I fear I'm going to die alone and live a unfulfilled life

I fear I'm going to die alone and live a unfulfilled life.

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face your fears user

I have no friends, no family, no nothing. I just feel I'll live out the rest of my day just getting by, but not really living.

I feel I can have redemption, but I look at the reality and see that I'm so far from it.


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Is this another episode of 'guy in his teens/early 20s makes predictions about the entire rest of his life'?

Love it. They always give me a chuckle.


You don't have anything that needs redeemed.
When you learn to scream at the universe that you're here, that you're glad just to have this time to live and learn, you'll see an aspect of your potential that most people will never be able to mimic.

It's true that there are things you'll never be able to do from your place in life, but there are things you can do that other people can only fantasize about, and its your own troubled circumstances that make those possible.

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I dont know about all of that

Attack it from two angles. The first angle is to fulfill your life. What does fulfill mean? Does it mean your future self won't be disappointed? Figure this out and and make baby steps towards it. A therapist can help with this too if you have the means to go to one.

The second angle is to realize that most people lead completely boring lives. Not everyone is a Gates, or Zuckerberg. Hell most people aren't even a Martin Shkreli. So there isn't a ton of difference between a normal life and a "fulfilled" one because there isn't a lot of space on that spectrum for most people to be very different.
My friend is in his mid 30s and lives with his parents and works in a dead end job. He's almost completely happy with his life even though most here would think it's unfulfilled.

So what I'm getting at is that part of it is attitude, and part of it is what you're doing. Know that the difference between fulfilled and unfulfilled is in your mind, and the steps to get from one to the other aren't as big as you think. Godspeed, user.

I've missed out on a lot, I wasted my youth and now pushing 30 I'm having a hard time coping with it and realizing things are going to be different and harder.

It's what life is like.
People don't always break under unfulfilled needs. They adapt and mutate, producing every bizarre and strange skill and thing imaginable.

You just have to let go of your inhibitions. Act as if you really don't have much to lose, because you don't.

What if you try living a fulfilling life alone? As it turns out, that usually brings people closer to you.

>As it turns out, that usually brings people closer to you.

I don't have anyone, I've lost all my friends and making new ones has been difficult. Mostly due to social isolation

I know. Life is lonely and dark. But there is beauty and joy in it as well

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you can always go after montie's boypussy
he's tsundere towards you after all

I used to have a huge crush on this girl and then she started dating this guy named Brandon.
And what makes you think he's wrong? Life is just thinking "it will get better next year" until 10 years have passed and then 20 years have passed and so on until you die.
You see people on the internet saying they are 40 or 60 and they can confirm there is a high chance that if you are not going anywhere at 20 or 30 then you may not go anywhere ever.

move some where theres a social scene and get in hobbies that put you around people

maybe they just quit and didnt try to get better

How long does it usually take to get better?

maybe, but they arent wrong. I;m not quitting and not going to stop trying. I'm just getting I fucked up bad, and want better and more from life and facing the reality of those choices

Depends on what you are trying to do

Step 1 is setting goals

Seems like a sad story about how as time passes it doesn't get better. Yet, once again, drugs are the answer.

>Step 1 is setting goals
I dont know man, i try to stay some what optimistic

you are years behind and may never or wont catch up

Mind blown

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Maybe if you keep telling yourself that

If you don't make the decision to improve your life in your teens/early 20s you will have to make it later and it will be much harder. It's better to try and fix it now and the first step is admitting you have a problem.

>catch up
What's he supposed to be catching up with?

Part of the problem is the retarded shame you have over not being where you think you ought to be. I get that Jordan Peterson is eccentric, but there's this one quote of his that's absolutely perfect.
>You shouldn't compare yourself to other people. You should compare yourself to who you were yesterday.

Now, there are obvious exceptions to this. If you're an old woman, you're probably better off not looking at images of when you were younger, but other than that, it's golden.

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I've been told making friends, etc is going to be harder. Because people are at a crossraods when they hit 30, and most people start to really grow up, become actual adults, have kid, get settled in their careers, buying homes and things like that. People change, and they aren't going to want to party, go to concerts every weekend, go out and things like that. It'll be on occasion. I'm stressing how dating would be harder, and I havent dated since 11th grade.

how do you stop comparing yourself to other people? it's impossible when you are the only one that's different in such obvious ways to the norm. This is not being edgy, Idk what OP's situation is but I know I'm definitely different than the normal average people, who have all had several achievements when they were younger than me and I haven't.
No one ever told me I was retarded or autistic so it's quite impossible to live without comparing myself to others. I used to try not to compare myself but eventually I had to either make up stories or be honest to people and everyone looks at me in a condescending way, like I'm that weirdo that's different. And you can't live isolated, you have to interact with people. So not comparing yourself to others to remind yourself that you are okay (or finding out you aren't) is impossible.

who cares dating fucking sucks

how do you set goals when you cant convince yourself any goal is going to make you happy or fulfilled?

I want a gf.
I guess by setting fucking goals. Even in my shitty situation I even have things I want to do and accomplish. They aren't like they were when I was younger though..A bit more down to earth and realistic.

>it's impossible when you are the only one that's different in such obvious ways to the norm.
It's this precise circumstance when it's the most natural and logical thing to do. You're not normal. You went on this crazy, weird, meandering path to get from where you were to where you are now.
You see things that are completely, or at least partially, out of your control as completely your fault, and until you can accept that you are at a push-pull with your environment, you'll let this stupid shame get in the way until you die ignominiously.
>everyone looks at me in a condescending way, like I'm that weirdo that's different.
Go away from those people. They don't have a clue, and they're fortunate they were born with better rows to hoe.