Overbearing family

Guys my cousin is 15 years old. What does this mean, I’ve asked him multiple times to stop texting me so much. I understand he looks up to me and loves me, my family tells me all the time but this is ridiculous. I’m 20 years old btw. Posting more screenshots so you guys understand.

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children use more lines per construction in written text because they dont want to concede turn by long gaps

he just wants to play fortnite with you like a dopey 15 yo puppy

Is this how kids these days this age text?

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I understand but. Gah I don’t really have an excuse desu but idk man

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He's growing up to become the annoying clingy type.
If he looks up to you then it's time for you to break his heart giving him a honest speech about how his behavior is not ok and will give him lots of problems later on.
Also NO more fortnite for him.

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He’s also in a predominantly black school so he talks super different too so you can tell he’s kind of just following everyone and everything

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Hey bro it's me you said you would play fortnite today

Hey bro

why wont you play fortnite with ron

Molest him and he'll leave you alone.

brOP lets play fortnite just a few games

introduce him to the salt mine of your urethra

Dude looks up to you, tell him that texting someone like that is not cool. He'll thank you later

I’ve told him this before, or I’ve at least told him to only text me once quite a few times already. He still continues to do it. Maybe I should just tell him it’s not cool rather than “please don’t”

honestly just tell him
hey dude if you wanna play fortnite could you send like one text my phone keeps going crazy but im free right now if you wanna play a bit
you know throw the kid a bone

Be a dick. People who look up to you remember harsh conversations much more vividly when they think theyve upset you.

Yes and make sure he understands why.
It might be incomfortable but It has to be done or else he'll end up desperate and alone once he enters the adults world.

Just do what the girls in your life do, don't respond.

>Hey bro wanna do that one Fortnite dance again

Family members shouldn't be treated like that unless they're actually harmful

In this case its necessary.

Feel like a dick

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What is it exactly that bothers you about all of this?

Feels like deja vu...

It’s so constant

Too nice

But specifically, is it annoying to get the notifications? Is it stressful having to reply out of courtesy? Is it overwhelming to be admired so much? Which one is it exactly?

>The word "Bro" appears in every other sentence

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1v1 him in playground mode and demolish him over and over while laughing and telling him how much he sucks at fortnite. He'll start crying and never want to play with you again.

Dude, his cousin is literally spamming him with HEY BRO F O R T N I T E

Is it possible to have this conversation with your cousin face to face? If not, maybe actually call him. "I love you, man, but you can't be blowing up my phone like this."

All 3 desu, culmination. As well as my family’s forced brotherly bond since were only five years apart
Yeah I can see him irl on thanksgiving

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I meant T B H NOT D E S U

I don't believe this is real. You must be using one of those fake text messaging apps.

>Dude, his cousin is literally spamming him with HEY BRO F O R T N I T E

Yeah no shit. But depending on what precisely is bothering him there are more effective ways to get his cousin to do what he asks.

I swear on my life

Okay I'm not sure this is even fucking real anymore. What the fuck. He's supposedly 15. Not a dumb 5 year old.

your brother is a level 90 troll and knowingly pissing you off. he probably browses Jow Forums and might even be watching this thread right now

Holy shit he entered spambot mode
Sorry I know you're here for advice but this is too funny

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you seem to forget how stupid 15 year olds are user

does he ever reach for your dick because it sure seems like hes eager to ride it user


Alright OP it looks like you're pretty much gonna have to train him like a dog. Both reinforcement and punishment. Whenever he texts you sparingly like you ask, explicitly state your thanks and if possible, try to actually play the game with him:

>Thanks for texting me only once like I asked, b r o! You really helped me a lot, b r o! Hey b r o since you're actually doing me this favor now, wanna play Fortnite?

If he fucks up, explicitly state how you feel, too:

>Don't be rude. Please text me only once like I asked you to.

Eventually he'll learn

Oh and don't forget to also explain why. Less cruel and will actually help him in life.

>It's generally not a good idea to text people the same thing over and over, since they're likely busy and might consider it rude.

Something like that. You get the point.

At 15 plenty of people have no fucking clue how to socialize. Tell him the non-stop messages are annoying, and that you'll get back to him when you're ready to. Make it clear that you're not mad at him and still want to text, but that it's just too much.

This desu

Hey,Bro. I know you woke up for work. Lets play fortnite bro

hey bro

seriously tho, does he have friends?

Hey bro why are you talking about me here why aren't you wanting to play FORTNITE

Hey bro sorry for texting you so much do you want to play fortnite


"Cousin, let's play Fortnite!"

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Ok, he trolled you there.
I don't get why people send lots of little texts, i like to send big blocks.

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This shit is way too funny. I am laughing so fucking hard.

That said I have a cousin exactly like this, except mine is 11 or 12. Anyway just play Fortnite and shit talk him a bunch. He wants an older brother, be his older brother but give him shit, toughen him up, have fun with him. I get my little cousin on PS4 and we play Fortnite and I talk to him, joke and chill, but I'll tease him as well and ask him about girls and tell him he has a little dick and shit. That's the fun part about hanging out with your older cousin is that he will be naughty with you.

hey bro
wanna play


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are you a fucking god at fortnite or something? theres no way he would want to play with you this much unless you just grind free wins for him.

Hey Cousin, lets go Fortnite

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hey bro

If I’m being honest, I’m average, if not below at the game. Better than him for sure...but I think he just enjoy playing w me

Good one bro

Bro good one

That was a good joke bro

Is your cousin mentally retarded? If not then he's fucking with you. This is why you need to make fun of and lightly 'bully' your family members so you can be honest and blunt with them without hurting feefees.


Fornite sucks but he wants to play with you, suggest a different game/activity. It's bothersome that he looks up to you but that's how family is.

starting to wonder if this kid is actually in here amongst all the trolls

Im ded

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eww you play fortnite? youre just as bad as he is, wtf?


I havent laughed this hard in a long time, holy shit

Come on, he's your 15 yo cousin. Quick scopes on rust, make a man out of him

I think you should suck it up and play with him.
It'll be good practice for hanging out with your children before they grow into people that never want to see your face.

>he's trolling you
>you're trolling us
>he has autism

>hes thirsty for dick

Hey bro


It's cute that he looks up to you like that, but you're going to have to explain to him how texting you so much makes him looks retarded. Of course in a much nicer way than that.

Has he been diagnosed with OCD?

It seems like cousinposter is a sperg, who has learned a rudimentary way to communicate with someone he looks up to, but has not learned any social limits on how to behave. He won't stop until you tell him. He cannot understand by himself why you aren't responding, and keeps trying to get your attention. Basically he's an overly clingy girlfriend.

Hey bro
>Hey bro
Hey bro
>Hey bro
Hey bro
>Hey bro

Fag blockposter. What are you afraid of speaking in sentences rather than in monologues you sperglet?

Hey bro

Funniest thread on this board right now bro.

Block his ass and say "idk I don't get you messages buddy?" then show him to his face you don't get them. Then when he tries to fix it dodge every attempt. Works everytime

Bro when you’re done taking a shit you wanna play fortnite?

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Hey bro
Let's play fortnite

bro let's play fortnite

So, did you guys play Fortnite? Update us, OP.

Update us, bro

bump. Tell us what happened brOP

Hey bro what's up bro wanna update us bro hey bro hi bro hey what's up

Who the fuck write like this? hey bro bro let's play bro bro??? Literally no one. Fake and gay

hey op, i’ve been reading your posts and i think you should just play with him. maybe one day you’ll regret it, maybe one day you won’t.

I’ll green text this story, it haunts me to this day.

>have annoying cousin
>just a regular kid, middle schooler
>every time I see him he asks if i can play a video game with him
>texts me multiple times
>hey bro
>can we play tonight
>”maybe some other time user”
>this went on for 2 months
>just ignored him
>mom calls me
>mom is crying on the phone
>”user, ___ was just hit by a car”
>”he was playing basketball by himself”
>”the ball went into the street and a car hit him, killing him”

I now know that he was just a fucking kid with no friends. He was just a kid who wanted to play a stupid video game. It was a just. A. Game.

If you don’t want to play with your cousin for yourself, play for him.

I miss you so much Toby and I think about you all the time. I’ll see you in heaven one day and we’ll play I swear.

Smack some sense in to him, you will be doing him a favor. He probably text chicks like this too.

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I was definitely not this stupid at 15.
Maybe he hasn't hit puberty yet, you should 100% just go with him and spend as much time with him as you can. Just fucking play fortnite with him. It probably means a fuck ton to him.