Illinois Dems introduce bill requiring gun buyers to reveal social media accounts before getting firearm license
Illinois Democrats areintroducing a bill forcinggunbuyers to reveal their public social media accounts to police before they are given permission to get afirearmlicense.
The new legislation is sponsored by two state Democratic lawmakers, in an effort to block people from acquiring guns if they have made some troubling comments on social media.
State Rep. Daniel Didech, a Democrat who’s pushing the bill, toldCBS 2 Chicago:“A lot of people who are having mental health issues will often post on their social media pages that they’re about to hurt themselves or others,” adding that these people need “the help they need.”
Any state or jurisdiction that passes such laws will be smacked down by the SCOTUS. It's a violation the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments. It's also entirely unenforceable because background checks are done through the FBI and they're not adding specialized steps to their federal process. The told New York go scratch when they wanted background checks to buy bullets or database of serialized rounds.
Caleb Cruz
while both of them are rotten to the core and want to take our guns, the democrats are overwhelmingly the ones pushing the most heinous proposals
while voting may not be effective, non-compliance, protest and direct action are all worth contemplating at this point.
Serious question: why doesn't anybody just start killing politicians? I mean politicians are probably one of the most hated classes of people in the United States, and yet political assassinations in US history are actually extremely rare. I'm sure there's lots of people out there who don't have a lot to live for but have a lot of hatred in their hearts of tyrants. I don't understand why they aren't out there just murdering politicians and hanging them from lamp posts.
Killing politicians just empower and radicalize their supporters
Benjamin Collins
Because its not that bad. People revolt when things get real bad real fast, see Venezuela, or when bad things last for a long time, and people have nothing to lose. In the US today, there's more than enough bread and circus to go around, and politicians make it so there there is always enough of the two for most of the people. This way, the odd dissident willing to do something as drastic as kill a policeman, let alone a politician, can be labeled a lunatic, and it can be assured that few to none would do the same.
Angel Baker
Joshua King
>not having staceygram and staceychat to jack off to its like you want to act like an incel
Joseph Wood
y-you first
Austin Allen
Looks like something else that the poster tried to claim was an excerpt from "red flag" laws. Which, legally, should only be when someone close to an individual believes they pose an imminent threat to themselves or others. Any firearms taken from that person have the be returned unless the court can present a reason why they shouldn't. Of course, how a law is written and how it would be used can differ.
Xavier Brooks
I only have facebook to keep in touch with older relatives. Sometimes I'll go out to visit them and we shoot prairie dogs and shit. Sometimes they'll give me a neato old gun for my trouble
Aaron Russell
>Any firearms taken from that person have the be returned Yeah, just like how firearms used in self-defense have to be returned after the defendant is proven justified. Funny how those seem to go missing from the evidence locker all the time.
Caleb Reyes
because the only people who actually propose shit like this are either here, circlejerking about how much they hate blacks and jews and the government without every doing anything about it, or the 1 in a 100,000,000 guy who does do something, but because the other 99,999,999 were busy here cumming in each other's mouths, nothing happened.
Dylan Peterson
Madison County here. The Dems can go pound sand.
Julian Sanchez
>lol bro you don't spend your time jacking off to pictures of attentionwhores? >dumb incel True chad right here, fellas.
Jackson Powell
>he said as the 1826th unconstitutional law was passed and SCOTUS refused to hear a challenge
Brayden Garcia
only democrats are crazy enough to actually do it
Gavin Wilson
There was the dem who tried to shoot a congressman at a baseball game like a couple years back or somthing
Julian Sanders
Well i'd love to help out but im not dumb enough to do it as one man. Besides at least 70% or maybe less, of which ever state is likely to be too cucked out to do anything.
When the gun grabbers come knocking, thats a different story unless you unironically cuck out and lick the LE's boots for "protection."
Jaxson Flores
San berindino shooter was some old fudd who was a bernbot. And media reported the firearm used was an "assault pistol." Was actually an SKS from what ive heard.
Jason Anderson
>When the gun grabbers come knocking, thats a different story The gun grabbers have been knocking since 1933. Nobody has done anything. Nobody is going to do anything. By the time it gets to the point that they literally go door-to-door and take your gun from your hands, the only thing you'll be armed with is a single-shot .22LR that's registered with the government and required to be kept in a safe with a key that can only be retrieved from the local police department when you need to take it to the range.
Parker Bell
What kind of cucked state you live in I dont register shit to the statists and i still get to have more than 10rnds in a rifle mag
I know you don't register anything now, the point I'm making is it's going to happen. It's been happening for 80 years and nobody has done anything. It's not like they start right off the bat with mandatory registrations and collections. They start off slow, like they have been for 80 years. By the time people get angry enough to do something, they have nothing left to do it with. The best part of their plan is that it doesn't even require any cooperation with state governments. Federal firearm regulations have been cucking us more and more since the 1930s.
Joseph Moore
I thought we're talking about that old dude shooting up the baseball game
A guy trying to shoot a congressman in Alexandria, Virginia and two muslims shooting up a building in San Bernadino, California are two very different places and events
Dylan Sullivan
They can still try. I already got an angry roof korean ready to shoot if the new gun grabbing law gets pushed >my state banning features for long guns >will criminalize ANYONE who has such features >mags more than 10rnds >ar pistol kits >telescope stocks >piticanny uppers and handguards >flash hiders (state says flash suppressor makes gun silent but holy shit theyre are beyond rarted) >all types foregrips but they only let LEs have them >LEs still not abiding by pistol mag laws, they carrying G17s with the 17rnd mags >LEs and LEs only can have NFAs, they could swiss cheese your house and dogs without a doubt >unironically the state weakens gun ownership to military personal so basically theyre bottom bitches like civvies
Td;lr If you own what constitutes illegal to the state, theyll treat you like a felon and lilely to kill you because my local LE and their rookies are trigger happy
Jason Cruz
Ohhhh okay I actually thought the old dude was shooting up commiefornia
Nicholas Watson
No it was an left wing activist trying to smoke a republican congressman using an sks and an m&p shield
Michael Moore
You said San Bernandino shooting. That happened nowhere near California.
Henry Rivera
Shit im being retarded right now sorry Long day
Jordan Rivera
>sauce jewish subversion of the west since recorded history
uh..... because we like fighting endless wars for israel and being disarmed and not being allowed to enforce borders and paying for the welfare of a dark skinned underclass moving in to replace us? you fucking racist scumbag
Sounds like it's time to storm the state capital. Glad I don't live in that hellhole.
Christian Gomez
>no one will ever be able to use the internet ot make money >social media could never be used against you
Alexander James
Zachary Adams
>these people need “the help they need.” >they come to your house and kill you, your wife and your dog >"we just gave him the help he needed" >don't criticize us >just doing our jobs >we've got your number blowout soon, Stalker?
Jose Cruz
>That video Holy fuck that is plain and obvious brainwashing. Sure, it's meant to be comedy, but the younger generation is slowly being indoctrinated into thinking that not having (((social media))) makes you a pariah. Fuck this, I'm deleting my Facebook (the only real social media I have)
James Johnson
>having any social media accounts lmao
>inb4 you need one for work/studies/whatever Just make a basic bitch account with no information beyond what's necessary to make it and no pictures whatsoever, never post anythig outside of talking with people you need to talk with.
Lincoln Baker
>he thinks killing politicans will help You will only turn them into martyrs and strengthen their "guns are bad" narrative.
Romans killing Jesus was the best thing that ever happened to christianity. There were plans to assassinate Hitler towards the end of WWII, but everyone decided it's better to wait for him to lose than to martyrize him.
Leo Brooks
I am convinced that the whitepilling is another layer to the demoralization campaign. There is no way, that after all the (R) held states that passed GC, that there are still people who think that GC is a losing issue.
And the result: > Democratic Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said this wasn't time to talk about gun control, but then essentially did just that. > “I have long advocated — this is not what today is about — but there are too many guns on the streets,” he said to reporters. He added, "I have long talked about this --- background checks and shutting down gun show loopholes. And that’s not for today’s discussion, but it’s not just about politicians. We worry about this every day for all of our citizens.”
Christopher Thomas
so, what's stopping people from just lying about not having a social media account?
Adam Campbell
This, if the #metoo shitshow wasn't enough to persuade you to ditch all that vapid shit then you're doomed.
Ryan Gutierrez
Well done, IL. You put out a proposal so egregious that the ACLU of IL said you can stuff it. What's next? Denying home mortgages for people who bad mouth the police? Delaying benefits to vets who voiced support for the wrong congressman?
>want t buy a gun, user? >time for you social media inspection! >what's that, you don't have any social media? >that's abnormal, you fail the test >no gun for you weirdo :^)
realistically it's because most people are too comfortable with their current living standards to want to risk throwing it away by committing mass murder. bread and circuses.
Jacob Scott
Well, no social media means you have something to hide, so no guns for you.
Evan Rodriguez
Nothing. Because the proposal explicitly says your public profile. This isn't about catching idiots too stupid to not talk about their crimes. It's about making sure there are less pro-gun, pro-conservative voices on social media.
The point is that you will need to have social media profiles to get the firearm license.
No social media = no guns
Jaxon Martinez
so, have an empty social media profile.
It's what I did when my job more or less required it. Just a profile, no pics, no posts, just empty. >well yeah, I'm not that much into updating it
Parker Cooper
Literally these but unironically.
Lucas Rogers
>a screencap of an unpaid intern at rolling stones making a shitty clickbait article is the enough evidence to support not having a source for a bill being formed
Camden Hall
just make a barebones facebook account to keep up with friends and plan events.
also discord is social media btw.
Ethan Garcia
This. It’s not that hard to get numbers if we all make a gun community facebook page.
Alexander Johnson
This video had best be satire. You fucking MORONRS look at the video you just made.
Christian Bailey
It is satire. Take your insulin pills, boomer. Quit being a spastic for fuck’s sake.
Lincoln Williams
Social media was a MISTAKE
James Kelly
no i just mean have a facebook page in case friends want to contact you. literally all you need to do is put your name and maybe your birthday.
people on Jow Forums seem to be under the impression that having a social media account automatically means you reveal everything about yourself online to everyone.
Elijah Foster
>committing mass murder. I would hardly call the execution of traitors and tyrants "murder" more like "justice"
Logan Young
Good thing I don't have any social media accounts. And I don't live in Yankee Cuckistan.
Nathan Reyes
If you're that incandescent with rage over what is obviously a comedy skit perhaps you should consider powering your machine via solar panels attached to the monitor and facing you.
Camden Green
> An armed populace > A threat to liberty
The absolute state of the media.
Robert Baker
Jason Anderson
>cohen oy
William Williams
Simple solution: have said social media account, but do nothing with it. Maybe just the occasional "happy birthday!" to friends, a photo of you from a few years back on vacation somewhere, and a profile that isn't fully updated or filled in with information. When they question your profile being mostly empty just ask them, "why do you need to publish such things on the internet? Aren't you afraid of people using said information to potentially harm you?"
Grayson Gomez
isn't checking social media accounts already part of the background checking process?
Austin Davis
not in my state
Jacob James
Uh, no? And for good reason.
It's crazy how bold the authoritarians are becoming. They want to destroy all concepts of civil rights, clearly demonstrated by how willing they are to sacrifice our 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendment protections just to ding the 2nd. It's so petty and short-sighted. How anyone could support this is a testament to the dire state of the propaganda war.
Thomas Rogers
no, why would it be? Are you in china or something?
Oliver Morgan
This is an interesting idea and worth proceeding further. I suggest a bill demanding that all politicians, police and other state workers are forced to submit their entire life's social media activities before being allowed to work. This should also include teachers, clergy, child care workers, doctors and nurses and all medical staff, and everyone working with or in pharma. Can't take any chances!
Easton Reed
Sorry I was extremely hung over and for whatever reason that was my coping mechanism. It's much more blatant now.
Jackson Jackson
It's funny, the youngsters have largely abandoned Facebook. It feels more like propaganda from the owners of Facebook to stop the freefall drop in their daily active users.
Zachary Turner
We all have those moments. Been having reactions like it all week on /tv/ with the recent attempts by morons to out shill threads by noting high posts/IP counts is a sure sign of shilling - some people just don't get board culture.
Benjamin Gutierrez
at times I feel like things have entirely been eroded. We might be a bit out off our game but I'll be damned if I'm going to do anything but shitpost.