Male INFJ here. Honestly believe straight male INFJs don't exist. That entire personality type is completely opposed to the concept of masculinity, INFJ women are top tier though just pure divine femininity
Brody Miller
>Depends, is that a real adventure or like a hurr durr KFC at 10pm before hotboxing adventure? i make no promises but a kfc blaze is not my intention
Gabriel Morales
male INFJ here, I agree with you.
Caleb Parker
is infp the yass queen persona
Samuel Clark
I’m INFP. Ask me anything.
Samuel Cox
Pretty much, they want to boost up other people, empathise well, and improve the lives of other people.
Jaxson Hall
the validity of a personality test and its resulting conclusion that assigns me alphabet soup like INFJ-A is to be questioned extensively, you want to really look at this test and wonder what or how they stand to gain anything, which is immediately made obvious when you look and see all these payment plans for a path full of self discovery, joy and wonders backed by several happy customers who looked at their horoscopes helpfully provided with their own answers and declared 'these answers are indeed me, whoa'
in my mind, everything about this test checks out, not because of the sell, no, but because deep inside I know that this is the spaghetti that has stuck to the wall and refuses to let go, this is the apex predator that makes its rounds and awkwardly bumps into everybody, it will take these preconceived notions and wrack your brain with them so hard that you can only think letters and eventually you will fall into a peg shaped hole and think 'this is it, why else would I fit in this hole'
it has cornered the market by cornering minds
Michael Flores
Is INFJ the most feminine, or just one of the most feminine?
Same result I got from a few years back and I hate it, I don't want to be like this, I've tried accepting this personality but the more I live the more I hate it
MBTI was invented in the 1920s and wasn't initially profited from; that wouldn't come about for decades. Whatever flaw the system has, profit motive isn't one of them.
Lucas Jenkins
I'm INFJ and I'm straight..
Ryan Davis
aww are you a girl
im istp and legit homo gotta say though i cant stand the yass queens
Nathan Brooks
no lmao
Ryan Garcia
and yet you have girl personality :3 do you wear cute shoes
Bentley Ramirez
ey fuck u buddy
Dominic Garcia
In what ways is INFJ completely the opposite of masculinity?
Logan Edwards
only if you buy me dinner sissy
Mason Taylor
ENFP-T here, Idon't know what to think about the result.
Justin Barnes
Xavier Long
>86% introverted >turbulent
How the fuck do you function?
Ian Young
You are as close to a basic bitch as you can get.
Ethan Smith
Oh, and I'm male, should I had.
Hudson Wilson
Not him, but shame and duty sense ?
Austin Evans
The only type more feminine than INFJ is INFP
Robert Thompson
Even if ?
Thomas Hernandez
Carter Thompson
I already assumed you were a dude when I replied.
Samuel Fisher
I thought INFJs would be more that way because Fe.
Joshua Gray
I’m INTP, tell me more about myself please. What is the general stereotypes about INTPs?
Charles Allen
>completely opposed to the concept of masculinity
Male INFJ; it's definitely a struggle. But INFP's have it far, far worse. We're like bloody ESTJ's compared to them.
For us, I feel like the answer is in archetypes. As in, there must be an archetype existent that integrates both our temperamental traits, and conceptions of masculinity. Something like Sage; Healer; Shaman; Church Father; even Wise King. Perhaps Lover/Cassanova, too.
Poster you replied too >Sage; Healer; Shaman; Church Father; even Wise King. Perhaps Lover/Cassanova, too Notice how all of these have feminine qualities to them? None of them are stereotypically masculine. There is no way to get around it we are feminine and we must accept what this is who we are, trying to deny ourselves will only lead to suffering and confusion
Caleb Parker
Omg this is so true. I mean, normally, people shouldn’t be withdrawn but INTPs are withdrawn, and personality types can’t be wrong. It’s pretty confusing, there’s no such thing as the wrong kind of personality type, right?
Anthony Sanders
>being offended by something someone said on the internet
INTP's are as close to the 'wrong personality' as you can get. It's not that you shouldn't be withdrawn it's just that no one is going to make an effort to like you if you don't do the same for them and thus you have no right to whinge about it ever.
Ian Allen
>there’s no such thing as the wrong kind of personality type, right? there's no wrong kind of personality type only different strengths.
Landon Murphy
>But INFP's have it far, far worse. Well shit.
I already know I'm far from masculine. So whatever. I've mostly accepted that. I'm just frustrated at being unable to find a dominant woman for a partner.
>dominant woman Its only natural to look for a partner who has something you lack. I hope you find yourself a nice assertive business lady for yourself INFP friend
Justin Russell
>ENFJ Congratulations you are an Alpha female
Jose Rivera
What, I'm mean then? Like catty you mean? Ps: Sorry for that cringe comic I just open random image files that I saved millions of years ago that I can't quite make out in thumbnail.
ENFJ is usually very people orientated type who loves social harmony. However they dont shy from manipulations and SJW'ness.
Michael Scott
Noah Adams
Welp I'm pretty fucking anti sjw but romantically have been manipulated and manipulated an awful lot by my mother. Better about it nowadays.
Nathan Richardson
You know what. Why dont you take a better mbti test? Let's see if you're really ENFJ
Brandon Lewis
Oh and post the end results if you're going to take the test
Bentley Robinson
>However they dont shy from manipulations All types can manifest negatively and all types can be sociopaths. There aren't bad or good types, they only determining your cognitive functions which to be fair are shaped by your upbringing and environment just like your personality
Christian Lopez
They are pretty much an ideal chad/stacy yeah. Wish I had one as a friend desu
Carson Jenkins
actually really accurate lol, even the other "famous" INFPs listed are coincidentally the same people that i strongly admired growing up
Ryder Ross
What if I’m just not enthusiastic during social activities? What if the small talk isn’t stimulating? Should I fake enthusiasm until I turn into a different person, a more ideal one?
David Turner
Natural instincts are also reality, biological reality.
Joseph Turner
>ENTJ-A reporting in. Get out, normie.
Dylan Roberts
Here ya go I don't know what the hell any if this means, sorry I'm on my phone so took me a million years.
Hmm, your Ni doesnt seem strong enough for ENFJ. Another thing which complicates is that you dont know whenever you use more Ti or Te. I could see you being ISFJ (Si-Fe-Ti-Ne) or ISTJ (Si-Te-Fi-Ne)
>real world Rommel, Putin, Eastwood, Cruise, Bruce Lee >fictional Driver from Drive
However you're more INTP than ISTP because you have higher Ne than Se
Daniel Lopez
No look at the grey box at the bottom.
James Campbell
I have done this test twice with a large gap in between to forget my answers but I get ISTP-A each time which does not describe me well at all how accurate is it for everyone else?
Hudson Sullivan
ENTP. I got an INTP this time. I was just between I and E, but everything else was topping their respective letters on the charts. Enjoy the tendies, bois, I’m riding the normie train now.
straight INFJ here. INFPs are actually gayer believe it or not
Aiden Baker
got estp last time I did this >entrepreneur hard to believe actually
Samuel Carter
>tfw INTP-T Although I'm only 5% thinking according to this test, but yeah. I'd say it's pretty accurate either way cuz my personality is sleeping and being a smartmass.
Levi Edwards
I've gotten INTP-T every time I've done this. What dose it actually mean?
how reliable is this test? usually my i and t don't change, yet sometimes I get intj and sometimes I get istp
Lincoln Barnes
>how reliable is this test? it's not reliable. cognitive function test is where it at. however even then it only bring slightly more accuracy because ultimately only you can type yourself.
Jace Brown
How do I behave more like this of I'm a directionless beta?
>So an INTJ could theoretically convincingly fake being an ENTJ? Yeah, if you're going to ramp up Te use then it wouldnt be much of a problem. Basically doing shit instead of dreaming about it.
Angel Gutierrez
I have Te and test as intj
Nathaniel Reyes
Male straight INFJ. I think women often mistake my gentleness and kindness for weakness. I've been tempering with being more assertive. I am still kind, but i try to show that i'm not a pushover, without seeking out conflict. Like a loving protective dog that snarls but doesn't feel the need to bark or bite. In many ways i have traits of an INTJ (and i've gotten that type on one test), and i want to integrate those I am diplomatic and i'm pursuing the career of a lawyer. I just show my strength in less obvious ways, and i think only one of my exes noticed that.
Kayden Torres
This test is inaccurate and has not changed ever since it was made up by 2 women that have never worked in the psychological field or adjusted their test accordingly.
These tests are bullshit, stop advocating this crap
Connor Phillips
ISFP-t pretty sure this is wrong, I really don't feel adventurous unless I'm drunk some of the questions were ambiguous, some related to things I've never experienced, or were parts of my personality I've made an effort to change being right was more important to me than not upsetting people, but I changed my mind when I got sick of constantly fighting with my family