If you could travel back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
If you could travel back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
Stop worrying about school and actually get a girlfriend before it's too late.
It doesn't get better.
fucking kek
Enroll into college.
When people get your name wrong, correct them right away. You're not saving them any embarrassment by letting them use the wrong name for weeks.
Hey man, school doesn't matter as much as everyone wants you to believe, but if you can't get a girlfriend when you're surrounded by horny teenage girls you're probably fucked for life.
git gud you worthless piece of shit
1) Fix your act sooner. Weights, running, studying, whatever. Nobody is gonna do it for you, except you (me?).
2)Go talk to the other kids in 8th grade, so you can meet the one autist you'll fall in love with, but 8 years earlier.
Fucking awful advice.
Kys, it's gonna be worse
focusing on academics is bad advice?
fucking kek
I don't think I would give me any advice. Maybe start drawing more seriously sooner? So I could be way better now, but that's just a matter of time, so, no point really.
I wouldn't give me any advice to avoid a particular situation either, since all the bad stuff that happened to me, made me the person I am. And I think I'm alright, even with all the bullshit that's going on, I'm good like this.
Learn how to program
Of course it's terrible advice. You have a brief period in your life to form meaningful relationships, if you fail to do that and instead focus on academics your life will be meaningless and empty.
college is a scam
kill yourself now before it gets worse
see, in my case, i focused more on trying to form those meaningful relationships instead of my education, failed miserably, and now im suffering the consequences
you may as well off yourself now because it doesn't get any better.
It never gets better
You're doing fine man, keep it up. In case you need some cash, here's a table of sports championship outcomes for the next ten years, use it for betting.
(I would then include, in my message, a link to a website hosting this information. However, in his time, this link would of course lead nowhere, giving him a valuable lesson in humility.)
I guess focusing on academics is a guarantee of mediocrity, but that's hardly a good thing.
Tell my 6 year old self to get off of YouTube and go to Jow Forums and watch Pokémon and anime
>Quit league of legends
>Start running again
>Marry her
>Here are some novels I've written. Write them before I did.
stop trying to be edgy
or else you'll actually be there
and it sucks
dont let go of her hand
no matter how much she's slipping dont let go
but actually, read a book sometime. Please.
Ignore others jealousy, they will always try to bring you down. You can't please everyone.
You're gonna be fine. Realize that all of this is bullshit, and what truly matters is living a great and happy life. Just enjoy it before you regret all that missed time/opportunities.
start taking b12 asap
Kill yourself at 23 and save us some trouble pal
dont worry, be happy
hope you doing ok
cheers user
it went undiagnosed for a loooong time
i think my life wouldve been very different
Eh, it'll all work out. Besides, it's not like I'd listen to me anyway.
every single bet, gamble and business venture that you ever wanted to or want to make will land you in heaps and heaps of never ending fortune
fuck the naysayers forecasts demonstrate success
This thread is moot because its utilizing the hindsight effect, or "knew-it-all-along-phenomenon", where OF COURSE you realize the obvious effects of your choices and reflect backwards. People will be butthurt by your choices of advice because it doesn't reflect upon their subjective experiences.
tfw got quads with it
just play the game
You win some, you lose some.
To sleep with all of those women I turned down for sex. That was fucking stupid.
Standards when it comes to sex is such a waste of time.
Don't waste over 200$ on in game cosmetics
1) Stop playing so many video games. Spend some of that time going to the gym.
2) Pick something and stick to it! Stop changing your goals so often because you won't accomplish any of them and you waste time.
3) Stop focusing on negative things. Life is not that bad.
4) Don't file for divorce! Your wife was fine and you should have worked more on the marriage.
Dont try to study good in school. It doesnt matter as uni is just HS on steroids and your efforts will be in vain.
Or maybe reflection of your past life, and advice you would give to yourself contextualises your experiences, and allows you to grow as a person.
story time user
I would go back to when I was 22 and I'd say this "You're going to marry Chrissy and be really happy, so it's time to stop having sex with Miranda now, quit your job and go to work at the other hospital so you can get away from her, because Miranda is going to lose her mind and nearly get Chrissy thrown in jail for something she didn't do because Miranda is jealous that you stopped fucking her."
"Don't do it"
It doesnt get better and you will have a failed suicide attempt that well leave you crippled for the rest of your life. Jake's dad keeps a loaded pistol in his nightstand and that party is probably going to be your best chance.
Don't bother with college, work and save up. Then up and leave, and die off in the woods somewhere.
>You have a brief period in your life to form meaningful relationships
you have a brief period of time full stop.
lifes brief as fuck compared to all the options you have.
and all sorts of people get gfs and are social, people lose their virginity at 30, especially cerebral, academic types
where as the mind's capacity to assimilate new information goes down over the years, especially if its not put to good regular use.
my advice is:
>don't smoke weed, don't hang out with degenerates.
Fuck the scholarship and the fancy career.
> Do everything wrong first, just like you will.
> Drugs are fun
stop caring so much about failing 9th grade
fucking ask out the 10/10 friend that was hinting hard
stop caring so much about getting kicked out of school and never seeing said 10/10 again
Don’t be a pussy when someone tries to fight you
>getting suspended/expelled from school does not matter at all, don't be afraid to get into fights
>figure out what you wanna do fast
>don't waste your time with h or i
>be careful with d
>have fun with m
>make sure m knows what you want
>have more fun with k
>wait for h
>save up your money
>be nice to your mom
>be nice to your nephews
fuck bitches
start fights
Stop thinking you're better than everyone. Get out of that superiority complex sooner because once you get out in the world, none of that shit matters. You'll get to a point where the culture shock will humble you/ turn you around 180 and consequently you'll feel inadequate and insecure around other people
"Stop being a fucking retard, she is interested in you. Fucking get up and go talk to her. She showed interest before and is looking for a reaction."
Hey buddy, you wanna talk?
>Stay home today, I will handle literally everything. Yes, it might be technically cucking but once you get the chance to time travel you can do it to an even earlier us and start a really sexy causality loop.
Some people are meant to be single. Stop chasing girls and you wont get hurt.
What? That's what is tell myself l. Nit directed towards anyone here.
The majority of your problems in the future are going to stem from the consequences of what you just did. No, you're not going to have those kinds of problems. You will not struggle to find work or money, you're at least hard enough for that. You will always manage to put a roof above your head and food on your plate. Anything beyond that... it's going to be a long, lonely life. I'm sorry. I tried.
It's too real my dude. I can't handle it.
Study HARD, start working out NOW and DON'T STOP, learn a martial art and how to beat the living fuck out of people, lose your virginity AS SOON AS POSSIBLE with whatever the fuck hambeast you can find i necessary, STOP MOUTHBREATHING, learn to code, don't be scared of taking drugs, get a really fucking good haircut, learn to drive as soon as you can, fuck that sweet teenage pussy as much as you possibly fucking can
Sigh, it wouldn't make a scrap of difference.
Be prepared, it gets worse.
"Keep up whatever the shit you're doing, it's going to work out fine, don't stress about it, lil nigga."
I would tell my younger self to fuck all the girl he likes in high school. I was really shy in high school, and all my girlfriends were hot as fuck and slutty, and I didnt fuck any of them because I was so shy. One of them literally just tried to pull my dick out at a park and I moved away from her.
Then Id actually tell my younger self that school aint that hard. The assignments and tests weren't hard, I just never wanted to do the work, and ended up with a GED and no college prospects. Kind of wish I went to college.
In any case I would definitely tell my younger self to buy bitcoin as soon as he hears about it. I still remember when I first heard of that shit, and then years later I hear it worth a fuckload of money. Missed the boat there.
never ever step into a psychologist's office, fuck what your parents say
alone with casual hookups is a lot better, just hookup if you feel lonely, people today don't know what being in a relationship means
literally never talk about your feelings just show them
Take art school more serious, there are foreigners working in the anime industry in Japan and it has also seen a huge commercial boom.
the level of personal dysfunction in this thread is hilarious
I’d tell myself to stop posting titty bait pics from the animal plane of suffering m
I would kill myself to end my suffering before it is too late.
Or this.
keep working at the mill even with your meme degree.
>pay attention in school
>listen to mom
>stop playing so many video games
>some people really are born as the wrong sex
>going to college wasnt worth it
Who's jewing who
Kill yourself with that gun you get to play with that day
Don't listen to your bullshit teachers. Being gifted in languages does NOT mean you can't learn math.
Probably the post that ends in 666
I got trips of truth.
Learn to follow through on things.
Have sex more, don't stop chasing girls.
Why the fuck would say this?
>some people really are born as the wrong sex
I would have told myself the exact opposite.
Fucking try. You are so capable. Don't be a pussy, try harder and go to (good state school) instead of (cheaper, bad state school). You'll learn so much more and be better prepared.
Don't forget to kill yourself before 20
My younger self wouldn't listen.
did you get into the good school
Yep. In a field that pays well upon graduation, too, so the extra few thousand bucks I'd be paying would be super negligible. I was just being a pussy and scared of spending too much money (I'd likely be working at a better, higher paying company..) and the course load.
>Only tell your personal troubles to a licensed professional. NO ONE gives a shit and it's even more annoying when other people use you as their rant sponge. Don't be that person.
>Save your money so that you can avoid working a dead-end job in your 20s
>Go to the gym and eat healthy. It's literally the best thing you can do for yourself
>If you spent even 15 minutes a day on your hobbies, you'd be better equipped to pursue them in your 20s as a possible side-business
>Trust no one
If a girl invites you to come over to her place to study for a test she doesn't actually want to study, you stupid fuck.
get my mom to do a ct every year
Don't let that man into your house
-don't be a mouthbreather
- go to older class and skip 2 years at least, otherwise school will be pointless
- don't care what others say about you, expecially teenagers
- sex/love is mostly hormonal among teens and you never have to do it if you don't want
- don't listen to your parents about what to study in the university they are older generation
- stay in shape, eat on regular basis
- think critically about everything, no matter what the source
- move away as soon as possible, don't go to the university, travel and work abroad, you can learn the things you want on your own
- stand up straight
agree in general but marriage is overrated. You don't need anybody to make you happy. Most people marry and teenagers have sex because of peer pressure, not because they want it.