How f*cked is Australia?

>House prices crash by 50 per cent, RBA launches $300 billion bank rescue in ‘outrageous’ forecast
>House prices collapse, Australia plunges into recession and a $300b bailout is needed to save the banks. Here’s how it could happen.

It's here. They've have been talking about it for almost 15 years, now that a bubble was growing.

>The Reserve Bank could be forced to step in with a $300 billion bailout program to rescue Australia’s banks if the housing credit crunch accelerates into a “doom loop” that causes property prices crash by 50 per cent, plunging the country into recession.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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To be blunt:
The aussie housing market is as much a chinese money laundering scheme as your's is.

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It's happening here as well.
Frankfurt is a prime example.

why was there deflation from the late 19th century to the mid 20th century?

It's everyone bro. It's not just one thing or race. Everyone bought like 3 homes as an investment. Even where I live people have done that. My cousin has 3 homes he's renting out. I honestly think he's screwed if the market dips just a bit too much. I only live in a small condo.

My guess. The australian economy was livestock for too long and couldn't keep up with the rest of the world insdustry. Just my opinion.

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Imagine having massive amounts of uranium and a energy supply problem as well as massive deserts that could use a by product of nuclear energy production (namely fresh water from cooling towers)
But cucking for coal and banning nuclear development
Fuck the Aussies.

>chinese money laundering scheme
>he doesn't realize it's a subversion tactic to collapse the nuclear family by driving housing costs up, driving birth rates down, importing more foreigners, rinse, repeat

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Bump. This shit is happening all over the world, Canada has suffered the exact same decline in housing prices that we have. This place is being shilled.

I don't know how bad it is in canada. But if I were to bet money on vancouver getting the worst of it with Toronto second. The prices in Vancouver are just inflated. Inflated.

It’s fucking fucked mate. Between the Chinese, and Muslim hordes (((diversifying))) your country and the political brainwashing there is no hope. It would not be an issue if people went there and integrated into western society but they don’t. I am so sorry. Hey, at least you don’t have 30 million nignogs like us. That number might even be higher.

The bubble affects mosty upscale innercity living space.

Daily reminder:
The Australian government will confiscate your savings to bail out failing banks

40 year old leaf here.

We in Vancouver are insanely fucked.

When I was growing up, 30 years ago, I could ride my bike around town and see 1-2 "bag ladys" they were called. Only if you went to Yaletown, now a fancy part of downtown, or to Skid row, AKA DTES or AKA Hastings and Main, could you see more bums and homeless.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT the city is practically overrun with homeless and mentally ill.

Also, chinks everywhere all driving nice cars and the Universities... well...

The chinks and boomers teamed up to fuck as many young white folk as possible with their hot insect money.

Vancouver is fucking doomed in the long term. No culture, no community, just a completely soulless place.

Thoughts on Calgary housing market?

>House prices crash by 50 per cent

Best news for Aussies ever. Why can’t housing prices drop 50% here??

Imagine having uranium
>gets robbed at screwdriver point
And empty space for waste
>daughter is raped with kebab knife
Fuck Aussies
>is arrested for h8 speech because you ate bacon in public

Every western nation has been betrayed but our gov user. What makes you think we have any more say in the going on of our nation than you do?..

I only own one house. Won't this only affect people who buy 10 or 20 houses?

If there is a truly catastrophic drop, there's a chance the entire foundation of the Australian economy will fall out from under us and there will be no telling what will happen after that.

Keep in mind that's if we have a, like, 15-20% drop within the next year and a bit. If we actually go back to 1990 price levels, prepare for Mad Max IRL. There could be race riots that make the Cronulla Riots look like a joke, mass murders, and even a civil war. I doubt that will happen though, too many people are invested on us having absurd prices.

>Oh no, the price to own your own land and home falls
Only anglo spawn would be so retarded as to consider land and housing something to be traded like a stock.

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Reminder to arm yourself while you can.

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I have no debt and 30k in the bank. I am looking forward to the inevitable crash and recession. Hopefully less chinks and niggers will come over and we can start to rebuild. Bonus if we run out of money to pay mudslimes to have 5 wives and 20 kids.

Why is my flag a union jack lel.

>30k in the bank
That's the same as having exactly nothing in the event of a crash.

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he's not wrong though. Chinks are plague and slimy little yellow scenester worms need to be banned from buying property in North America for the good of the country. Nothing creates jobs and stimulates the economy more than affordable housing. nothing.

Steven Keen predicted this. Canada is next. How can one leftist be so based?

Worse than nothing. If you have value stored in the bank you presumably spent time acquiring that value and now it's gone. If you have literally nothing then you spent no time acquiring it and therefor lose nothing in the event of a crash.

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Daily remind not to take on massive debt ya dumb fucks.

But of course the government will step in, save the banks and kicked the can down the road so that when it all does finally collapse it will make the 30s look like a joke

It's terrible here mate. People think investing means buying a property, building a deck and giving it a new coat of paint and then selling.

No wonder so many young people leave for better opportunities overseas. There's no one investing in business I want the economy, the banks, the rich cunts, the government and greedy boomers to fucking burn

The entire perception on nuclear energy of People down here in NZ and Aus is shaped by chernobyl and the Simpsons

dont worry, we're working hard to get our nignog count up

Why would it be mad max when a bunch of rich property investors lose a few zeros off their bank account? Most people would go on as usual and might have a chance to buy a house.

Buy a herd of cows lad

>If we actually go back to 1990 price levels
that would need like a 70% drop

The banking sector would collapse, credit would dry up completely (picture how the average household would do without any credit at all, how many people do you know that permanently have at least $3,000 in their bank accounts?), tourism would begin to collapse, the education sector would begin to collapse, and all we'd be left with would be a strong agricultural industry with some advanced but sparse manufacturing and a reliance on imports for our energy needs.

It wouldn't just be the property investors feeling it. All people would feel it one way or the other, and sooner or later the newly unemployed mechanic who can't even get an emergency payment from Centrelink will notice that all of the fucking Arabs and Africans are still getting their payments. Boom, race riots. Then they'd notice our politicians aren't doing anything, in fact that they caused everything. Boom, political assassinations. Add in some Chinese bullshit and you have a recipe for a revolution or civil war.

For most of recorded history we were at about those levels. I don't see any reason why we must stay where we are now.

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Protip; lower housing costs are good for the PEOPLE.

Aussiebro, my sister has been dating a lad from Melbourne. I was thinking I'd get live bants at family dinners, but the guy is a massive pussy with a smug attitude I invited him to the local gun range, and he said 'I dont believe in guns'. My sister told me she avoids certain streets because homeless bums make him have sad feels.
WTF is going on down there?

Yeah but it's bad for the bourgeoisie

Inflated? lmao vancouver is way worse than anything in Australia

It seems to be a strategy of the Chinese. First they want to buy something, they can't get enough of it. Be it minerals from mining, milk, housing, whatever. They can't get enough of it. The price goes up through the roof and owners get excited, they take on debt to expand.

Then one day the Chinese decide they don't want it anymore. The mine or the farm or the property investor goes broke.

Then they come back and offer to buy the bankrupt company.

It's over


can't wait to be able to buy a house in my own country.

boomers will be FUCKED

>rich property investors lose a few zeros off their bank account

Wrong, 50% of the insurance, finance, and construction industry will be unemployed

please just happen to my country already but hit us twice as hard in the west. I want to see the chinks and boomers cry

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>Aussie house prices crash 50%
>Mass suicides in Beijing ensue

Sounds like the perfect setup for a natsoc movement

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Wrong, if you can't buy a house now you NEVER will. If the market collapses unless you buy a house in straight cash they will not lend to you because conditions will be severely tightened. It will be like in America when the market collapsed all the cheap property was bought up in cash by massive holding companies then they reinflate the bubble and double their assets and have infinite cash flow from renting to the proles

It's over

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To where, Asia ?
New Zealand, Australia and Canada are where all the homo SWIPLs want to whiteflight.

red pill right here

went to Vancouver last year, so many job adverts in windows and on company vehicles but no one can afford to live there for what they're paying. pretty wild ride desu. kinda glad I never wound up emigrating to canada

adler is a piece of shit get a decent gun

Basic needs food/shelter/water should never be financialized. That's pure evil. Housing should be a liability, not an asset.

"Leave the neoclassicals to me"

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Get fucked Dingos
I want to hear you squeal

I'm from Melbourne too m8. The same thing is happening here as has happened to your once great nation. Decades of jew propaganda combined with easy living and and general weakness has created a generation of soiboys who have no backbone or spirit. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of us who know the score and as non-whites immigration continues its getting harder and harder to ignore the effects. Our media tries very hard to keep the boots on "racists" but it's starting not to work. Interestingly tho, having significant portions of non-whites in our population has been a very recent development . Everyone I know remembers what a basicly homogeneous society feels like because that's how it largely was up until now. There has been no 'slow boil' for us and as a result, the only thing keeping us "in line" is the media and social ostracism. Those things are start g to break down pretty fast and soon there will be nothing to hold back a very large wave of righteous anger towards traitorous politicians and the like.

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When I was last in Australia (my home) all my friends had just been or were still in Asia. even in shitholes like Indonesia and the Philippines lol.


t-thanks israel

>allowing gook regime cronies into your housing market with their mostly-untradable gook monopoly money
>these are the same gooks who oversupplied their own housing marking to the tune of 300 million housing units, even AFTER gooks bought 3 and 4 homes just to sit vacant
>this, assuming the apartment block constructed of particle board, paper waste and glued-together sand atop a mud foundation does not collapse before it is even 50% built

You have traitors in your government to even allow these gooks to buy property, and even more traitors that allow gooks to build anything more than 1 level tall

>Chinese money laundering
Basically this. Aussie, Canadian, and West Coast American government officials are getting a cut of the illicit profits.

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Just let cheaper houses happen. The free market has spoken.

Where is /aus/ pol when you need it ?

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banks just take your money and gamble with it. they have no plan except for to get more than last year

The property market is collapsing in Canada, now the government is preparing to bring back 30 year mortgages to win the next election

300 billion is a drop in the bucket. Try 3 trillion. Where's the money coming from? The government doesn't have it. They're idiots (well ofcourse they are) if they try bail out the banks. They're private institutions, they should be allowed to collapse. Australia is completely utterly fucked and many boomers and chinks are going to lose their shirt and be totally underwater on loans for the rest of their lives. For my part, I will make sure to spit on their corpses once they realize their fate and jump to their deaths.


Simple fact is we shouldn't save the banks

I agree 100%. Wars have been fought for far less.

When they say "right wing terrorism" is the bigger threat, they mean that white men are going to get sick of being prevented from having a house and family. They're psychologically conditioning society to accept the use of lethal force in these cases

there shouldnt be any banks but a national one to begin with

This is the reason I have an overseas bank account ready to receive at a moments notice

>Australia plunges into recession and a $300b bailout is needed to save the banks.
obvious shilling for banks detected.
Sydney and Melbourne are multi-cultural shitholes.
Canada is fucked beyond belief.

That's the mistake everyone else made and look how well it turned out for them. Fuck the banks. It's like going down the casino and bailing out some cunt at the pokies because he lost his paycheck.

the govt has been propping the bubble up for years and will do everything in its power to keep the bubble going because most pollies have heavily invested in the property market

You will be spared the rake, my leafy friend.

That's fine. The longer it goes on the worse it will be for them. Live by the bubble, die by the bubble.

Well they wont be using my savings since I have a whole $10 thanks to traitorous fucks selling us out.

>Fuck the Aussies.
fuck our politicians, both yours and mine. they sell us out to line their pockets.

he predicted nothing.
1) it hasn't happened
2) everyone. EVERYONE in our media have been talking about this happening since the last world economic crisis.

Won't be using mine either, I don't fucken have any. I'm also entirely debt free so I figure even with no money I'm still about $500,000+ better off than all these dumb faggots that jumped on the housing bubble train. The wave of divorces and family breakdown and misery the normies are going to experience from this will be deliciously salty indeed. 24/7 suicide watch.

the houses will drop 50% and the chinks will just buy them all again because the chinks can outbid the native australians and they would rather take their chances having their money in real estate here than in china

How do so many Chinese people have so much money? There is no fucking way they got it legally. They are all over Los Angeles and the surrounding area now, almost all are recent immigrants, and there is mile after mile of extremely wealthy Chinese neighborhoods. It looks like Colonization

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Chinks are having the same thing happen there. Chink money is gonna dry up soon.

Housing market speculation. They're nigger rich from chink McMansions.

If only you knew how bad things really are

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Major economic collapse is the only hope for white people
Social welfare and charity is a white killer

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Down 50%?
If that was the case I would buy one.
Royal commission into banks will force them to lend responsibly which will make it cheaper for rich Chinese to buy houses and Aussies won't be able to get finance.
We are fucked thanks to greedy bankers.

mosty "corrupt officials" who try getting their money away from other corrupt chinese officials.
But since every chink is corrupt...

wasnt it about a year ago, you aussies complained about chinese buying up everything to hyperinflate housing prices. Almost, like all this was intended and predictable

They're coming to YOU next

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>chinks will lose money
Who gives a fuck

Austrlians are too lazy to fight for anything

Chinks will recoup their value drop in houses bought by buying more cheap houses and renting them back to us cause we won't be able to get loans to buy anything.

Let them crash, chinks blown the fuck out.

>Royal commission

>he unironically thinks that was anything but a whitewash which will ultimately make everything more profitable for the banks

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Grace was hot.

The banks are criminal enterprises, move your money into crypto and precious metals (buy both)

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Land, guns and ammo.

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None of the big wigs will face charges but responsible lending will be introduced. We won't be able to finance anything which will drop house prices so chinks can buy them cheaply.
You are right but the banks making the profit will be foreign banks.
This is going to fuck us in ways no one predicted due to analysts assuming our banks won't be fully fucked in the long run.
Even bailing banks out will hurt them due to public putting cash into foreign banks.
Labor will win election and fuck shit up on a grand scale.

My grandpa and his fathers before him are rolling in their graves.

I have no debt and $400K in the bank. I have been waiting for 10 years. Stupidest thing I have ever done desu.

Aus gov guarantees deposits up to 200K though.