The White Man calls out Arizona for declaring Porn a Public Health Crisis in Arizona

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porn is a public health crises and this jew is trying to protect his people's industry

Why do leftist support so vividly porn industry and general pornography?

LOL, public health? What, sprained wrists?

Ladies and gentlemen, I present you Republicans, the party of "small government" that is going to tell you what you can and can't jerk off to. Fucking repressed savages.

Because unlike the right we don't hate fun.

Porn is addictive.
Slows down Libido, reduces testosterone, causes erectile disfunction and pushes the user into a constant search for satisfaction causing a deviation from normal fetishes.
Basically turns men gay and makes you lazy.

why are you letting kids play at the border

>porn is fun
lmao. btw i need to charge my jo crystal bro are you down

Literally not one word of that is true, but hey if you want to deny yourself pleasure, go for it. Just don't fuck up the world for the rest of us because you're an up-tight, repressed loser.


This is retarded even by Krassenstein standards.

What kid too young to know to stay away from razor wire would "bump into it"? If that’s the case, you need to have a word with the parents. What are they doing letting their kids play in concertina wire?

The state wants us to turn into California 2.0 and its too late to stop it

>White man
sage slide threads

Fuck off Kike

>Because unlike the right we don't hate degeneracy.

Oy Vey think of the children!

Incel detected.

Of course when a Jew starts thinking about porn his mind wanders to kids.

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There's nothing cuckier than crying about "degeneracy." Watta loser.

>literal whataboutism
>no leftist will ever call him out for it

> jacking off is fun
nice argument.

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Fuck off, Brian.

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I hate this fucking kike so much. At least I can credit him with the extra boost of motivation for my workout today

Based and celibacy pilled

Just be sure to never post the wrong thoughts for libtards to see, friend.

Fucking retard.

Playing on the border of Estonia and Russia was a big part of my childhood. I feel really bad for the children of Arizona who can't play on the US-Mexico border without scarring themselves for life.

why do conservashits always want a NANNY STATE to tell everyone how to live?


Razor wire doesn't lead to sexual degeneracy, sexual desensitization and erectile disfunction.

If a kid is near the border and somehow gets stuck in the razor wire like PFC Shmuckatellie then that's on the parents.

AZ incels BTFO

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>We don't hate fun
>Ruin every medium of entertainment with moralizing bullshit


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where do I get merchant merchandise

Maybe children should stay the fuck away from the border

>porn is a public health crisis
>vidya isn't

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>we put our hearts into this movie


Why are children just casually crossing the border illegally though?

I am a 41 year old white male, and I have masturbated at least three times a day (sometimes more) until I reached orgasm, since I was 10 years old.
So, I've literally been masturbating for 31 years or 11, 315 days. I have masturbated approximately 33, 945 times to the point of orgasm. There were many days when I would cum 6-7 times a day (teenage years). So that number could be much higher.
Do I have a problem Jow Forums? Have I broken a world record for fapping? Also, it feels good to get this off of my chest, so AMA.

If it was not designed to subvert you do you think it would be given away for free when it cost 1000s of dollars an hour to shoot?

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Think about how much time you've spent masturbating and what you could've done with that time instead.

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They don't even bother hiding it anymore

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>krassenkikes make another thread about themselves
fuck off


Think about all the time you've spent shitposting and what you could've done with that time instead.

I think about it every day.

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Fuck off you puritanical faggots. If you can't wank and still have a productive life, then you're weak and deserve to die.

Oh man, what could I have I done at 11:30 PM on a thursday night before going to bed. Surely those 15 minutes could have been spent in a way that would have substantially improved my life.

You can quit porn. You can’t quit the truth.

>what about

Someone has been found out. Lol

based suraj

Who could be behind it all?

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Are these guys legitimately autistic? Even reddit cant stand them

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What a turbofaggot

I think he means "Pokemon GO MUELLER!"

How anti-Semitic of them. The ADL will hear about this.

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>nothing has happened but if someone trips they might get hurt!

This person is not wrong. You go to the porn site because horny, and you’re looking for normal videos of people fucking. Even when you look for straight couple, you’re bombarded with suggested videos of gay sex, group sex, public sex, incest, and of course any “normal” sex you find is likely featuring some fetish and/or is muh big dick nigga with a white chick. The sidebars feature constant ads of things you would not normally view, overwhelming “muh big black dick.” This should be pretty obvious and easy for people to understand. It’s like going to a bakery for a loaf of bread, but you smell cinannon rolls when you walk in, and see a mass selection of pasteries. You’re likely not to walk out with only a loaf of bread.

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>grow up in the country
>farmers often have barbed wire around their fields
>run around and do kid stuff
>parents tell me to be careful about the barbed wire
>i go and get caught on one, of course
>get hurt, cry a lot
>be more careful after that, never get hurt again
It's not that hard

So then don't go to pornhub you fucking idiot

porn is not a public health crisis
men are a public health crisis
and stupidity is a public health crisis.

Post tits you fat cunt.

Your mun is a public health crisis

well maybe those kids should use the other 760,000 square miles of Mexican land to play on instead of the few miles of US border with razor wire on it

>sitting alone in a room for 5-40 minutes manipulating your body for a cheap 5 second emotional feedback is fun

You wouldn't know fun if I handed it to you.

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Also, they used it in Palestine when they started their land grab operations.
Airing porn on all major broadcasting stations distracted the Palestinians and when they figured out they'd been fooled it was too late.

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And why exactly would children be playing at the southern border?

Discord tranny, JIDF, whatever you may be, just know you're doing a bad job of it

So let me get this straight
>disliking degeneracy is cucky
>a person is a loser if he doesn't jack off to watching guys fuck women


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>porn is a health crisis
>razor wire on a border fence is a health crisis because kids might cut themselves and scar themselves
>purposefully cutting infant penises which physically and emotionally scars the child for life is not a health crisis

It's just middleschool level of acceptance tactics.
>You're gay if you don't smoke this cigarette billy
Fuck this country, it has far too many mentally immature adults.

>it' s scared

>Jow Forums isn't
>movies aren't
>tv isnt
>books aren't
>radio isn't
>music isnt
the list can go on and on and on and on

They don't even have to be smart or dumb to avoid it. It's like 20+ feet in the fucking air. To bump into it would require scaling the structure first.


Yeah it’s almost as though adults are dropping them over the sides of the walls and fences...

Thx user, I know this in my heart, but have gone a week nofap and was struggling this morning. Thx.

Based and Jonespilled

>It's like going to a bakery for bread and walking out with cinnamon rolls

Everyone knows cinnamon rolls are better than bread but faggotry isn't better a good white christian marriage YOU'RE A FAG.



written by "Zillman"

God this guy needs a fucking bullet

>White Man

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Letting kids cut themselves on some razor wire is a good way to teach them not to grab sharp stuff if they're too dumb to do that in the first place, and if they don't die of dehydration from walking hundreds of miles through the desert.

A bullet would be kind

>Porn is fun
So is heroin. But both leaving you feeling empty after the high, destroy your life, and fuck your brain to bits.

I forget what website this was. Found it in the Jow Forums patch thread

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Same. Though razorwire is different from barbed wire used for cattle. Razorwire is the stuff used in WW1 trenches, or atop prison fences, and will cut the shit out of anyone trying to cross.

Day 46 here. I just want to rail every girl but I'm still horrified at the consequences of looking at a girl, so I won't. Merciful Lord Jesus help me.

when the fuck will this kike shut the fuck up, him and that one retarded korean doctor always shit up twitter with 10 tweets on tweets they dont fucking like.

Top kek.

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Porn is this generations underground epidemic

Media is the problem.
All forms, at least for now because of who is in control of them.

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Fuck off nigger. Stick that crystal up your arse

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