Why are all European countries associated with the genocides of the Anglos, French, Spanish, and Portuguese?

Why are all European countries associated with the genocides of the Anglos, French, Spanish, and Portuguese?

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In English please

>genocides of the Anglos


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Im referring to colonization and imperialism

because all european countries have one thing in common, we regret not finishing any them

Easy there Hans

Get off the computer carlos

Idk what you even mean by that but here's a question.
Why are Americans so obsessed with placing guilt on people for something that other people from that same country did? Why should I apologize for something that someone that looks like me did to someone that looked like you?
You really should get rid of that victim mentality that is spreading throughout your country.

I know, im asking why its happening

>because all european countries have one thing in common, we regret not finishing any them

Hans pictured

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>genocides of the anglos, french, spanish, ans portuguese
Welp thats american education for ya (implying this isn't a wetback)

basketball-American detected.
Thank your lucky stars for slavery, nigger. Otherwise you'd be picking flies off your face in mother Africa right now.

Im Scottish-Sicilian

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Well, in Portugal no one really cares whether we had slaves or not, whether we killed thousands or not, people understand that is how the world was and don't feel sorry for it.

Why do you hate the Eternal Anglo? Is it because youre a bitch

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Its tradition for Scots

Shouldve voted for independence if you'd wanted it

Oh shit that's funny...

I think what he means is this (pic related...).

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Check out plebbits reaction

What a bunch of fags. Disowning their ancestors because they conquered

the onions is flowing...the phytoestrogens are stinking up the place

Cunt, have you heard of the Zulu's?

I don't understand the question

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Literally those 4 countries created european civilization, more greece and some others. We can´t change the past, no one can, it's history. But we can preserve our populations in europe and we must prevail.

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The white men's self inflicted guilt

Why is everyone saying that? I didnt spell anything wrong.

you forgot the dirty dutch

the sentence sounds like you are implying that Anglos, French, Spanish and Portuguese where the victims of a genocide. You should have said "genocides caused by" to avoid confusion.


The sun never sets on the British empire. . . . Because god would never trust an anglo rat in the dark.

Interesting that the Celts came from Spain Portugal and France up to the British Isles. Then those countries went on to create vast empires. It's as if the Celts were chosen to create many empires.

still no idea what the fuck you're asking

th-thought u were my friend kiwi bro

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the "British" Empire was actually the Rothschilds Empire

the Brits as a people have never actually accomplished anything by their own accord

>It's as if the Celts were chosen to create many empires.

Also funny that Romans regarded Celts as the ugliest and most stupid race and impossible to civilise

I could say the same about America.

you do realize you English are basically a mix of Celts from Brittany and Angles from Denmark?

here, read this


My surname begins with "De" and I can trace my lineage back to the Norman conquerers of 1066.

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The Rothschild didnt amass great wealth until later. There's a lot more to it than one fucking family

He's right though. If we'd been as enthusiastic as Russians, Chinese or Americans at slaughtering the natives of the lands we conquered we might still be superpowers.

wrong, the height of your empire was when you were under their control. that's how they finance and create massive wealth out of thin air. same with what they did to the US.

also fact is that these 4 countries were also part of the roman empire, so i guess celts and romans were the perfect combo

well that sucks for you then. I guess your people didn't have anything to do with the creating of many Empires.

Germanic people stopped immigrating to Britain far before the Norman invasion faggot. Also everyone I know with a Norman surname is a fucking retard. You’re not superior to us you fag.

Read your own and his text again, burger.

It's a banking cartel certainly a syndicate of multiple banking families and the other families they intermarried with to accrue more power. But Rothschild's have been at the top of the pack and the founding members of that group since the 1700s. The Jews have had enormous control over England since the Dutch Jews of Amsterdam funded Cromwell to kill the royal family and allow the Jews to return to England.

Because Indo-Europeans are the one true threat to the jews
These days they might be doing shit but they seem to be the only major European imperial power that has managed to avoided the guilt meme

Fuck off poortherner. When ever I leave Sussex to venture up north I am astounded by how ugly everyone is compared to here. Everyone I know in the South tans easily and has green eyes and brown hair or a similar combo. Northerners and midlanders look inbred, even the upper classes up there are are virtually indistinguishable from chavs. Literal norf fc memes.

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Why? I'm not contradicting myself. I am implying that it is because of the Celts that these countries spread their empire. Almost as if they were chosen to.

ha ha I’m from somerset you fucking faggot. 98.9% white you paki. unlike you fags we actually don’t larp as Saxons.

Eastern europeans are famous for killstealing.

This is something I've often said, but the second someone mentions something about Europeans banding together to preserve a future for our peoples, everyone on here begins "What?!?! You must be a Jew, WE MUST REMAIN SEPARATE AND WEAK!!!!"

I'm exactly the opposite. Europeans should band together and begin bringing order to a world without an obvious leader.

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and your source is? Celts of european mainland romanized more than any other group.

Because people think that band together is to erase european nations, into some kind of globalist project, it is not, it is cooperate as european brothers, help eachother, fight side by side and support each other. And also we can´t forget the divide and conquer shills and anti-whites that want to destroy europeans., they also ride that wave

because americans confuse white people with other white people.
europeans know the differences

Same reason why Brits and other non-kraut Europeans get guilt-tripped over the Shoah. Left-liberal ideological hegemony within academia and media, and shaming as their control strategy.


The Normans were Scandinavian and Normandy wasn't annexed with France until 300 years after 1066. Pleb.

>they also ride that wave
Well, I think we should realize that the current society we live in will never fall. These individuals that believe the entire system will come "crashing down" are naive. We will long gone before that happens. The only way for things to change is for us to make them change. The only way we can do this is by driving a wedge between us and them, or by encouraging whites everywhere to embrace traditional european culture. It's the only way to reestablish an identity for our peoples.

> We should be pushing for an alliance between our peoples (Europe, Oceania, North America, & Russia.)
We can do this by establishing federations within these areas, a common currency, language, and by reverting towards traditional cultures/similar traditional values.
> We should be pushing an "us and them" mentality towards non-Europeans and those of European heritage
This will help establish a bond between our peoples.
> We need to begin establishing realistic policies to begin pushing centrist individuals towards us
This will help us realistically enlarge our numbers. We can make minor policy changes that will have a dramatic effect socially, politically, economically, and even more-so on our population.
> Establish the proper measurement of our system
People want a revolution, a change they can feel and see with their own two eyes and their own two hands. We can begin establishing the measurement of success of our system by the rate of births within our system (specifically, the birthrates of Europeans).
> The servitude of justice
Justice is NOT running amok within our society, that cannot be understated. By ensuring swift justice within our society, we can begin to establish a rapport with the victims within our society (which are most white people)
> Etc.

We need real action if things are ever going to change. We need to actually begin discussing things like this if we ever wish for things to change.

cooperation between european nationalist parties is already a great move.