How do you make a girl fall in love with you?

If she already show signs of being interested and she probably already know you like her?

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Assuming she thinks you're attractive, just stop for a second mid convo and smile at her. A loving, genuine smile is the best.


"When are you free to hang out?" set definite time and place if she gives you a day. Go to date, have fun, kiss and maybe escalate.

Ask her on date.

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Yes i was thinking in invite her to date. I was thinking in pic related but i don't have a car to pick her up, so, any idea? I'm 18 years old with license, rent a car is expensive and i don't know if a taxi will work.

>My parents died and i never meet my grandparents, so i don't have somebody who can borrow me a car

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Invite her bowling or billiards. Pay for her taxi at the end but tell her to meet you there. That way you don't have to drive or accommodate that. IF date goes bad, don't pay for taxi.

I'm a adult where i live i can go clubbing and anything else

Which place it's the best to go on a first date?

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I like museums, art galleries, that sort of thing. With casual dinner afterward, 100%. Don't do a movie.

This, so fucking much this. I cannot tell you anons how many girls I have made out with in my city's art museums. They are the best first date, they give you stuff to talk about and a cool place to do it. Most guys don't put that much thought into dates and just do generic shit, a slightly interesting date will improve your chances.

Zoos are another good place if you're both up for walking, and movies aren't a terrible idea, but only if they're not the only thing you're doing, and it is the middle portion of your date. That way you can talk before the movie, and talk about it after, always have something to illicit conversation anons

I've been seeing a girl recently. We like to sit around her apartment and talk, and whenever I'm talking she struggles to hide her smile. It feels amazing to see such genuine sweetness, I can tell she really appreciates me. I'm the same way when we're cuddling and I'm staring into her eyes, it's complete bliss. This would be the beginning of something great if the situation were different. I wish it were.
Anyway; the way to make a girl fall in love is to go out with her. Nobody falls in love over text. After that, it's just about easing into a physical relationship.

What's the situation my dude?

Girls are sweet

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>bowling or billiards
people actually do that on first dates?

yeah it's weird as shit, I only do this with my cousin Roman

I'm not sure. I think it just happens naturally. I would say just be who you are. I have two girls that are currently in love with me, my current gf and my ex-gf. I'm fairly average in a lot of ways. Though I am good in bed, funny and have a graduate degree and good job. So maybe those things help?

Bowling is a great first date. You have an external activity, but you can still get to know the person, and it's usually a fun time even if it doesn't work out in the end.

Don't be shy!

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Yes it happens naturally but you need to have at least some attractives traits

If she is interested and knows you like her, then what are you missing? Why is there a problem? Are y'all not speaking to each other?

We don't see each other so often

because pic

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I fell in love with my bf precisely because he is shy. So not always true. 'be yourself', generic as it sounds, is best advice actually.


Lucky you!

just bee yourself

That's a terrible idea. If I just 'be myself' it results in me going home immediately after work to pursue a small number of solitary hobbies. I'll never meet anyone like this.

I hate how people defend Shinji because he was only 14 years old. Asuka was 14 years old too and fuck the shit out of Angels

Defended him for what? He got in the robot. Regularly. And kicked massive amounts of ass doing so.
Try actually watching the series and drawing a coherent conclusion instead of gleaning all your knowledge from arguments on /a/ in an effort to fit in.

read picrel

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>go on a date with girl
>sit at table
>"You know most women are such bitches but you look at least mildly better lets see where this goes, also dont order anything too expensive im about 70% sure im not gonna get laid"
>She asks me to marry her.

Seems legit.

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>supreme gentleman detected

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Thanks... but no lol

I was just making a point about that book title.

haha yeah I know. But it's a good book, and makes for less sleaze than the usual PUA stuff without being wishy-washy either.

>High educatiu
> Prob white colar job
>2 girls
>Good at bed

Damm dude u said u were average, 100% dont haver police records