Gonna be meeting a girl from tinder at her dorm tommorow...

Gonna be meeting a girl from tinder at her dorm tommorow. She said shes looking for a fwb on her profile Im a virgin and down to get rid of it asap. Any tips for what might happen while we netflix and chill in her dorm?

Pic isnt her

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If you can start kissing, undress her while you make out. When you got a clear shot at her pussy stick your dick in.

This, think of it as a quicktime event OP, you have a very small window (7-8 seconds) to insert your penis, if you miss this window the chance WILL NOT present itself again.

What about the condom?

Whatever you do don’t miss the pussy window. Can’t stress this enough. Also it’s gonna be great. You’re a virgin and she’s likely had miles of cock. There’s no way this ends badly for either of you

never use a condom your first time or it doesn't count

I'll add to this. Remember user, its lower than you think.

This is true. Basically aim for her butt

Never heard of this pussy window thing ill keep it in mind. Also i think she expects me to eat her out im kinda grossed out by the idea what do.

Every fifteen seconds you eat her out increases your pussy window of opportunity by one second. Eat her out for five minutes and you just earned yourself a bonus 20 seconds of pussy window time, partner.

What is it that grosses you out? It's just a pussy man.

femanon here,

u dont need to go dive in her hole with ur tongue if ur insecure. go gentle for the clit and everything is good. there's nothing gross about the clit it's just a little bump that's doing most of the work down there for her. try to massage left and right side to her entrance while licking her clit. listen to what her body language and breathing is telling you

Not op, but come on. It's a slimy asshole with lips situated next to another asshole and it may or may not be infested with yeast. Like yeah, I'll stick my dick in that, but it's a little weird to slurp on it if you haven't done it before.

Seriously kill yourself

OK, thoughts on fapping before hand to last longer in the moment?

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Don’t you’ll fuck up if you’re not backed up. Also you should know how to unhook a bra (squeeze together the hooks on the back and slide them apart)

Vaginas are beautiful my man, and if you think they are the same as buttholes, you might be a little gay. Yesterday I went down on my gf literally 6x. I love lapping up her juices, she tastes great. There's nothing better than eating some good pussy. And certainly nothing to fear

oh man ur gf sure must be happy af to have someone like you. a true man

Odds that you can't cum at all are too great, I wouldn't do it.
Not lasting that long is never as bad as lasting too long.

except the HPV that may or may not give you throat cancer when you're older. Vaccines might not even prevent all of cancer causing ones and it might need to be retaken every few years.

eating virgin pussy is certainly nothing to fear. If a girl has been sexual active then she most likely has some form of HPV

don't eat her out, but you may do so if you feel like you're going to burst before you stick it in, it will distract you long enough to stay hard and think of something else.

Yeah she's in love with me. And she wants all the time. She's constantly wet with the stuff I do to her.


>a true man

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>not lasting that long is never as bad as lasting too long

I don't know, cumming within a minute is a real confidence killer.

I'm not going to not eat pussy just because it may or may not give me cancer years from now. Everything gives you cancer. Besides I love my gf too much to deny her that