off. If the overreaching needy person is a man, likely he has faltered in providing his woman with safety, status, and gratitude. If it's a woman, chances are she has left her man's balls full and his belly empty and caused him to feel that he lacks freedom.
The remedy for all this is easier than the remedy for the other set: Sex at night even if you don't want it, and sex in the morning even if he doesn't want it either. Learn to cook and do it often. I will take a failed homemade mac & cheese over a restaurant skirt steak any day of the weak, because the mac & cheese is an act of love and feeling loved never gets old. And lastly, most importantly, don't EVER ask him where he is going, where he is, or where he has been, unless he makes a practice of not inviting you along.
Thank you, I actually love making Mac n cheese for us to share. And he always makes me the best quesadillas
1) You're not asking for advice. This isn't your blog
2) He very likely did not dump you after 3 years because you blew up his phone one day. Learn to tell the truth, or take responsibility, whichever you are lacking more.
sage this shit
>because I wouldn’t stop calling him or texting him
I have a feely feel this is why _you_ think it ended and not the actual reason it ended desu
If he left you because of that it wasn't going to work out and you dodged a bullet.
My gf just dumped my ass because I didn't treat her well like she deserved OP. I love her more than anything, and I wanted to spend my days with her for the rest of my life, raising little babies and tending to a home in the woods like we talked about. But no, I had to learn my lesson the hard way to not be selfish and treat people poorly. They will fucking leave your ass eventually, and you will be so lonely that your heart breaks and you scream at the top of your lungs but no one hears. Right now I'm trying to convince myself that this is for the better, but my soul feels dead.
brotip: it's actually really offputting to get constant messages when you know the person who's texting knows you're busy. It's like they're daring you to take off valuable time at work or while studying to respond to meaningless blather, just to prove you care. Fuck that, if I'm gonna spend my free time with you before and after work I don't need to be constantly messaged throughout the day, that's just a very simple recipe to get irritated and mentally exhausted with a person.
He dumped me because he’s fucking depressed. This time of year is really hard for him because he watched his roommate die in a fire. And I didn’t help that by bombarding him with phone calls. I wasn’t sensitive to his needs.
Just explained it some more since everyone thinks I’m just a liar. Yeah, I’m a woman. That doesn’t give me a right to act the way I did, but we do tend to make a lot of decisions based off emotions. I feel like an idiot for the mistake I made, and I would do anything to go back and change it.
It really fucking sucks. He made me so happy and I wanted to have his babies and spend our days together getting old too. I had to go and fuck it up though. I’m so ashamed of myself.
Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I only see him on the weekends usually so our communication is usually texting throughout the day some and then a call at bedtime. But I just let myself get so fucking upset that I spammed his phone with calls and texts. I’m an idiot and I should have known better.