Is it a compliment if a girl says something to me (a single man) like "you would make a great husband", "you'll make your (future) wife so happy", etc?
"good husband" compliments
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Yes she is into you
>Oh, I'm glad you think so.
And then you kinda give her a spazzy attempt at a coy wink that makes you look like some kind of mental patient.
I've got this flirting thing down. Trust me.
Not true, a couple of girls have told me that and I'm not attractive at all.
It could mean something else.
It's practically an insult, it's basically another flavour of "oh you're such a NICE guy". Women say this when you're a bland, boring, stable guy who doesn't excite her in any way. You're the guy who'll end up raising his wife's son.
This is absolutely not a compliment. She's basically saying "you'd be a great match for somebody else, but not me". You're literally getting put in the friend zone.
The women who have told me this have established that they have no interest in me.
It’s still a compliment. It’s just a regular compliment not an “I want to fuck you” compliment.
It's backhanded as fuck, so no it's not a real compliment.
its not a compliment at all.
This is what I was worried of... I know it's definitely bad in terms of my prospects with those women (the ones who say it), but does it say anything about how women see me in general?
They see you as anything but a potential sexual candidate. You're basically a girlfriend to them.
if several women have said this to you it's probably indicative of how many women see you.
Backhanded compliment. You'll make a good husband for someone else non-specific, but not for me because I'm not attracted to you.
Also has the implication that you're super nice and steady with probably none of that edge of danger which bitches drool over.
It's basically in the same category as "you have a good personality."
I am extremely relieved never to have been "complimented" in such a way
then again what I hear very often from women is """smart""", which is surely worse
Fuck man, you just made me worried about what that means.
"you're smart" means "wow you're useful I'm keeping you around to use as a tool". They barely even see you as having feelings.
Depends, girls actually like smart guys, but if they reach for that as their only compliment toward you it means that nothing else about you is really that interesting to them. Like you being intelligent is the only thing about you that impresses them.
Iron clad reasoning there.
It wasn't really reasoning. I don't know what it could actually mean so i just gave him my experience.
it's almost like there is no verbal compliment given by a woman isn't backhanded
When women say shit like “Aww, you’re so sweet! You’re such a dad! You’re gonna be a great husband! You’re gonna marry me one day!” it means the blood is already in the water and you’re walking beta bait
Yes and No
Women like guys who are smart, but not very smart
It's basically a polite way of saying you act like a huge pussy. If you get this from girls consistently, time to rethink your life user.
if a girl ever says she's a "sapiosexual" run as fast as you can in the opposite direction.
Women like intelligence but not the autism that usually comes with huge intelligence is all that is. They also suffer from that inferiority thing where your being too smart can make them feel bad for not being able to keep up.
I had met an older guy as a friend. I was attracted to him but thought he wouldn't like me in that way or wanted someone else and I said this to him. It was my way of complimenting him without putting myself out to ruin the friendship. Truth is I wanted it to be me.
I like to imagine I'm lonely because they can't keep up, but really I know it's the autism.
Please don't get my hopes up. For my own sake I can't take this as anything but a larp.
Your insecurity is not my problem.
This is my personal story.
If you wanted to know you'd talk to the one person who can tell you.
Everyone else will just give ancedotes and opinions.
>If you wanted to know you'd talk to the one person who can tell you.
There is no one in my life right now. I'm speaking in general. I used to be told that occasionally when I was younger, but I haven't really had any conversations to talk about in several years. I'm just a dead end wagie now.
how young? if you were very young it can mean that you are a kind person. if you are older it is flirting.
If you want to meet people you have to put yourself in the position to meet people.