Why is one role more important than the other?

Why is one role more important than the other?

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I should've become a water mechanic I heard if you have ur own water repair shop u make bank bro

Slide thread. Drop a redpill and leave.

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Occupy Democrats is trolling the left, I swear to god. That or a lot of these images I see here are fake.

Is occupydemocrats a false flag? There's no way this is real.

One is an oversaturated market, the other is a necessity if overlooked can destory said oversaturated market.

Why do "slide thread warnings" link or posts pics of schizophrenic drivel?

Agreed. This is now an info dump

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It's not fair but you have to give them something otherwise they become hysterical.

There's been speculation that its a psych-op funded by the more conservative elements of the Democrat party.

>Ones makes food, the other whyte racist who will knock you off with a wrench if he doesnt get $62/hr

Every dumbfuck can assemble fast food, not everyone can fix shit.

Skills dummy. Any retard can learn to work fast food in a week. Probably takes at least five years to become wrench hut and he is continually honing his abilities and getting better.

It's because of misagony

*guy not ‘hut’
Phoneposter here.

Amen. In all fields.

>Why is one role more important than the other?
You can go a month without eating, but no more than a week without water.
In fact, you don't need fast food at all.

Wait, is this a statement about the gender wage gap, or a statement about food vs. water?

Might as well be both. What's more "important" is male-dominated.

WET wishes they could get $62/hr

More like, one serves food, requires no training.

The other repairs equipment of all types so you can have water, power, heat, air conditioning, food, transportation, upon demand. Requires years of experience.

more like one brings you prepared food while other one makes you you have water in your house

Do you deserve better livelihood money because of muh reserve wage?

You are not paid based on your importance. You are paid based on the scarcity of what you have to offer. Scarcity is a combination of supply and demand.

Low supply, low demand means few people can or are willing to do a thing, but no one wants to pay real money for it anyways, so these jobs don't really exist. Example : (ex)Writer for Buzzfeed, people who try to make a living off ASMR videos on YouTube, Social Justice Activists, Mommy Bloggers.

High supply, low demand means no one is willing to pay you a lot to do something, because they can probably do it themselves just fine and even then, they can get someone to do it for them for very little. Most people are willing and able to do these jobs if they have no alternative. Example : Mowing a lawn, operating a cash register.

High supply, high demand means there will probably be some scarcity but not a ton. People can earn a decent living at these jobs. Example : Local entertainment/band, car mechanic, computer repair.

High demand, low supply means you earn the big bucks. Few people are capable or willing to do the job, or people have very high standards for how the job is done, therefore they are willing to pay the most. Example : Lawyer, doctor, high end engineering, soldier of fortune.

to be fair the plumber, legit plumber, has saved more lives than all the doctors throughout history combined.

t. Plumber

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Jeff Besos makes more in 3 minutes taking a shit in the toilet whilst I have to work my arse off stacking shelves at Tesco just to make £15k a year.

Capitalism has failed.

I make my own food and I built my own well on my own land
Fuck off dependent niggers

guy on the right makes like 18 dollars an hour. sick of tradies lying on the internet.

the left is 6 times as expendable (if not more due to minimum wages)

Because mostly they are.

>One gives you greasy food that gives your heart disease, the other gives you clean drinking water

gee, i wonder why

This can't be real

On the left feeds you GMO and pesticides while on the right feeds you sodium fluoride. Both work for (((them))).


At $91/hr, that whole STEM thing has really paid off. Glad my folks pushed me in that direction.

I don't know who made this but it's glorious. Everything about it is wrong but the left will get behind it.

Economics is hard when you have the IQ of a chimp.

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Are all burgerland burger flippers skilled enough to design and/or execute the necessary pipework at a water treatment plant?
Because why waste precious skills flipping burgers like a fucking gender studies major instead of working for a harder but much better payed job?

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One requires a 1 hour training film and 8 ours of supervision. The other requires years of school and apprenticeship. You can last 3 weeks without food, You will only last 3 days without water. seems one is naturally more important than the other.

Did she really say that? Source?

I know she doesn't understand how unemployment works, but damn.

the man's job is always more important. That's why you need a man to do it.

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How much training does it take to flip a burger or to bring one to a table? How long does it feed a person?

How long does it take to train a mechanic to fix a highly complex machine and the risks it involves if done poorly? How long does a car serve a person?

>Not taking the fluid dynamicist pill.

>Economics is hard when you have the IQ of a chimp.

Please be an actual quote. sauce??

>Occupy Democrats is trolling the left, I swear to god. That or a lot of these images I see here are fake.
They're all fake now. But the idea of making these pictures with the "Occupy Democrats" template that contain obviously retarded arguments didn't come from nowhere, they were directly inspired by the original sincerely retarded pictures people were making under this label.

I know right, she undistinguishable from parody.

I’m a QA food scientist and I make 40 an hour. Maybe it’s more about skill and investment of time into said skill?

Water you can go many days without food.

All good humans should experience a 7 day fast at least once in their life and make an effort to fast every so often.

Pharmacist or computer scientist ?

Also like I said there are better jobs in food like being a food scientist. When I was 16 to 20 I flipped burgers and made sandwhiches.

I am pretty sure the second's participation brings more than 6 times the weight of the former.

Then there is the necessity of each, complexity of the task, damage costs when one seriously fucks up, health risks of what is produced and the vastness of OP's faggotry.

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Plz be actual quote.

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Number three is my favorite, that bitch must have been the tard that ate the paint and paste.

Those fries look like they're fucking shit. $11/hour is too much for that cunt. Can't even cook fries. Goddamn.


I don't think it's real. Everyone with an IQ of 50+ knows why a pipe fitter gets paid more and would agree that it is fair.

Can agree with that. I do my best thinking where a plumber does his best work.

A proper slide warning includes a link to the thread being slid. Any slide warning that doesn't do this can be safely ignored and is equivalent to a "fuck off and saged" tier shitpost.

You just quoted speculation


How are you NOT starting your own business under TRUMP? Too degenerate you faggot nigger kike spic jiggaboo coon nigger.

*One serves shit, the other one gives you fluoride.
There, fixed that for you.

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yes. next

Fixed it

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Replace the plumber with a banker

So one assembles food like a 2 year old playing with fucking blocks and one stops my house from getting wrecked by a broken pipe.

Journeyman union electricians in my state make $42 an hour

Fast food is for high school kids, the handicapped, and retirees

Took me a while.

Anyone can cook. Few people (read: only white and Asian men) can make shit water from sewers back into potable drinking water.

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>Why is one role more important than the other?
One has a fuckton of student debt, and the other does not.

Because the mother fucker on the right has a wrench in his hand, and has to actually fix things.
He doesn't serve you water. He doesn't really work with water. He maintains the facility in which water is purified and made fresh so you don't fucking die.
He has to engineer.
The bitch on the left probably didn't even cook that food.
Also saged.

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you tell me

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>comparing burger flipping to a trade skill
This is designed to get stupid young people involved/angry at capitalism, and like i say all the time young people and trendy women are the downfall of modern politics.

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Plumbers can charge outrageous fees because they can. If you need to call a plumber on a Sunday watch out.

If he is a self employed plumber he just might make 62/hour. However that doesn't mean he pockets that much. He still has to pay his business expenses before he pays himself.

It's fake, but accurate.

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Tig welders also make crazy good money.
You have to be a really good welder though.

>McGoyim GMO MSG-laden food
>toxic unpurified flouridated tap water technician

both deserve to rot in the streets

Im a plumber my line on a Sunday is rent a fancy hotel for the night, because my minimum callout is 1000 bucks.

I'd rather wait till Monday morning and have to miss work.
If my house is filling up with water I'll just shut the water off at the main valve and use bottled water for the weekend.
I already have to buy water by the gallon for drinking and cooking because murica.

But tradesmen don't get paid by the hour? Or is this taking their total salary / hours worked?

I wonder the same fucking thing. They're alway blatantly false about everything they post. Isn't that what "Occupy" would stand for? A literal occupation by right-wing groups for shitposting?

>But tradesmen don't get paid by the hour? Or is this taking their total salary / hours worked?
I get paid by the hour. I also get benefits including medical, dental, vision, pension and an annuity. My medical benefits are top tier. My hourly rate is somewhere around $70 if you add it all together with my cash in check.

t. Pipefitter

>One gives you greasy food that gives your heart disease, the other gives you fluoride-laden poison

I don't get it. Why'd you reverse the pic on the right?

I've worked in water treatment plants and you can die instantly from the H2S shitgas

You're completely wrong. Plumbers deserve a good wage. It takes a large skillset to be a plumber and/or pipe fitter.

based. fellow STEM major here, what did you study? doin Chem Eng

that’s what I like about the internet. I can watch a ducking video on YouTube and learn to do shit myself without having to rely on some mouthbreathjng cockfaggot to charge me for breathing my air.

A Left-Wing politician made a very similar argument here in Australia recently. Facepalm.

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The Berlin Wall was built long after WWII. Are Democrats really this stupid?

Mechanics don’t get paid that, you crack addict.

Don't get yellow mustardded

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Fucking simpleton