>still denying that 6 million jews died in gas chambers
l o l
>left still can't meme
Post the original
Instead of offering facts, this leftie meme just explains what is already there but doesn’t challenge the fact that the holocaust never happened except detailing what is in history and as we all know.
History is written by the victor.
This. Fuck deniers
he did, because OP is a faggot who cant even bait right
The most documented genocide? Shit nigga, we know more about ancient egypt than the holocost and it happend in the last century.
AFAIK the official stance is that 6 million were killed and some of them were gassed.
Nigga this is the original.
Also, how does this have anything to do with leftism? Isn’t the shoah a bi-partisan issue?
It's not the original. Even the text are of varying sizes here.