Why is one role more important than the other?

Why is one role more important than the other?

Attached: democrat.jpg (800x600, 108K)

I should've become a water mechanic I heard if you have ur own water repair shop u make bank bro

Slide thread. Drop a redpill and leave.

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Occupy Democrats is trolling the left, I swear to god. That or a lot of these images I see here are fake.

Is occupydemocrats a false flag? There's no way this is real.

One is an oversaturated market, the other is a necessity if overlooked can destory said oversaturated market.

Why do "slide thread warnings" link or posts pics of schizophrenic drivel?

Agreed. This is now an info dump

Attached: 1377529364743.png (1537x585, 1.04M)

It's not fair but you have to give them something otherwise they become hysterical.

There's been speculation that its a psych-op funded by the more conservative elements of the Democrat party.