>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
WH Public Pool:
>Pres Trump arrives @WH 2/8/19
>Pres Trump goes for a checkup 2/8/19
>VP Pence @CBP Baltimore Briefing 2/8/19
>ActAG Whitaker @House on RussiaRussiaRussia 2/8/19
>Amb Cohen @UN on Sexual Violence 2/8/19
>StateDep Foreign Press Brief (Amb Brownback) 2/8/19
>DepPressSec Hogan outside WH 2/8/19
>SpecRep4Afghanistan Khalilzad @USIP on Peace Talks 2/8/19
>This Week@State 2/8/19
>WHVideo: VP Pence visits Port of Baltimore 2/8/19
>GOPAd: What do dems stand for? 2/7/19
>Pres Trump Launches some woman thing 2/7/19
>Pres Trump @Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/7/19
>VP Pence on CBS Evening News 2/7/19
>VP Pence/NASAAdm Bridenstine @NASA Day of Remembrance 2/7/19
>VP Pence/KAC Address HIDTA Program Dirs&Deps 2/7/19
OP pastebin:
friggin MAGA
Warren voters are now called Braves.
Trump 2020 weighs in on Warren's campaign launch
Hey there /ptg/! Are you ready for your mid-day exercises!? 75 Sit ups and Pull Ups with a nice brisk 2 Mile Run (throwin punches) this morning!
My diet will consist of; Coffee Grind Yogurt Parfait! Coconut Milk Curry Chicken/Apple Sausage Jambalaya! What's new with ya guys~? What did I miss?
>cucked by demographics
If the GOP wasn't retarded they'd be fine, in 2004 they got nearly 70% of whites in VA. It's only with 2008 that there was a wave of college white kids that never left, shifting the entire white population leftwards.
Imagine if Trump tweeted this.
WTF I'm #WarWhoopingForWarren now.
we're off to a great start
What a powerful speech, watch out Trumpkins, Warren s bout to scalp ya bald
Me I, let it be so
>culturally appropriating native customs
Is there a full video of that parade in OP?
New jersey New Mexico and Delaware are the other 3
Meanwhile, here in New York City, a Council member says the 'gay community' controls the city council...
he won't do it
, someone gimme an hd stream of Fox News thanks
This. I wanna see it!
There's nothing on during the weekend.
They did it, they finally kissed
So heart warming and cute scene
the whole warren thing
You know, if Trump adopts his own version of the green new deal it could really help his reelection chances.
Of course, so could taking on the jewish mafia.
thank me later :)
AWOO! where my wolfgrills at?
Where the fuck do people stream anime from? I cant find legend of galactic heroes anywhere
It's still live, you'll have to scroll back.
If I gave it to you you'd shut it down.
Isn't it over already?
otakustream dot tv has tons of it
>and the people of Massachusetts she deceived to get elected
They aren't blameless. But there's also a lot of voter fraud in NE. Though that's typical of Democrats everywhere.
I threw buckets of sand at them a couple days ago.
I'd be wasting money if I DIDN'T get banned at this point
Thank you brother
How is DE cucked? DE is only the way it is because no one in Sussex or Kent bother to vote, New Castle is the only county with decent turnout. In 2018 there were 10,000 more votes than in 2012 and Trump got 40%. Hillary actually lost votes. All indicators seem to point to the fact that driving up turnout in Delaware benefits the Republicans, not the Democrats. This becomes more obvious when you note that the entire surrounding Delmarva region is massively Republican.
>won't take big donor money
Welp, her campaign is doomed. She won't even make it to the Primary.
buddy thats not hd and its delayed
I think GW gonna sue somebody!
Then get out there and do a GOTV drive in that state.
Torrenting is fine but most of the public sites are seedy as fuck
Oh please keep pushing this.
Let's get all the dual citizenships out in the open
It's basically the only one on the internet
Claim it in the Emperor's name.
>browsing Jow Forums
>still doesn't know about the legendary website Kissanime
You safe and at home now?
>tfw these people manage to make a more impressive public warhammer display than GW ever has
No matter how many times you say thank you, it wouldn't be enough times.
Holy fucking shit
Now that she's officially in does the infighting finally get under way or do we still have to wait for creepy uncle Joe to declare or bow out. I need to see the automated salt mines' production levels.
It’s cucked because 63% of white voters vote red and kent is full of nigger lovers and sussex beaners
Putting him behind the Slaanesh float was a nice touch
The Israeli dual-citizenship idea has no source.
I was ITT yesterday when they were memeing it. They said /ptg/ would REEEEEEEEE because we're too brainlet to understand.
They know it's stupid, and it's supposed to be. It is supposed to garner all kinds of attention, because it's bait. And conservative media regulars all fell for it. Rush, Hannity, Ingrham. They all bit. Tucker.
Take internal combustion (IC). The setup is not new. You can't take all the wheeled vehicles and airplanes out of service for obvious reasons. So you regulate them with a need test.
>Prove you need a fleet of trucks and can't ship any other way, like rail.
>Prove you can't plant and harvest without a tractor or combine.
>Prove you need a van for your business
>Prove you can't use public transportation to get to work
Or else you can't have one.
>Prove you need to go to Hawaii
>Prove you need to go to Europe
>Prove you can't get to [city name here] using a train.
And they'll do it given half a chance. Because there is no clause that says "the right of the people to keep and drive cars shall not be infringed." Neither is there a "the right of the people to fly on airplanes" amendment. The left can't wait to enslave every last one of you.
Also, new entry:
The bug-eyed cheese brain.
Unironically true. The working 'rhino' was upsettingly sad.
It has already begun. High-minded principles go right out the window in their hunger for power. That's all they care about. The Dems would wreck the country, just so long as they get to be in charge of the wreckage.
>75 Sit ups and Pull Ups with a nice brisk 2 Mile Run (throwin punches)
Fuck I just sat down, but okay, you’ve got it boss!
>mid-day exercises!
it's 7:51 desu
>It even fucking moves
>Carolus Rex playing in the background
>nihil sine deo
whoa bro don't bully the autistic romanian he just wants to bitch about bozgors and sheeit
Not just college kids. 2008 was a massive swing left by people rejecting W in the teeth of the crash. Even fucking Indiana went blue. Obama then bloated up NOVA with swampnigger parasites to ensure that Virginia would stay blue.
i'm sure someone will post a long clip later
yes, I went to sleep immediately after posting YES KITTY YES!! last night and then woke up a couple hours later, around 3:30-4am because the coyotes would stop making these loud whooping noises outside of my tent. They wouldn't stop and thusI couldn't go back to sleep, so I just packed up and went home.
>based foetus edition
abort yourself faggot
That would be great, especially followed by Pence retweeting the Alessandra Mussolini "better to be a fascist than a faggot" quote.
I really cant wait till Trump takes on the gay community and puts them where they belong.
Hello, Hawaii!
Bitch please. Your faith in man should fall firmly on your brethren and build from there
>I will be your rock
>>Carolus Rex playing in the background
63% vote red, that's above average. Keep in mind, again, that the reddest parts of the state (Sussex and Kent) have low turnout. You could easily bump that up to 70% and shift the entire state from a blue one to a red one.
Also there's a senate seat up for grabs there in 2020. If Biden isn't running, the Republicans should go for it.
>What did I miss
Chief Pocahontas made her formal announcement
There was a lulzy carnival parade in Italy featuring several Trump displays, including one of him as the God Emperor from 40k wielding a sword named tariffs with a crossguard made of twitter birds
>an hour buying sand, throwing it, waiting for confirmation
>gookmoot still gookmooted me
>bank called at 6am this morning because coinbase is in the UK and it flagged as fraudulent because they know I don't buy from sandniggers usually
It's all a fucking waste
NoVA was always going to destroy that state sooner or later; govt creep wasn't new to King Nigger, it just sped up under him.
kissanime dot ru my fellow Russian troll.
No, pls delet
Ironically his decision to ramp up government spending also caused DC becoming gentrified to accelerate. It'll be majority white before 2030.
obama campaigned well. He promised people exactly what they wanted. An end to unneeded war, an end to rights violations like the patriot act, improving the economy, etc. but then went on to accomplish none of that. Never forget that Romney almost won in 2012, that's how bad obama was
I am Nihil
He retweeted a Mussolini quote back during the campaign.