What the fuck is this? I know I have no game but how do you even speak to someone like this?

What the fuck is this? I know I have no game but how do you even speak to someone like this?

Attached: 87A505CA-E6AF-4881-96A4-33C6304F8FD3.jpg (1242x2208, 231K)

When you don't have to see them as a person because you have 200 more just like them.

I work in a call center and if you can't see the person Irl you don't matter. You can be treated anyway and just deleted erased.


Say the following:
>oh cool, anyway, do you do anal orrr?

If that doesn't get you a reaction nothing will.

OP this looks like a crapshoot

Sad but good to know.

Never understood these jackasses that start a conversation but only give out one word answers, It's the most worthless attention seeking out there.

I usually just immediately change the subject to sex so they fuck off or show what they actually wanted right away.

I think it's just attention hoarding. They probably don't even know why they do it, but every guy who replies to their one word opener is another ego boost to them.

Jesus Christ op don't be so forward. This is the exact type of guy that's a huge turn off unless you're extremely attractive. Yeah the point of this is to get to know you but I know I won't know you till the second or third date so there's no point in being so extra in your messages. It's a huge turn off if a guy is over the top with his messages and can come off as desperate. The one word answers are a hint to adjust the tone to a more casual one and you're continuing to give huge ass replies.

sounds like she wants someone to be sad with; misery loves company

or these user are right

This OP, you're just screaming that you're single and you want to fall in love and marry the first person that likes you back. SINGLE is literally tattooed in your head.

That's all I got, I don't know how to further this, I'm usually OP as well, if anyone wants to have an input I'm lurking.

You consider this forward? I figured I should at least try to facilitate some kind of conversation despite them not trying at all. But I do kinda see what you mean that it can come off that way.

is this a dating app? Yeah that's 90% of the girls on there, good luck

that first line and the following were forced as fuck tho

>Not wanting to have boring ass conversations is a turn off
>Can't just change the subject to meeting up themselves and instead have to throw "hints" so the guy does it

Call me a incel but I'm sick of this gender role bullshit.

To break it down, she started it off with only "hey". If you said hey back then the ball would have been in her court and she could have led the convo, both making it easier for you and letting you learn what she wants to talk about.

On top of that you would have been better off with a how are you rather than a weekend thing because that's very formal and also kind of imposing your views? Which she points out by saying she works on weekends. By imposing your weekend idea you handed your ass to yourself because she works weekends.

She replies to that with barely a one word answer and you reply three times. That's very forward, and then you gotta ask yourself why would someone be so foreword?

Ugh. Don't waste your time.


She couldn't make it any more obvious she's not into you. You shouldn't have responded after she sent that half assed dry ass reply.

That alone is a good reason I avoid online dating.

I'm a gay man so my advice doesn't really have anything to do with garbage straight people gender roles. It's not the girls responsibility to do less in the conversation. Understanding the social cues in a conversation is entirely the op's responsibility and a major part of talking with someone. You generally should speak to people how they speak to you, so if someone is giving one word answers then reply back with similar effort.

Thanks for the breakdown Jim.

Now I have a gift for you OP. Last time I read this, I felt moved and motivated. However, I'm not focused as I should be on this shit.

Read it, and evolve.

Attached: Tips.png (1320x2376, 453K)

Your trips are nice but a lot of this guys advice is try hard as hell and reads what a teenage kid believes is "alpha"

I never exactly said when I read it, but yeah I've been lurking here again to up my pimp game now that I'm 21 and in college.

>I know I have no game but how do you even speak to someone like this?
You don't.

Same shit happenes to me half of the time on tinder, just delete it all dating apps are a fucking waste of time and life

You should mirror someone’s interest in you. You failed when you sent her those texts again and again to uninterested replies, and you weren’t engaging her.

It made you seem desperate. Next time ask the girl relaxed questions to get to know her instead of coming at her with thought after thought of yours. She said “Eh” meaning she was reluctant, you should pick up on that and ask her why. Don’t just say “oh, you’re not excited for the weekend? WELL I AM. DO IT LIKE ME”, that turns the conversation a little weird and once it’s weird it’s hard to get out of it. If you’d asked her initially why eh, she could’ve said work. It could’ve turned into a what do you do, what do I do. Focus on genuine connection, not game, that can come across as tryhard.

Just ask people questions, meet them where they’re at. If she seems interesting to you, show her slight interest, but not in a desperate way. Act like you have other options, not in a rude way, just don’t make yourself desperate.

The girl in the OP might have talked to you if you’d asked her a question, maybe you guys could’ve related on a genuine level.

Then again maybe she matched with you because she thought if you had a certain personality you’d be a good match,t hat didn’t pan out, so she was just eh about the whole thing because she’d realized you weren’t a match.

What OP is doing is hardly an entertaining conversation. It’s just being overenthusiastic about something boring

Time to say something lewd.

>If you said hey back then the ball would have been in her court and she could have led the convo
>Women on dating apps leading convos

This person is either begging for attention or trying their hardest to avoid it and in neither case is giving them attention constructive. I'd just last-word them with an "ah, sorry to bother" and ghost like it's hot.

also don't be so upbeat next time, they find it weird
social games are a bitch, user

>Never understood these jackasses that start a conversation but only give out one word answers, It's the most worthless attention seeking out there.
The thing about Bumble is women have to send the first message. But women don't like sending the first message because they like traditional gender roles. So they say "hey", that way they can feel like a liberated progressive woman who's doing her part to smash the patriarchy even though she's still making the guy do all the actual work

She sounds like a fucking bitch

I mean if you're really hopeless I guess go for that image but holy shit that's some plain stupid fucking wannabe alpha advise if I've ever seen it.
>"CLEAN your feet"
lmao what a genius this guy is.

>sorry to bother
Don’t even show weakness like this. Just end the conversation

Which could change if she wasn't being a faggot and giving one word annoyed responses

Op, the answer is that you don't. You move on to the next person

Hey I dunno about you man but I get hyped as fuck about doing jack shit on the weekends