Communication in vidya

how to trigger the absolute shit out of "anglais plez DX" americans on online games, any personal experience of britain 2: eletric boogaloo getting mad at you for speaking sopa de macaco?

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>Go on North American servers

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no user its more like
>go on north american servers

>Get bullied by Americans for being subhuman monkey mutt
>Go on Jow Forums asking for advice

Damn that's pathetic

have you stockpiled on your heinz baked beans already user?

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I don't expect Americans to speak French, why would you expect them to speak Portuguese?

What the fuck did you just say to me? You could've thought of anything--Eternal Anglo; teeth; u got a loicence; butter-knives; anything--yet you opened your mongrel mouth and blurted out something so inane and retarded, that I now pity you enough to tell you to auto-euthanise, you macaque.

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im expecting anyone to speak portugues im asking how to trigger ameriboomers oi m8 u got a loicence fer that ammount of edge?


If nearly everyone on a server speaks English then it would make sense that anyone else would be bullied.
It's like me going on Brazilian servers, only speaking English, and then being proud that I "trolled" some people because they ask that I use Portuguese.
Pretty stupid.

the point is, when trying to communicate with fellow jungies on a american server, english players simply cannot resist the urge to understand what we are saying and demand a explanation in anglo, which is in my opinion a great excuse to tell some people to "fuck off , shit piss and cum your pants, go get your welfare check"

God damn I hate br huehues



>not china #1
You don't play vidya

based and redpilled

>gets mesothelioma and dies of cancer because the NHS cant fund your treatment

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Things seem to be going alright on their own.

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What's your health care system like in Brazil, btw?

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How about you monkeys stay the fuck out of our servers so you dont cause lag for everyone Im trying to shoot down choppers with my rpg reeeeeeeeeee

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Vidya has gone down hill sense the left wing push into gaming culture. Cant even call someone a nigger anymore without getting banned

I call people niggers and faggots all the time in Dead By Daylight, Payday 2, Team Fortress 2 and called people niggers and faggots in Vermintide 2 before I uninstalled that piece of shit

Why are you guys shit at all games tho?

universal, but leftist sate and corrupt politicians literally grabbing every cent they can that was meant to fund public health (which quite surprisingly is a lot of money) well, a lot of people die in waiting lines for organ translpants and diseases that could be prevented with basic sanitation (also not happening)
ok buddy retard