Ok this is redpilled

Truly relatble

Attached: cc71c86.jpg (1100x1700, 300K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: meok.jpg (688x705, 71K)

Attached: 1528618088814.jpg (2400x3000, 1.87M)

Truly eye-opening.

Oh, wait, he's Asian. Sad.

Attached: 1535236339426.png (751x751, 413K)

wow look how good he was at 5 and then never improved. This is so sad.


Attached: 1549309448533m.jpg (1024x662, 99K)

Damn this destoryed pol's """"brain"""

Attached: 7d1a9ec2-c30f-4804-aac3-b8f41c875444.jpg (1100x1700, 670K)

Attached: 9BE9FA39-F003-4602-9E91-6BD0F46BE912.jpg (168x300, 14K)

Don't these fucking people ever get tired of pushing this fucking shit?