Help with mental Health

What drugs can help you fix your mind? Like trauma, ocd, depression etc?

Paxil doesn't work right away in my experience..

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Paxil only cures OCD and other disorders. PTSD takes years desu.

Therapy is what really helps you live a fulfilling life. Meds help but if you're aggravating your issues due to your behaviors or your environment it will likely not be enough.

You'll probably also want some sort of support system outside of therapy if possible.

Family just thinks it will go away on its on. They're old fashionated boomers who think suffering is ok.

I seen weird intrustive thoughts before my OCD cleared up. I can't handle them.

If family are shit then you might hope to find some sort of local support group thing.

As for meds themselves, unfortunately I would know less than your doctor. If your psychiatrist is a shitty one definitely try and find one that's a better fit, if that's an option.

How treatable is this disorder?

If you are taking SSRIs, just stop. Ive never seen SSRIs make anyone happy.
>Step 1: Diet
The ketogenic diet helped me with mood swings
This guy was my intro to keto. I highly recommend
>step 2: Exercise
You don't have to lift 24/7 but at the very least try and go on multi mile hikes to clear your head. remember, consistancy is more important than pushing yourself to the max
>step 3: stability
Are you in a stable homelife situation. if not do what you can to be as stable as possible
>step 4: purpose/improvement
Seek purpose and a goal and seek to achieve it. Remember that as long as you are trying you have not failed yet.
>Step 5: Clean the Rest if you need to
The advice I gave covers maslows Hirearchy of needs. however if you have severe issues beyond this (trauma and OCD) a psych will be able to help you without life getting in the way.
Best of luck

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I could only tell you what Google can tell me. I struggle with depression and anxiety problems, so that's all I've dealt with, and I'm not sure that I really respond well to antidepressants since I've tried nearly all of them and haven't had a lot of success.

>If you are taking SSRIs, just stop.
Stop giving advice immediately. Diet and exercise is not the cure for mental illness. Encouraging clinically depressed and/or compromised people to cold turkey their medication is incredibly dangerous and irresponsible.

Paxil doesn't work on all but takes 6 monthes to work.

Drugs don't help. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helps. Drugs alleviate symptoms but if your only answer is drugs, say hi to severe side effects. Go to a therapist and seek CBT.

How do I do it myself? I don't think that exist here.

You cannot do it yourself, you need a therapist to teach it to you on a regular basis so that when you encounter symptoms of duress/stress you can learn to handle them and overcome them without drugs. Usually drugs are used as a last line when the patient is completely unresponsive, you don't just give them drugs and they magically feel better.

Find a therapist.

Drugs can 100% help but they're not a permanent fix. They are chemical supports that can help even out the imbalances in your brain if you do in fact experience that. You need to see a professional. Understand that the advice you receive her is extremely anecdotal and not based on any kind of formal training. Work with a mental health professional and they will assist you in formulating a plan best suited to your needs.

I think drugs really only help if you can't get out of bed or do anything that will really fix your depression. For most people anti-depressants aren't much better than placebo.

I love that show

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A good diet.
Elimination of wireless devices of all kinds.
Phenibut for mental unraveling.

Adderall and klonipan, xannax

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Stop giving advice that you know nothing about.

>Elimination of wireless devices of all kinds.
You forgot the tinfoil hat, the anti-fluoride filters and the anti-CHEMTRAIL home filters.

Fitness. There’s just no substitute for home brewed hormones. Try jogging and getting a six pack. True story

What do they do? Paxil only cuts down on OCD but I find weird memories I don't want hard to handle.

ketamine and MDMA are being tested to treat depression and PTSD

Magic mushrooms as well